Epilogue: Sic Et Non

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This flower is a MoonFlower.⬆️



(Amaryllis's POV)

"Be with you in just a minute."

"No rush."

I shook my head and smiled.

"You're supposed to be at work."

"Giving myself the week off."

"You? A workaholic? Giving yourself the week off? Will the company survive?" I teased.

"My workaholic nature left the minute I met you."

"Flattery will get you....everywhere." I winked and he laughed.

"Come to dinner with me."

"No takeout?"

"No takeout tonight. I'm craving Italian and ice cream."

"Give me thirty. I have to go home and change."

"No you don't." He said and I rolled my eyes.

It's been a year since everything happened and life.....

Life couldn't be any better.

Mom and dad moved into the mansion and are loving it. My dad spends his days playing chess and checkers with Harvey and going fishing with him too. My mom spends her days out in the garden or by the pond reading. When she's not doing that, she's in the house with the maids and cooks watching soap operas.

As for Lincoln's family.....

His mother pleaded no contest when it came to conspiring with Priscilla to set the shop and my parents house on fire. Her and Priscilla both got life in prison with no chance of parole.

Linc's brother, Nathan, has called several times to extended an olive branch of sorts. Linc is wary of him, but hasn't told him to go away so that's progress.

Landen didn't marry Priscilla's sister, but he did accidentally get her pregnant so he's stuck with her for life now. He hasn't reached out Linc at all and Nathan says he hasn't heard from him either.

Frank just sort of disappeared after Linc's mother was arrested. No one has seen or heard from him since. The only news we did get was that he sent divorce papers to the prison for her to sign and she wasn't very happy about it.

Julie still has her own little business, but she mainly helps me with the greenhouse and the shop. The biggest surprise from her is that her and Vick are together. Linc wasn't very happy about it at first, but now he's okay with it. He found it weird that his sister was dating his best friend and became disturbed when Vick would brag about their sex life to him. I think they look cute together.

As for us?

Well the company is doing better now than it ever has been before. Linc is actually looking into expanding the company and he's very excited about it.


I went back to school and finished my degree. Afterwards, I decided to sell the big shop Lachlan bought for me and build my own. Lincoln and Julie helped oversee that while I was working on my degree.

Now, I own the busiest and most successful florist shop in the entire state. I have three employees who help me, plus Julie and my parents when they want to get out of the house.

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