Chapter 10: Green with Envy, The Sinister Six Arrives

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All of scouts ran straight to Tokyo Tower while Spider-Man swing from building to building. When they got closer, the saw a giant sphere device on the rooftop.
"What is that thing?" asked Sailor Saturn.
"That must be the device the news anchor was talking about!" Sailor Mars said.
Spider-Man got a closer look and saw the device. His eyes grew big when he realized what it is! "It's a bomb!" he said.
"A WHAT!?" Everyone screamed.
"Yeah, but when this thing goes off, it'll be a symbiote nuke!" Spider-Man said.
"A symbiote nuke?" Sailor Neptune questioned.
"In other words, all of Tokyo will be a city of symbiotes! And soon, the whole planet!" answered Spider-Man.
"We can't let that happen!" Sailor Moon said. "Come on, we need to hurry!"
"We're right behind you." said Tuxedo Mask.
They all kept running to Tokyo Tower not stopping for anything. "We're almost there!" Spider-Man said. Suddenly, his Spider-Sense struck him.
"Spider-Man, what's wrong?" Sailor Jupiter asked.
"Guys. I don't think were..." Suddenly, a giant mechanical arm grabbed his waist. "...alone!" he finished then the arm threw him into a car.
"SPIDER-MAN!" everyone cried! They all ran to him, but then more of the mechanical arms got in the way.
"I would stay back if I were you girls!" said a man with four of the mechanical arms on his back.
Spider-Man regain consciousness and looked up at the man. "Doctor Octopus?!" he shouted.
"Hello, Spider-Man!" Doctor Octopus said turning to him. "Surprised to see me?"
"Spider-Man, you know this guy?" asked Sailor Uranus.
"Yeah." Spider-Man said kicking Doc-Ock's face and jumped back to the Sailor Scouts. "That's Doctor Octopus, he's an old friend of mine."
"And by friend, you mean someone who wants you dead?" asked Sailor Mercury.
"Yyyyeeepp." Spider-Man said then faced Ock. "So Ock, are you here to trash every sushi store that sells octopus tentacles?" he joked.
"Oh, I didn't come alone!" Doctor Octopus smirked. Then, a bunch of the streetlights were turning off and on!
"What's going on?" Sailor Venus asked.
"Oh boy!" Spider-Man gulped. Then, a man in a lightning bolt mask appeared next to Ock.
"Hello, web head." he said. "Miss me?"
"Electro!?" Spider-Man shouted.
"Electro?" Sailor Venus asked looking at Spider-Man.
"Another 'friend' of mine." Spider-Man quoted
"Don't forget us?" said a man as he dropped next to Electro and Doc Ock with another guy with a tail on his back.
"Kraven & Scorpion?" Spider-Man said getting a little worried.
"Spider-Man, explanation?" Sailor Mars asked.
"Don't look at me! I didn't know they were here." Spider-Man sputtered.
"But WHY are they here?" asked Tuxedo Mask.
"That's not of your business, Prom King!" said a man flying above the group.
"Vulture too?!" Spider-Man said then he counted all five of his enemies. "Please tell me it's just you guy's" he moaned. Just after he said that, A big man in a Rhinoceros suit demolished part of a building behind the villains. "Rhino?! Me and my big Spidey mouth, again." Spider-Man said facepalming.
"Look here guys, Spider-Man has new friends." said Rhino punching his fists together.
"Yep." Spider-Man said. "Sailor Guardians meet, The Sinister Six!"
"Should've been The Sinister Ten." Sailor Mars laughed.
"Yeah, you guys are outnumbered!" Sailor Jupiter said.
"True, but there is someone else you guys want to meet." Scorpion said.
"Please don't tell me The Lizard is here too." Spider-Man said then his Spider sense tingle. He looked to his right someone flew in and grabbed him.
"SPIDER-MAN!" Sailor Moon shouted!
"That's him!" Electro said.
"Well, it looks like it's just us now!" Doc-Ock said.
"We'll take all you on!" Sailor Moon said. "Guardians, Attack!"
All the guardians charged at Spider-Man's foes and they charged back!
