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[next day]
Jimin wakes up to the sound of someone knocking at his door as well as the door opening, so he sits up and looks over, seeing one of the girls. "What?" He asks groggily. "Who's Ryan!?" She basically shouts and Jimin's heart drops. "What!?" He basically shouts back and the girl slaps her forehead. "Jimin what did you do?" She asks. "Nothing! I was just talking to him," Jimin explains and gets out of bed, ruffling his hair as he did so. "Did you tell him you lived here?" She asks and Jimin freezes.

"Ok in my defence you guys told me to never give down a question and to lie as little as I could, Plus! He was drunk! I didn't think he would remember," Jimin explains and the girl sighs. "At least you listened to that," she mumbles. "Wait, is he liked, here?" Jimin then asks. "Duh! Yeah he is this is why I'm here!" She exclaims and Jimin groans because he wasn't even dressed up, only wearing shorts.

"Can you tell him to go away?" Jimin asks, "Don't you think I already tried, just go like that and he probably won't want you anymore," she says and Jimin sighs. "Fine," he mumbles and walks out his room. The girl follows and they go down to the front of the empty restaurant, seeing Ryan waiting for them patiently. "I'll be here just in case," she says and Jimin nods, feeling his heart beating nervously.

He walks over to the door and opens it, and Ryan looks over and was a bit taken back. "Look, let's make this quick-" "Jaida? You're a boy?" Ryan cuts him off. "Yes I am, so you can leave now," Jimin says and goes to close the door but Ryan steps closer and stops him. "You could've told me, I like boys who dress up," he says rather creepily while looking at Jimin's chest. Jimin's eyes widened and he scoffs, "No, it's not gonna work," Jimin says, "but you're into me! Right?" Ryan wonders and Jimin rolls his eyes.

"It's my job to make you think that, now go, you can come back tonight," Jimin says and closes the door on him. Ryan scoffs with disbelief before walking away. Jimin crosses his arms and then walks back upstairs, the girl following him. "Well that was easier than I thought it would be," she says. "Really?" Jimin wonders. "Yeah, usually when people come back they make a much bigger fuss," the girl explains. Jimin hums and then goes back to his bed, snuggling under the blankets and falling back asleep.

[couple days later]
Jimin comes down all ready for his shift, walking over to the front and greeting the first customers. He sits them down with menus and and then got them their drinks. As time went by more girls came down and helped as more and more people showed up. Nearing midnight Jimin sees Ryan walking in alone. He walks over and grabs a menu, "alone?" He wonders and Ryan nods as he looks down at him.

So Jimin signs for him to follow while walking over to a seat for one. He hands Ryan his menu then pulls out his notepad, "what would you like to drink?" He asks and Ryan just looks at him. "That voice isn't even your real one," he says and Jimin nods, "correct," he says. "And your name probably isn't even Jaida," he adds with disbelief. "Nope," Jimin replies and Ryan really couldn't believe it. "Everything is a lie," he mumbles.

"Honey, do you want to drink something or not?" Jimin then asks a bit annoyed since he doesn't want others to hear that he's a boy, that would ruin his reputation and people will most likely harass him way more. "Yeah get me the biggest glass of beer you have," Ryan replies and Jimin nods and makes his way to the kitchen. "Is he bothering you?" The girl who first greeted Ryan asks as she approached Jimin. "No, well kinda but I can deal with him," Jimin says and keeps filling up the glass. "How about you go and serve the new customers and I'll take care of him ok?" She says and Jimin looks up at her.

"C'mon, you're still a kid to me, I'm not letting you get in danger," she says and takes the cup of beer out of Jimin's hands while walking away. Jimin smiles a bit, glad to have people that care, while walking to the front of the restaurant.

"Jaida!" Ryan yells from the front door and Jimin looks back, seeing Ryan signing for him to come over. So he walks over, "what's your real name?" He asks. "I'm not telling you that," Jimin replies and goes to walk away but he grabs onto him and holds his arm tightly. Jimin looks back and he knows he was told to hit whoever dared touch him but he couldn't bring himself too, feeling too scared as it reminded him too much of many things.

"Look, I'm not pissed that your a boy, I still like you so we can make things work, plus I've always wanted to be with a boy," Ryan says, trying to convince Jimin to be with him. "N-No, I don't even like you, I don't like guys who touch me either," Jimin says in a panicked way as he looked at Ryan's hand on him. Ryan doesn't let go tho and he instead pulls Jimin closer while cautiously looking around the empty restaurant since they were closing. "I feel like you don't understand, but when a guy says he likes you, you don't have a choice," Ryan explains as if he was right and Jimin's heart sinks.

He can't help but start tearing up, memories filling up his mind like a movie and since Ryan was tipsy he still didn't seem to care. "If- If you don't let go I'll, s-scream," Jimin says as he holds back a sob. "That doesn't scare me," Ryan mumbles and puts a hand over Jimin's mouth.

"Hey!" Charleez is heard yelling and Ryan looks up before quickly letting go of Jimin who runs off to the back. "How dare you touch one of my girls!" Charleez yells before grabbing his collar and punching Ryan right in the nose. Ryan groans out and groans again after being thrown outside. Jimin watched a bit shocked and Charleez sighs annoyed but when she sees Jimin she quickly relaxes.

"Are you ok? Why did he grab you like that?" She wonders worried while walking closer. Jimin sniffles and tries not to cry, "he- he found out I was a boy, and, and tried to convince me to be with him, e-even tho I said no," Jimin explains even tho it wasn't the full story and Charleez couldn't believe this happened. "I'm so sorry that happened baby, it's not your fault, those guys are creeps who deserve nothing in life," she reassured and then hands out her hand. Jimin grabs it and Charleez warmly smiles at him. "Let's get you ready for bed now," she says and Jimin nods while blinking away the tears.

They walk up and head to Jimin's room, and Jimin sits down in front of the vanity while Charleez closed the door. Then she walks over and takes out the makeup remover and wipes before starting to gently wipe at Jimin's face. It brings back memories of when Namjoon gave Jimin his one and only bath after slicing him up basically, gently wiping the blood off his cheek. Charleez gently goes over the scar and Jimin gulps down the tears, not wanting to cry. He's cried too much.

It stays quiet and Charleez keeps removing the makeup before taking off the wig and brushing Jimin's hair. She then grabs Jimin's hand and wipes away the makeup from his wrist and they both look down at the date. Jimin still remembers the horror he felt after seeing the sight of his family butchered up and no longer human. He looks away and holds his breath, really not wanting to cry.

Charleez throws away the makeup wipes and then gets Jimin some comfy clothes while Jimin got out of the outfit. She hands them to him and lets Jimin get dressed before opening her arms. Jimin happily hugged her and she wraps her arms around him. "Thank you," he mumbles. "No problem baby," she replies and Jimin smiles, feeling so comforted because Charleez reminded him a lot of his mom. It felt as if he could finally give her a big hug after wanting to for a while.

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