Chapter 2: The Amazing Spider-Man, Peter's Task

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Meanwhile in the streets of New York City, a bank downtown was being robbed by 3 armed men.
"OK, listen up people!" one robber said, while shooting his gun in the air. "I'm pretty sure you all have been robbed before, so you must know how this goes!" The robber snapped his fingers and the 2 of the robbers went to each of the desks and ordered everyone to empty each of the cash registers.
"Remember boys, the boss doesn't want a single coin left behind once we leave here." the one robber said.
"Yeah, yeah; we get it." one of the robbers said.
"You said that like, 3 times on the way here." the other robber said.
"Well, I don't want to piss off our boss!" the robber said. "And hurry up! The cops will be here any minute!"
"Sorry, guys!" a voice said above them. "The police are stuck in traffic, so you'll have to deal with me instead!" he said as he appeared in front of the criminal guarding the door.
"IT'S SPIDER-MAN!" said one of the robbers.
"Yep, it's me! Spider-Man!" Spider-Man said. "Now, who wants a beating?"
"I got him!" a robber said charging him with a baseball bat.
"Hey, now!" Spider-Man said, dodging his attacks. "Did your mom ever told you not to play ball in the house?" he joked as he webbed the bat out of his hands and punching him, knocking him out.
"Eat this, Charlotte's Web wanna be!" a robber said as he swings his fist around Spider-Man but dodged them!
"Charlotte's Web wanna be?" Spider-Man chuckled as he sticked to the wall. "What's next? A Return of the King rejection?" he said as he webbed pull his head and slammed it to the wall he was sticking on!
"Wow! Crooks are so lame and dumb these days." he said, as he heard a gun click.
The robber held out a pistol in his hands and pointed it towards Spider-Man.
"You made a big mistake coming in here and ruining our business, Spider-Man!" the robber said.
Spider-Man then jumped in the air and the robber tried to shoot him, but he was too fast. Spider-Man then kicked the robber in his face and fell into the ground unconscious.
"Hate to break it to ya, but the mistake was you robbing this bank!" Spider-Man said, webbing his entire body. "Heh. That was too simple." he said. "Does anyone else want to take out Spider-Man?" he shouted. Just then, his Spider Sense began to tingle!
"Spider Sense" he said. "But what could..."
He was interrupted by a shock blast that struck him all the way end of the bank!
"Me and my big Spidey mouth!" he said rubbing his head.
"Oh, Spider-Man!" said a familiar voice with yellow and black suit with metal shock gloves on his hands. "You embarrassed my boys right in front of me!" he said pounding his gloves together. "Now, I gotta show them how it's done!"
"Shocker?" Spider-Man said, rubbing the dust off his suit. "You were watching the whole time? Stalker alert!"
"Still got jokes huh?" Shocker asked. "Well, I'll put them on your grave!" he said blasting his gloves at Spider-Man, but Spider-Man dodged them at the last second!
"You know this is going to end with you behind bars, right?" Spider-Man said, sticking to the ceiling.
"Not this time, Mr. Swings a lot!" Shocker screamed blasting the ceiling.
"Wow." Spider-Man said hiding behind a pillar "He has worst insults than the last guy!"
Shocker then blasted the pillar Spider-Man was on and he fell to the ground. The crowd gasped and began to worry Spider-Man was lying on the ground unconscious and Shocker slowly walked towards him.
"Finally! It's the end of Spider-Man!" Shocker said, as his gloves began to power up!
"Psyche!" Spider-Man shouted, as he webbed Shocker's face!
"AUGGHH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Shocker yelled, trying to get the web out of his face.
"Mind your head, Shocky!" said Spider-Man as he pounded Shocker's forehead on the table knocking him out. "Man, I do hope you have a receipt for those gloves!" he said as he exited the bank.
The police arrive 3 minutes when Spider-Man entered the building. He saw Shocker and his goons getting put into a squad car and the civilians who were held hostage in the bank hugging their families and friends they were OK, thanks to Spider-Man!
"Man, this city is starting to like me!" he said in his head.
"Ugh! I wish I can say the same to Adolf Hitler!" Spider-Man said, sitting on the edge of a building looking at all the citizen of New York. "But I don't care what he says!" he said, lying down looking at the sky. "Uncle Ben would be proud of me if he was here!" he said. Then, his phone started to ring. He took off half of his mask showing only his mouth and answered his phone. "Hello?" he said.
"Parker?" It was J.J. "Did you get any photos yet?" he asked.
"Yes, sir!" Peter said. "I got some photos of Spider-Man stopping Shocker and 3 of his goons!"
"Good work, Parker." J.J said. "Come bring them in to the Daily Bugle and come to my office. There's something I need you to do."
"Uh...sure Jameson." Peter said, a little anxious.
"Good. Bye!" Jameson said, as he hung up.
Peter put his phone in his pocket and then swinged to an alleyway. He then exited the alleyway as Peter Parker.
"What would Jameson want me to do?" he said in his head, as he walked to the Daily Bugle. "Well, I hope it's good!"
Peter entered the Daily Bugle and went to Jameson's office.
"Uh...Jameson?" Peter said, peeking into his office.
"Parker! Parker! Just the man I wanted to see!" Jameson said, laughing. "Have a seat!"
Peter grabbed a seat and sat down and put the photos on his desk.
"So, what do you need sir?" he asked, anxiously.
"Parker. You've worked here ever since you were... I dunno, 15?" Jameson said confused.
"16!" Peter answered. "Uh...why do you ask?"
"Because Parker, I'm about to send you somewhere new!" Jameson replied.
"New?" Peter said, confused "Like where?"
"Have you ever been to Tokyo?" Jameson asked.
"Can't say I have sir." Peter answered.
"Well now, you are!" Jameson said.
"Hang on! Say what now?!" Peter asked, surprisingly.
"Parker, you're going to Tokyo!" J.J said again.
"B...But why?" Peter stuttered.
"Because, there were rumors of people who were in Tokyo saying that there's monsters draining people's life forces or something; and a group of young superhero girls have destroyed every single one of them!" Jameson said.
"A group of teenage girls? I bet he's mistaken them for the Power Pack or something!" Peter said in his head.
"So, Parker, I need you to get down to Tokyo and find these super teens and get me some photos. Got that?" Jameson said.
"You can count on me, sir!" Peter said, as he stood up in his chair.
"Hahaha! That's my boy!" Jameson said. "I'll send you your ticket in the mail tomorrow! Get some rest and keep your camera safe!"
"Sure thing, Triple J!" Peter said, exiting his office.
"How are these, Superhero girls?" he asked in his head.

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