But before we see them fight, Let's see who picked up Spider-Man...
Spider-Man looked at the devise the man was on. "A glider? Then that means..."
"Hello Spider-Man!" the man said bringing him to his face.
"GOBLIN?!" Spider-Man shouted, and he webbed his face. Goblin threw Spider-Man and he landed on a building. He got the web out of his face and looked at Spider-Man. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "I thought this was the Sinister Six, not the Sinister Six-in-a-half."
"I'm here to distract you, and your girl scout troops." Goblin said.
"First of all, there's one dude in the group!" Spider-Man joked. "And second of all, distract us from what?"
"Stopping Venom!" Goblin answered.
"Your HELPING Venom!?" Spider-Man shouted. "Why?"
"Who do you think released him?" Goblin asked.
"Wait! It was you? You broke Venom out of the Raft?!" Spider-Man yelled.
"Correct, Spider-Man!" Goblin laughed.
"But why?"
"I'm glad you asked Spider-Man." Goblin said getting of his glider. "Correct me if I'm wrong. You were the first one to have the symbiote, right?"
"Yeah?" Spider-Man answered.
"And I know that the symbiote has a mind of its own. And if that's true, then Venom knows who you are, what you are, and everyone you love." Goblin said grinning at him. Spider-Man's body shaked. Everything he said was true. "So I broke him out of the Raft and asked him who you really are! But he asked for a deal, if I were to help him turn the world into a symbiote world, then he will tell me everything about, YOU!"
"Your helping Venom just so you can know who I really am?!" Spider-Man asked. "Why are you doing this, Osborn?!"
"Because you left my son to die!" Goblin yelled out. Spider-Man froze. He was great friends with Norman Osborn's son, Harry Osborn scene they were kids. "You went to that building and saved everyone, except my son."
"Norman!" Spider-Man said. "You got it all wrong! I..."
"NORMAN OSBORN, IS GONE! I AM THE GREEN GOBLIN!" Goblin threw pumpkin bombs at Spider-Man, but he dodged all of them. And then, Spider-Man fired a web line from both of his hands, and none of them touched Goblin. "HA! Bad luck, pest!" he laughed.
"Yeah, for you!" Spider-Man said as he yanked his web lines. Goblin looked behind him and his glider hit him in the head. He fell on the ground and Spider-Man webbed both of his arms and legs to the ground! "You really need to stop lying your toys around, Green Elf!" he joked.
"You'll pay for this!" Goblin yelled then Spider-Man webbed his mouth.
"Stay here and nap while you're stuck lying on the ground, I gotta stop the six stooges from hurting my friends!" Spider-Man said as he web-swinged back to the Scouts. Suddenly, Gobin's left arm broke free!
Back with the scouts...
"MARS, FLAME SNIPER!" shouted Sailor Mars as she fired her flame sniper at Rhino, but it had no effect.
"HA! Rhino's beats fire!" Rhino laughed and charged at her.
"Oh-No!" Sailor Mars gulped.
"Supreme Thunder!" yelled Sailor Jupiter as the lighting strike hit Rhino and he fell to the ground!
"Thanks, Jupiter!" Sailor Mars said.
"Not a problem!" Sailor Jupiter winked, then a lightning strike hit her! She screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Sailor Mars gasped and saw Electro's foot stepping on her back.
"Sorry, sweetheart!" he said. "But I'm the only one who electrocutes the big guy!"
"GET OFF HER!" Sailor Uranus said as she punched Electro's face!
"Your gonna regret that!" Electro said.
"And you six are gonna regret attacking us!" Sailor Uranus said. "World Shaking!" Sailor Uranus smashed the ground and struck him. He landed on his back and looked at Sailor Uranus. "Surrender NOW!" she spoke. Then, a tail smacked her. She crashed into a window at a Diner!
"You think we'll listen to you?" Scorpion said.
"SAILOR URANUS!" Sailor Neptune shouted. Her and Sailor Mercury were running towards Scorpion.
"Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" Sailor Mercury said as she played a harp and water arrows came at Scorpion. But Scorpion broke a car door and shield himself from the attack.
