6 training

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Y/n pov

I was having breakfast with eren. He introduced his friend. So far i know mikasa, armin, sasha, connie, jean, annie, reiner, bertorto, ymir and krista.

I sit with mikasa armin and eren now. "Y/n today is your first day training with levi squad right? Are u nervous?" Armin ask me

"Honestly.. I'm not very nervous" i said to him. "Be prepare y/n~ levi heichou training is not easy" eren tease me and i shove food into my mouth.

"Actually.. my training also kinda.. hell" i said to eren.

"What u mean" mikasa ask me.

"Umm.. i mean if i not careful enough than i can die in my training" i said as i remember the day i almost got stab in the hole full of sharp thing which is set by my master.. urokodakisan.

"Whaaa- u not afraid?!" Eren and armin ask in unison

"If i too afraid i will die tho.. but ofcourse I'm afraid when I'm think that i will die.. but i just continue the training" i said to them.

"Oii.. Jeager! Tomioka.. training" levi call two of us when we having a chit chat.

"Sorry we gotta go now" i said to them and they nod. Eren and i quickly go to levi.

"Bout your uniform brat.. here wear this" levi said as he throw me the survey corps uniform.

"..." I stare at the uniform

"Go change now brat. Jeager go join the others. Do 50 laps" levi said and he salute.


I finish change into the new uniform. The hell?! This jean is so fucking tight! How they can find me my size of shirt tho! Why this pants follow my shape of leg tho! I prefer my uniform

I run to levi and the others. "Y/n do 50 laps" levi said to me and i only nod. It only take me bout 6 minute to finish the lap. I can see his member try to catch a breath meanwhile my breath seem normal.

"H-how u can do that? What is your secret?" Oluo ask me

"...umm.. this lap actually is nothing for me.. i always run in my world" I said to him and he just copying levi 'tch'.

"We gonna do combat to combat. Eld with gunther. Petra with oluo. Eren with y/n." Levi said and they salute except for me.

I was fighting hand to hand with eren now. I can sense levi is watching us. I was in my position same as eren.

Eren attack me first. He try to kick my leg but i jump and dodge his attack. I throw a punch on his back and he just groan.

Eren turn around and try to punch my stomach but i shield it with my hand. I push his hand on the ground and kick him on the face. He fall to the ground and i pinned him.

"I win" i smirk at him and he only growl at me. "Switch partner" levi suddenly said and i get up from eren.

"Y/n" levi call me make me face him. "Fight me" he said. 'eh?'

"O-ok.." i said. Petra and the others sit beside to watch our match.

Levi and i stay in our position and ready to fight. "Start" eld said and both of us move.

Levi kick me but i dodge it. I throw him an attack but he quickly dodge it. 'mmm.. he seem strong.. but well i don't wanna use total concreting breathing cause it might will end too fast'

We continue throw attack to each other but all of them we dodge it. I jump to his back and kick him and make him fly away.

He jump back and face him and throw punch at me but i grab his arm and throw him again.

He stand up and fight me again and again

Levi pov

Tch, it seem our match make people watch huh? I can saw erwin, Hange squad, my squad, mike, eren's friend and a lot more watch our match

I can't lose to her cause I'm the one who ask her to fight me. She seem relax and don't use her full energy...

"Oii brat" i call her and she stop moving. "Yeah?"

"Use all of your power to fight me. I know that is not all of them" i said to her and making her chuckle little bit.

"U sure?" She ask. "Tch, just hurry the hell up" i said to her. "Geez.. relax" she said and suddenly she out of nowhere at my back and push me to the ground.

I fight back and ofcourse she fight back. "3..2...1.. that's it. Y/n win the match..." Eld said with disbelief voice

Y/n pov

He ask me to use my full power and make me chuckle. I use total concreting breathing and go to his back quickly and push him to the ground

He fight back and i fight back. "3..2...1.. that's it. Y/n win the match..." Eld said with disbelief voice.

I get up from levi and smirk at him. "Wowww y/nnn! How u move that fasttt!!!" I notice the others watch our match.

"Haha.. well that's not all of my power" i poke hange's forehead when she was bout to charge me with hug

"U pretty strong.. lucky we got u not the mp" erwin said.

"T-that's amazinggg!!!" Eren said and run to me. Mikasa follow him and also armin.

"Thanks" i chuckle at him. "You sure have give him pretty nice kick to that chibi" mikasa said.

"You strong y/n!" Armin said.

"Haha thanks guys!" I said

Timeskip in the night

I watch the fire was on in levi's office. I grab the survey corps uniform and bout to burn it.

Suddenly levi grab me. "The hell u do brat!?!!??" He ask me angrily

"Huhh?? This uniform is so fucking tight! In the hell i will wear it!" I said to him.

"Don't burn it!" He said and i totally ignore him and bout to throw the shirt but he lift me up.

"Put me down!" I said to him but he ignore me. "Give me that!" He grab the uniform and walk away.

"Tch, after this just wear your uniform" levi said and walk away and go out from his office with my uniform.

"Ahhh! That's good!" I said happily when i finally free from that uniform

Levi pov

I open erwin door without border to knock. "Yes levi?" Erwin look at me.

"Here.. y/n about to burn them" I said to erwin. "Whut? Why would she?" Erwin look at me with disbelief face.

"Cause she's said that this uniform is so fucking tight and she will wear her uniform from now on" i said to him and throw y/n's uniform

Without erwin can reply i get out from the room.

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