Chapter Twenty-One: Divide Et Impera

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me?"

"Oh right. Davis read the part about the house."

He read aloud that none of them got the house and that's when they started to get real angry.

"This is MY house. I am not leaving." Mother growled out.

"Oh but you have to. You don't own it."

"Who does?" Frank asked.

"I do." I lied, not wanting to drag Amaryllis's parents into this mess.

"And you're kicking us out?!"

"Precisely. I'm giving you a week to pack your shit up and get out. If you're not gone by then then I will call the police and have you removed."

"How can you do this to us? We're your family. You're my baby boy." Mother said, big fat crocodile tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Don't give me that bullshit. The only one here I actually like is Julie. The rest of your are just money hungry assholes who care for no one but yourselves."

"Lincoln, she is your mother and I refuse to listen to you speak that way." Frank snarled at me.

"Then get the f*ck out. The door is that way." I said, pointing towards the entrance.

Mother quickly snatched the papers form Davis's hands and threw them into the fire that was burning in the fireplace. I just chuckled.

"You think that was the originally copy? I'm not stupid, mother." I scoffed. "Now like I said, you have a week to pack your shit and leave. I will call the police if you're not out by then. Just in case you're considering doing something stupid, like burning the place down, I have four officers who have kindly agreed to take turns staying here to oversee that your packing goes smoothly and that everyone behaves. Any questions?"

Everyone but Julie was glaring at me and had their hands balled into fists.

"No questions? Alright then. Enjoy your final week here." I said, walking towards the entrance with Vick and Davis behind me.

I stopped before I was completely out of the room and turned around.

"One last thing," I said. "All of you, except for Julie, are banned from entering the office building. If you enter the building or step onto the property then you will either be escorted away or arrested."

Harvey gave me big smile and a pat on the back as we walked out the front door. Once the doors were shut, I leaned over and put my hands on my knees.

"F*cking hell." I sighed.

"That went better than I imagined."

"I think they were to stunned to do anything. Give it a little bit to sink in and then they'll get mean and desperate." I said.

"What now?" Davis asked.

"You go back and finalize all of the paperwork. I'll have Amaryllis and her parents come in tomorrow to sign everything. I don't want to give my mother or bothers any extra time to do or plan something."

"I'll drive you back." Vick told Davis.

"Feel free to call me if they come over and cause any issues for you. Okay?"

"I appreciate it, but I can take care of myself. Your father gave me every warning necessary for this day and I've had a lot of time to prepare. Whatever your family tries to do, I'm prepare for it."

I got in my car and slouched in the seat.

"Where to?" Tony asked.

I gave him the address to Amaryllis's parents house and had him drop me off. The lights were on when we arrived and I'd just shut the car door when the front door opened.

"How did it go?"

Instead of answering, I pulled her in for a hug and let out a deep breath.

"That good, huh?"

"The days to come will be uncomfortable." I said.

"Because we don't know what they'll do?" She asked.

"Yeah, but you don't have to worry. I will protect you and your parents."

She smiled and gave me a quick kiss. "I know you will."

"How did they take it?"

"They want to talk to you. They're still in the process of trying to believe and understand it. To be honest, I am too."

"Are they still up?"

"No, they went to bed. I waited up for you."

"Did you tell them that I'd be staying?"

"I did and I told them why. They're okay with it."

I moved my hands down to grip her waist and leaned down so my lips touched her ear. "Do I have to sleep on the couch?"

"No," she practically purred in my ear. "They have a guest room just for you. It's right across from mine."

I squeezed her waist causing her to squeal.

"A guest room?"

She laughed. "They only have one, so we have to share."

"That's what I thought."

She gave me a grin as she tugged at the collar of my shirt and then sighed.

"What is it?"

"My marks are fading." She said, causing me to laugh.

"Want to add to them?" I smirked.

"Maybe," she said, stepping away and starting back into the house. "Or maybe it's your turn to make marks." She winked.

I let out a groan as I loosened my tie and started in after her.

An hour later, while trying our best to keep quiet so her parents wouldn't hear us, we both had plenty of marks that no amount of anything would be able to cover.


Any of you think his mother will try something?

If so, what do you think she'll do or attempt to do?

Let me know your thoughts!!

Till next time,


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