"Hey Doc!" Scorpion yelled to Doctor Octopus. "These girls need someone to play with!"
"Certainly!" Doc-Ock said standing in front of Sailor Neptune and Mercury.
"Get out of our way, Metal fingers!" Sailor Neptune yelled.
"I'm afraid I can't do that dear." Doc-Ock said.
"Fine! Have it your way!" Sailor Neptune growled. "Sea Serpent Strangle!" A snake made out of water came towards Ock. But he used his robotic arms to jump and dodge the attack!
"Clever young one!" Doc-Ock said as he used his arms to grab both Neptune and Mercury's necks. "But not clever enough." He threw them inside a building and they both landed on a wall!
"Sailor Mercury, are you ok?" Sailor Neptune asked!
"Yeah, I think so!" answered Sailor Mercury. Then, Ock's arms struck them again and the grabbed them to the wall!
"Let's have a nice talk, shall we!" he said.
Meanwhile, Kraven was fighting the rest of the guardians. He was battling Tuxedo Mask while the scouts wait for the right time to attack Kraven without hurting Tuxedo Mask.
"I will destroy you, then the Spider-Man!" said Kraven.
"That's what you think!" Tuxedo Mask as he uppercutted Kraven.
"Now's our chance!" Sailor Moon said.
"I got him!" said Sailor Venus! "Crescent Be..."
Suddenly, Sailor Saturn saw the Vulture flying straight to Sailor Venus. "Venus, look out!" she shouted and push Sailor Venus out of the way. Vulture grabbed Sailor Saturn with his feet claws. All of the Guardians gasped as they saw Vulture carrying Sailor Saturn as he flew up in the air.
"SAILOR SATURN!" They all said. Tuxedo Mask saw Sailor Saturn get captured, then Kraven tabbed his shoulder with a dagger!
"TUXEDO MASK!" screamed Sailor Moon.
"Should've let your guard up!" Kraven laughed.
Tuxedo Mask then threw a rose at Kraven's face and scratched it. "Sailor Venus!" he shouted.
Sailor Venus nodded. "Venus Love Me Chain!" she said as her chain wrapped Kraven. "Got him!"
" this?" Kraven struggled in the chain.
" letting YOUR guard down!" Tuxedo Mask said as he grabbed his wound.
"Tuxedo Mask! Are you ok?" Sailor Moon asked helping him up.
"I..I'm fine!" said Tuxedo Mask.
"Where's Sailor Saturn, and the flying man?" Sailor Pluto asked looking around for them.
"UP THERE!" Sailor Venus yelled pointing straight up at them. Vulture was high up in the air with Sailor Saturn.
"Great view, huh?" Vulture asked Sailor Saturn.
"LET ME GO, YOU FLYING RAT!" Sailor Saturn screamed.
"Poor choice of words!" Vulture said as he released Sailor Saturn falling in the air!
"SAILOR SATURN!" Everyone shouted. Sailor Saturn closed her eyes as she got close to the ground. But Spider-Man caught her, just in time.
"And Spider-Man catches that interception!" he said as he caught her!
"Yeah, Spider-Man!" Sailor Venus cheered.
"What?" Vulture screamed and flew to Spider-Man. "Get back here you annoying insect!"
"Arachnid; Vulture, GET IT RIGHT!" said Spider-Man.
"Spider-Man! You saved me!" Sailor Saturn said blushing!
"Yeah. Have you done something like this before?" Spider-Man asked.
No!" Sailor Saturn said.
"Then Hang on!" said Spider-Man as he hid behind a build board. Vulture followed them and when he looked behind the build board, they were gone.
"What the..." he sputtered.
"Over here, ya Bald Eagle!" Spider-Man said as he webbed Vulture and his wings to the build board. "You see what I did there?" Spider-Man chuckled. "Because Eagle's are birds, and your bald, so.... ah forget it!"
(For those who didn't like the joke, GOT ANYTHING BETTER?!)
