Weather Condition Part 1

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Another long chapter. ENJOY

February 9th, 2015

7:40 AM

Firey's POV:
As I grabbed my bag to leave for school, I turned on the TV to quickly check the temperature. What I saw next I did not hope to see. -24 degrees celsius?! That is a freaking cold snap. I grabbed an extra sweater, turned off the TV and went out the door. I walked over to Leafy's house and saw her just leaving. I decided to sneak up on her, just for a little fun! As I got nearby, I saw she was wearing earphones, and I could hear the music. I'm pretty sure it was "Dustland Fairytale" by The Killers. (Authors Note: that's my fave song in real life!) I could hear the lyrics quite well; "And just another white-trash county kiss," it softly lulled. "In 61, long brown hair, and foolish eyes." I liked that song, how it was slow at the beginning and then got fast. But no time for that. "Hey Leafy!" I said, slightly louder than usual. "AAAH!" she screamed. She turned around, and her cell fell out of her hands! It would've landed on the solid concrete, but I caught it. "Firey! Don't do that!" She told me. "But, on another note, thank you." she added. "It's just me!" I laughed, and patted her shoulder lightly. She blushed and turned in the other direction. Then I blushed for some reason and also turned. When we finally turned our heads back, Leafy faced me.

Leafy's POV:
I asked Firey, "Uh... How long have you been standing there exactly?" "Oh, uh, just got there few seconds before I freaked you," he laughed a little, but not in a mean way. That's another thing I like about him. He can tease you without having it seem mean. I took off my earbuds as we walked to school. "Cold weather, eh?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm freezing. I should've taken another sweater." I answered. "Here, take my jacket. I have three layers on already." He quickly took off his jacket and handed it to me. I gasped "No! I couldn't take your-" "Leafy, take it. I'm sweating," he laughed. So I put on his jacket. That was really nice of him. We reached the school just as the bell rang, and we ran inside.

3:20 End of the day

Firey's POV:
I put on my jacket and grabbed my bag. I was coming over to Leafy's house, and she said she wanted to finish the vampire movie. I waited for her to finish packing her stuff, then we walked down the grade 8 hall to the exit stairwell. "Move out of my way, idiots!" some guy yelled and he pushed Leafy. She went flying off the stairs and almost landed on the steps. I couldn't let her hurt herself. So I ran and leapt over the stairs and caught her in my arms just in time, but I hit the wall. Hard. I didn't let her fall out of my arms, though. My shoulder started bleeding. THAT hard. I looked down at Leafy. "Are you alright?" I asked her. "Yeah, thanks. But YOURE the one bleeding, Firey! Why'd you do it? Why didn't you let me fall?" She looked confused at me. -Because I love you,- I thought to myself. "Because- Because if I can save you once, I can do it again." I answered. "And ? Firey, I know there's more. That's not a solid reason." she looked at me with confused eyes. Those beautiful green eyes, that looked the most innocent ever. "Well?" She asked. "I thought you knew. I told you, I would do lots of things for my good friend," I told her. "Oh, yeah." she said. I looked down and saw a puddle of blood, and a waterfall of blood falling off of my shoulder. Suddenly I went lightheaded. I fell to the floor and all was pitch black.

Leafy's POV:
"Firey! NO!" I yelled frantically. He slumped down to the floor, unconscious. I tried to pick him up, but he was too heavy for me alone to hold him. "Someone, help!" I yelled at the passing students. I looked frantically for a teacher. None. Wow, when you don't want them they're always on you, but times like these? Nope. I spotted the 4 girls. I ran to them. "Help!!" I yelled at them. "Woah What is it?" They asked. "Come!" I replied, and ran back to Firey. "Oh my mother of yeast, what's happened?!" two of them freaked out. "How did it happen?!" The other two asked. "I'll explain later. Someone help me carry him to the nurse office!" I yelled. One of the girls grabbed his lower back and legs and I held him by the upper back. We walked slightly fast, as we didn't want to drop Firey, while the others were a few steps ahead. "So what happened?" Asked the three girls in front of us. "Well, some one was rushing through the halls and screamed at people to move, and since I was in his way, he shoved me off the stairs, and Firey jumped, caught me, and he landed in the corner and his shoulder hit against the wall as he landed." I explained. "That's what I saw." I added. "Awwww!" They cooed. "He so totally loves you! He saved you like, twice or somethin." I blushed. "You th-think h-he l-l-loves me?" I stuttered. "TOTALLY GIRL!" They cooed in synchrony. "Do you love him?" They asked me. "Yes, I do." I answered. "Did you like it when he kissed you on your cheek?" they asked. Wait, what? "How did you know he kissed me?" I asked with big eyes. "Oh, u- Uh, Pin told us." Said one of them. "Ok..." I said slowly. "Yes, I did." I whispered. We finally reached the nurse office, and the nurse gasped when we told her how much blood he'd lost. She took him from me and one of the girl's arms and laid him on the bed. "Time to go, girls. I'm sorry, but this might take about an hour." I frowned. The 4 girls sighed and left. But me, I stayed behind... I needed to be there for Firey... If he was there for me I would be too.

A/N: I've been hit with 3 big projects to 'hit off our grades for term 2' and they lower and lower my Tim on wattpad. But they won't be as slow as this one was, I promise. I'll try my best!

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