I think Im In Love Part 1

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February 1st, 2015 (in the story)

Leafy's POV:
Bap!Bap!Bap! I got up to the usual sounds of my alarm clock. I got up and put on dark blue jeans along with a light green long sleeve shirt that said, "I like eggs!" with a picture of a fried egg with a face. Firey would be laughing, lol. I put on a soft purple sweater and went to get myself some cereal. I kind of wished my parents would be there but they are almost always at work.
-Hmm..- I thought. I felt like today was going to be somehow different than the others. Probably nothing. I turned on the TV and saw the date on the side, and I remembered what day it was. February 1st, huh? -Firey must be pretty happy about it,- I thought as I grabbed my backpack.

Firey's POV:
Oh my gardener, I am so excited! Not just because it is the beginning of a new month, (which Leafy knows makes me happy) it's also because last night I realized that I love her! So I'm going to tell her that today. I quickly got ready and picked up my bag and stepped out the door. I hummed a tune as I crossed the street.. and I saw Leafy just stepping out of her house. -Okay,- I thought. -I'd better practice my lines. Ok, umm... Leafy, I realized something very important that I wanted to tell you. I'm in love with you, and I think you are an amazing girl with beauty and a great personality. Do you like me?- I recited my lines in my head. "Uh... Hey Firey! Why were you watching me?" Leafy asked. "Oh, uh, sorry if that creeped you out. I just wanted to tell you somethaaa.." I stopped for some reason. I tried to get my brain going again. -REMEMBER YOUR LINES!!- I yelled at myself in my head. "Er.. you mean something?" Leafy asked. "Yes," I answered. -This is the moment!- I thought. I took a deep breath, and when I told Leafy what I wanted to say...........it didn't come out as planned. I forgot my lines. "Leafy, I remembered something very important that I want to tell you. I like your personality, and your shirt looks beautiful... and um.. Do you appreciate me?" The moment I heard myself I knew I sounded like I had no idea what I was talking about. I want to face-palm myself right now. "Uhh... Thanks... Firey? Er I've gotta run catch you at school see ya bye!" Leafy ran off looking scared. I feel like a total idiot. Just Great. Now Leafy thinks I'm creepy and she's scared of me. Definetely not my goal. No way I'm trying that again. Leafy might just stop being friends with me! And that's even worse. I better fix this somehow!

Leafy's POV:
I'm so tired. Tired of running. And I can't believe I just ran away from Firey. He's acting weird this morning. Actually not just weird. Kinda creepy too. But I understand him, maybe he had a bad dream or something. The bell rang, and I went up the stairs and through the grade 8 hall to my locker. Firey was standing there. "Hey Leafy, I'm sorry for acting so weird this morning. Could you forgive me?" He asked. "Lol, yeah, it's all good. No worries." I smiled at him. He smiled back. And that's when it happened. The moment he smiled back at me, I felt a tickle in my chest. I closed my eyes, and I felt really happy. And my heart had told it all to me: I loved him. I literally fell into my locker just thinking about it. When I opened my eyes, I realized Firey was staring at me oddly. "You ok?" he asked. "lol, yeah." I said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my locker. He walked in front of me and we both headed to French class. I was blushing because he grabbed my hand!! I felt like a totally different person. Love had taken over my life!!

Firey's POV:
I turned around to make sure Leafy was still behind me. She was, but she was smiling a lot for some reason and whenever I turned she seemed to look at the ceiling or someone's locker. I wondered why she was so happy. I sure wasn't too happy because I totally messed up my romance speech to Leafy and we were having French class. Today we have that supply teacher that always gives us these long lectures about stuff we already know and makes us listen without letting us say a word, not even if you want to use the lavatory. (Washroom.) But I was ok, I guess, because Leafy would be there. I started thinking about how weird Leafy just acted. When I smiled back at her she closed her eyes and fell backwards into her locker! Some people were watching and staring at this girl who was lying down with French folders in her hands in her locker. Weird, but coincidental how we both act weird today. LOL!

2:45 Homeroom

Leafy's POV:
I was still thinking about Firey when we walked back into homeroom for the last period of the day. Our teacher, Ms. Quire, handed out a pink piece of paper to everyone. "Read it quietly at your desk," she told us. Once I got the paper, I read it. It said:


Wow. A dance? Cool! I noticed the part where it said "dates allowed" and I noticed that more than anything! So I started day dreaming of Firey and I at the dance. I thought of asking him, but even thinking of it made me blush. I'm slightly shy, but now somehow I'm extremely shy in front of Firey. The bell rang for dissmissal. -Wow, that was a short period- I thought. I grabbed my coat and my bag from my locker, and got the courage to walk up to Firey. "So there's a dance! What do you think of that?" I curiously asked him. "Oh, it's sounds pretty cool. I've never been to a dance before." he answered. "Really? Me neither! But I know how to do all the dances." I told him. "Cool. I do too. Well except the salsa. I don't know that one!" Firey laughed. "Lol, don't worry, I won't ask you to demonstrate it!" I laughed along with him. Ah, love . At least for me.

10 minutes later

Firey POV:
I swung open my door and my parents were there. They had gotten home from work. "Hello Firey, how was your day?" my mother asked me. "Yeah Firey, What's goin' on for ya?" asked my father. I decided to tell them about Leafy, and the dance. "Well, I sort of think I have this crush on Leafy.." I started. "Leafy?" My mother asked. "That's great! She is funny and kind, and you two should go out! After all, you two are almost in high school."she continued. "Er, yeah.." I said, "But I want to ask her out on a specific day." I told them. "When?" Asked my father. "February 14. Not only because it's V-day, but because there will be a semi-formal Valentine dance and I wanted to maybe ask her there? It's going to be right after lunch." I mentioned. "Aww, that's so sweet!" said my mother. "Our little boy is becoming a man!" said my father using a low-pitched voice, while flexing his biceps. My mother laughed. I went to my room. I pulled out the pink paper with info on the dance. This time I realized the part where it said 'DATES ALLOWED'. I looked up. The very chance to get Leafy. Only this time I would have to be careful. -I can do this!- I thought, and started thinking of how I would make it work.

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