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[3 weeks later]
Everything has been a rollercoaster for the past three weeks. There were days where Jimin and Namjoon didn't even dare speak to each other and then other days where after Namjoon got drunk out of his mind they would cuddle up and apologize to each other. It was very toxic, and Jimin was getting really tired of feeling scared that anything he'll do we'll make Namjoon go nuts and hurt him. Since he did beat him a couple times out of anger. It all hurt so much and Jimin just wanted to hug his mom.

Today Jimin sat on the living room couch, and it was sunset. He has been granted the liberty of roaming the castle since he basically made a deal with Namjoon that if he left he could kill him. So Jimin has basically explored the castle a bunch of times to pass time and to also get away from Namjoon.

Anyways, Jimin hasn't seen Namjoon all day today, he woke up without him and spent the whole day wondering where he was because usually Namjoon checks up on him from time to time. Especially when he's super injured like how he is right now. Jimin had a couple new wounds on him as well as bruises, his whole body felt sore.

After more time passed by Jimin got tired and decided to go back to the room to sleep. As he walked by the front doors to the castle tho, they open. Thinking it was Namjoon, Jimin stops and looks over but instead it was a different man. "Who are you?" Jimin asks, not feeling afraid. The man looks at him and smiles before walking closer, "I'm, Namjoon's friend, and currently he got hurt so he wants me to take you to make sure you don't run off," the man explains and Jimin looks at him confused. "I don't think so," he replies and goes to walk away but the man grabs him before shoving something in his arm.

"Ow!" Jimin exclaims and looks over only to see that a syringe was in his arm and the man was pushing in some sort of purple liquid. Before Jimin could freak out too much tho he instantly starts to feel a bit off. After the man pulled out the syringe, Jimin falls into his arms and the man picks him up carefully before starting to walk out.

"That was quick," Taehyung says as he watches Hoseok carry Jimin away. "Yeah, he was technically right in front of the door," Hoseok says and keeps walking. They arrive at his car and Hoseok places Jimin in the back seat before getting in the drivers seat and driving away. Taehyung stays back and then made his way to the dungeon where he and others that already left, had successfully got Namjoon and Jungkook tied up in chairs. He walks over to Jungkook's cell of course, and Jungkook looks at him as he cried. He was scared, nothing like this has ever happened to him before. Especially from someone he thought he could trust.

"Don't cry my love," Taehyung says and then wipes Jungkook's tears away. Since he had duct tape over his mouth, no answers followed. "You know I'm only doing this because my boss wants to," Taehyung says before straddling his lap. Jungkook turns his head away as he tenses and Taehyung runs his hand through his hair. "You know," Taehyung starts before leaning closes to Jungkook's ear. "I could let you go, but.. only if you come to my side and leave that dickhead boss of yours," Taehyung whispers in a rather inviting tone.

Jungkook's stomach turns nervously, and he didn't quite know how to reply to what Taehyung is offering. To him Namjoon wasn't a dickhead boss, yes he's mean to others but not to him. He sees Namjoon like an older brother, and he did practically save him from being homeless too so really if anything, Jungkook admires Namjoon. At the same time tho, Taehyung is his childhood best friend, his first love. Even tho he got betrayed so many times by him as well as used left and right by him, he still felt drawn to wanting to be with Taehyung. It was bad. 

"Then, we could play together all the time," Taehyung whispers before kissing Jungkook's ear. Jungkook closes his eyes as he gulps, wondering what he should do. "It's your choice baby, I'm giving you five minutes, because I need to leave," Taehyung says while pulling away and Jungkook looks up at him with even more tears rushing down his face. Taehyung then grabs the edge of the duct tape before ripping it off and Jungkook groans a bit in pain.

Taehyung grabs Jungkook's face after, and looks right into his teary eyes, "what's your answer, hmm?" He asks. Jungkook gulps again, and thinks about Namjoon, what he would think. He would most likely get angry, and everyone knows that angry Namjoon is dangerous. But Taehyung is his first love and Jungkook for some reason is weak under his gaze, he wants to give in.