"Spider-Man! The Guardians!" shouted Sailor Saturn looking down at the streets and saw the rest of the Sinister Six battling the Sailor Scouts!
"Ok. Stay here and watch Sesame Street's Big Bird, while I take care of this!" Spider-Man said as he swung down to the battle!
Sailor Jupiter began to wake up and looked around. "What happened?" she asked rubbing her head and a bolt lighting hit her. She looked behind her and saw Electro laughing evilly at her.
"You've should've stayed at your home where it's safe little one!" he said.
"I can't use any of my electricity attacks, it'll might power up his powers!" Sailor Jupiter said. "But there's one attack I can do to him!"
"Jupiter Ook Evolution!" she shouted, and a bunch of sharp leaves came towards Electro! But he fired his electricity at them. "Wha...Who is this guy?!"
"Nice try, Little Miss Muffin!" Electro laughed. "Once I'm done with you, I will destroy Spider-Man!"
"Ta-da!" Spider-Man said as he landed behind Electro startling him. "Say my name and I magically appear."
(It's a Spectacular Spider-Man reference.)
"Finally!" Electro said as he fired an electricity blast at Spider-Man. But he dodged the attack and swunged in the air dodging every attack Electro gave him. "I need to find a way to stop Electro, FAST! But how?" he looked at the rooftops and saw a water tower next door to the building he was at. "BINGO!" Spider-Man dodged another attack. "HEY LIGHTING BUTT!" he shouted. "YOUR MOTHER WAS A FUSE BOX!" Electro growled and fired more electricity at Spider-Man.
"I will destroy you!" he said.
"You said that countless times, and yet I'm still standing!' Spider-Man said. Then Electro got Spider-Man and he fell to the ground and looked up and he was directly near the water tower. "Perfect, now I have to..." Just then, Electro grabbed his neck and brought him to his face.
"Got you!" he said.
"Let him go!" shouted Sailor Jupiter. They all saw Sailor Jupiter behind them with a mighty look. Electro laughed and he held Spider-Man in front of him!
"Go ahead little girl, use your attacks." he said. "You may get me, but you will also hurt, Spider-Man."
"He's right!" Sailor Jupiter thought. "I can use my Ook Evolution again, but it will hurt Spider-Man as well." She looked at Spider-Man's left hand and noticed it was pointing up. "Is he pointing up? Why is he...?" She then saw the water tower above them. "Oh, I see." she smiled. "Ok! If you say so. Supreme Thunder!" the lighting then went to the building!
"Ha. Are you blind or something?" Electro laughed.
"Nope!" Sailor Jupiter said pointing up.
Electro looked up and saw a bunch of water coming towards him. "Oh-no!" he said.
"Yep. It's your bath time!" Spider-Man said as he punched Electro's face and quickly jumped away from the water. The water struck Electro and his electric powers faded down.
"No!" Electro shouted when Spider-Man webbed him to the wall.
"Thanks for the save, green." Spider-Man said to Sailor Jupiter.
"Don't mention it." Sailor Jupiter said as she shaked Spider-Man's hand.
"Now let's save the rest of your friends." Spider-Man said.
"You two cannot fool me!" Doc-Ock said to Sailor Mercury and Sailor Neptune. "You girls are helping Spider-Man, so you must know who he is!"
"We don't know anything!" Sailor Mercury said trying to get Ock's robotic arm's off her.
"Don't lie to me!" Ock yelled. Who. is. SPIDER-MAN?!"
"We told you, we don't know!" Sailor Neptune yelled.
"You think I'm stupid?" Ock asked.
"Well, those arms make you look stupid!" Spider-Man said behind him with Sailor Jupiter.
"SPIDER-MAN!" Ock yelled as he released Sailor Mercury and Sailor Neptune and his arms stretched to Spider-Man. He jumped out the way in time and sticked to the wall.
"Tell me Ock, why are you and the rest of your boy band here?" he asked.
"One of Fisk's men heard that you were in Tokyo, so he let us travel here to destroy you." Ock answered.
"Really? What's Doctor Eggman paying you now?" Spider-Man asked.
"Oh, he's not paying us anything." Ock said. "But Osborn gave us a great deal!"