"I-I'll go with you," Jungkook mumbles and Taehyung widely smiles. "Perfect," he says and gets off of Jungkook before starting to cut the rope. After that he grabs Jungkook's hand and dashes out the dungeon with him.

Jimin wakes up with a loud gasp as he sits up from where he laid, instantly he looks around and knows he isn't in the castle. He doesn't hesitate and gets out of the bed before rushing to the door which surprisingly wasn't locked. Jimin runs out of the room but when he looks down the hallways it led to a wall, and when he looked the other way it also led to a wall. Confused he looks back into the room and goes to one of the windows, he looks out and also surprisingly he was on the first level and the ground was right there.

So Jimin opens the window that was once more is surprisingly unlocked, then crawls out of the room. He didn't think anything bad will happen since it's almost as if they wanted him to escape with how easy this is. Jimin starts walking around wondering where he was even tho it's the middle of the night. He keeps walking but gets flashed by a flashlight. Jimin covers his eyes from the blinding light but that was a mistake since he's quickly taken.

He tries to fight the people off but freezes after hearing a gun load. Everything then goes silent and Jimin looks around, wondering where the gun was in the darkness of the night. "I knew you would try to run off," Hoseok then says as he approached with the gun in hand. "I don't wanna be here," Jimin says with a whine. "You don't have a choice baby boy, you're stuck here now," Hoseok says and then snaps his fingers to which the people that held onto Jimin starts walking away with him.

Jimin tries to fight them off again, even tho it was incredibly painful since he had wounds basically everywhere. After a bit of walking and struggling Jimin gets thrown into some pit, and he looks up but the trapdoor gets shut closed and locked. "Goddamn assholes," he mumbles and sits up from the wooden planks only to hear some shushing. So he looks behind him and sees some girls looking at him scared. Jimin was surprised tho, since there were many. They all looked older than him tho, he doubts some are 17 like him.

They didn't look too fond of his presence either, so Jimin keeps his mouth shut and stands up before looking around. He sees a bench and walks to it, picking it up and putting it under the trap door. He stands on it and starts trying to reach the door since no way in hell is he staying in the little underground room. "We tried," he then hears a girl say, and Jimin looks back. "It's locked from the outside," she adds and Jimin groans annoyed.

"I fucking hate these people," Jimin grumbles while getting off the bench and pushing it aside. Then he slumps down on the floor and pouts. He really couldn't believe he got kidnapped from his kidnapper. How in the hell could this happen? And will Namjoon even care? Will he try to save him? Get him back? Jimin doubts it since they recently had a fight which is why he's covered in recent wounds.

"A-Are you ok?" Another girl asks, "No," Jimin mumbles, still pouting. "Oh," she says and then looks over at the other girls. "Um, what's your name?" Another asks. "Jimin," Jimin mumbles. "I'm Anna, this is Becky, that's Emma, Olivia, Lucy, Loa, and Jade," Anna introduces and Jimin nods. "How old are you?" Loa asks. "17," Jimin mumbles and all their eyes widened. "You're so young!" Loa says shocked. "How old are you guys?" Jimin asks. "We're all over 21," Emma replies and now Jimin was shocked. He knew they were older but didn't think they were that older than him.

"How did you guys end up here?" Jimin asks, "well, we were all prostitutes and that man promised up freedom, but we just ended up stuck here," Olivia explains and Jimin hums. "How about you?" She asks and Jimin shrugs. "Well, this man named Namjoon killed my family, then kidnapped me, and he's the reason why I look like this, and then whoever that man is just kidnapped me and threw me in here," Jimin briefly explains and the girls were shocked. "That's a lot to go through," Becky says with sympathy. "It's alright," Jimin mumbles.

For the rest of the night they talk a bit and get to know each other, but all Jimin thought of was to get out and to run away. He didn't want to go back to Namjoon nor did he want to go anywhere. He just wanted to be out of all of this trouble, and be safe.

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