"Wait! Goblin?" Spider-Man said surprised. "You're helping both him and Venom?!"
"He did say that he didn't care if we fail to kill you or not, as long as we give Venom time." Ock said as one of his arms struck him, but he dodged it. "Soon, we will know who you really are, Spider-Man."
"You already know who I am Ock!" Spider-Man said.
"I do?" Ock asked confused.
"Yeah, I'm a distraction!" Spider-Man said.
Deep Submerge!" Sailor Neptune shouted out, as a wave of water struck Ock and his arms were malfunctioning.
"NO! MY ARMS!" Ock yelled. "I'll make sure you suffer for that you bi..." Spider-Man webbed his mouth before he can finish.
"Language Ock." Spider-Man said. "There might be children listening to this!"
"Neptune, Mercury! Are you two, ok?" Sailor Jupiter asked.
"Yeah, we are. Thanks Spider-Man." Sailor Mercury said to him.
"You're welcome." Spider-Man said. "Come on! We got two more to go!" He webbed swinged out of the building with the Scouts following him.
Sailor Uranus avoided every attack Scorpion gave her. "Stand still!" he yelled.
Sailor Uranus took cover to catch her breath. "I can't use my attacks, there's too many people hiding in here!" she though. Suddenly, Scorpion's hand broke through the table she was hiding in and grabbed her neck.
"Hide & Seek is over!" he said.
"You..don't scare me!" Sailor Uranus growled. Then, a big sharp needle appeared on his tail!
"Then I bet you're not scared of getting a shot!" Scorpion said. He was about to strike his stinger at her, but a web stopped him.
"Hate to interrupt your operation Doctor Scorpion, but it's not even flu season!" Spider-Man said.
"YOU!" Scorpion yelled as he threw Sailor Uranus at the wall and jumped onto Spider-Man. He jumped out of the way and sticked to the wall.
"Come on Scorpion!" Spider-Man said. "Can't we just shake hands and call a truce?"
"I'll rip of your hand out of your body!" he said, as he used his tail to whack the wall he was on. Spider-Man dodged the attack, but he lost his balance and crashed on the floor. "This ends now!" he said, as he raised his tail ready to sting him.
"Mercury Aqua Mirage!" shouted Sailor Mercury, and a pool of water struck Scorpion. He looked back and saw Neptune, Jupiter, and Mercury behind him.
"Leave him alone!" Sailor Jupiter yelled.
Scorpion got up and growled at them. "You girls stay out of this!"
"Aw, don't be like that!" Spider-Man said. "Here, have a drink; on me!" He threw a bottle at Scorpion's face and he covered it.
"MY EYES!" he screamed. Then, when he was able to see, Sailor Uranus punched him right in the nose and he fell unconscious.
"Wow. That's gotta, STING!" Spider-Man giggled looking at everyone. But they all stayed silent. "Oh, come on! That one was good!" he said as he webbed Scorpion.
"Uranus!" Sailor Neptune said running into her arms. "Are you ok?"
"Yes!" she said and turned to Spider-Man. "Thanks Spider-Man. That Jameson guy really was wrong about you!"
"Thanks, I..." Suddenly, a giant roar came from outside.
"What was that?" asked Sailor Mercury.
"Rhino!" Spider-Man said. "I'll handle this, you guys get these people to safety!" he webbed swinged outside.
"Damnit! He's too tough!" said Sailor Mars taking cover from Rhino! "But I need to try my best! This won't end until we stop them!" She then, came out of her hiding spot and faced Rhino.
"AH! There you are!" Rhino said as he charged to Sailor Mars.
"FIRE SOUL BIRD!" Sailor Mars screamed and her Fire Soul Bird struck Rhino, but no damage. "Crap!" she gulped. Rhino was almost to her, but Spider-Man grabbed her just in time!
"You know he's dressed up as a Rhino and not a bull, right?" he asked her.
"Spider-Man!" Sailor Mars said.
"DAH! Stupid Insect!" Rhino yelled.
"It's Arac...Oh forget it!" Spider-Man landed in the street far away from Rhino and both him & Sailor Mars looked at Rhino!
"How are we going to defeat him?" Sailor Mars asked Spider-Man.
"Don't worry." Spider-Man said. "I've got an idea!" Spider-Man then cleared his throat and began to shout at Rhino. "HEY! COME AND GET US, YOU STEROIDED UNICORN!"
Rhino grew in anger and charged straight towards them.
"Uh..Spider-Man?" Sailor Mars said in fear.
"Wait until I say now, and then dodge." Spider-Man said.
Sailor Mars looked at Rhino and he was getting more closer to them. "Spider-Man!" she shouted.
"Wait for it...!" Spider-Man said.
Rhino was almost to them and Sailor Mars got more scared.
"NOW!" Spider-Man shouted and they both dodged Rhino and his head crashed into an electricity box!
"Oh man! That never gets old." Spider-Man said laughing.
After the electricity box ran out of fuse, Rhino fell to the ground unconscious. Then, Spider-Man webbed him up good.
"Wow, nice plain." said Sailor Mars.
"Thanks." Spider-Man said.
Soon, the rest of the Sailor Guardians grabbed all of Spider-Man's goons and tied them up on top of the building. "Ok. Now all that's left is, Venom." said Spider-Man.
"What about them?" Sailor Saturn asked pointing at the Sinister Six!
"Ok. Maybe half of us need to stay and watch these buffoons!" Spider-Man said.
"Ok. here's what we'll do." Sailor Moon said. "Tuxedo Mask, Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Mars, and I will help Spider-Man, while the rest of you guard them until the police arrive."
"Sounds like a plan." Spider-Man said.
"Good luck, Scouts!" said Sailor Pluto.
"Thanks." Sailor Moon said as they headed to Tokyo Tower.
They reached Tokyo Tower and looked up. "Let's go inside and try to find a way up to the roof." Spider-Man said.
"Can't you just wall crawl your way up there?" asked Tuxedo Mask.
"How do you expect me to all crawl up there carrying all of you?" Spider-Man asked.
"He has a point." said Sailor Mercury.
"Then let's go!" Sailor Mars said. As they all entered. Inside the building, were symbiote webs everywhere on the walls, the floors, and the ceiling.
"Looks like Venom did a little redecorating." said Spider-Man "Watch where you step!"
"Now you tell us?" Sailor Mercury said lifting up her foot that was covered in symbiote. "I really hate this goo." she spoke.
Sailor Uranus looked farther and saw a RED symbiote web. "Hey, Spider-Man?" she called out to him. "Either I'm going color blind, or that web is red." She pointed at it. Spider-Man and the scouts got closer to it. And Sailor Uranus was right, it is red.
"Yeah. It is red." Spider-Man said. Then, he realized something. "Wait...then that means..." Suddenly, Sailor Mercury and Uranus got pulled up by a red symbiote web.
"Sailor Mercury!" Sailor Mars screamed.
"SAILOR URANUS!" Sailor Neptune yelled.
"What was that!?" asked Tuxedo Mask.
"A trap!" said the Goblin flying above them!
"GOBLIN!?" yelled Spider-Man. "I thought I put you in time-out!"
"You should know that your webs won't hold me, bug!" Goblin said.
"Who is that?" asked Sailor Moon.
"The Green Goblin!" answered Spider-Man. "He used to be called, Norman Osborn!"
"Not anymore!" said Goblin.
"What did you do to Mercury and Uranus?!" yelled Tuxedo Mask.
"I didn't do anything." Goblin shrugged. "They're with my new symbiote friend."
"Symbiote friend?" Everyone asked and looked at Spider-Man.
"Oh...Did I forgot to mention that Venom isn't the only symbiote that wants me dead?" Spider-Man asked embarrassed.
"And who will that be?" Sailor Mars asked. After she asked that a red symbiote dropped in front of them and roared at them.
"Is that Venom?!" asked Sailor Neptune.
"Nope." answered Spider-Man. "This is the most dangerous and fatal symbiote of all. Meet...CARNAGE!"

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