Chapter 4: Venom Appears, The Dreamy Web Slinger

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Usagi and Mamoru were walking around Usagi's neighborhood looking around to search for the mysterious creature. They searched for hours and hours, but no luck. The rest of the group didn't even find anything either, and it was getting late.
"Still nothing!" Usagi sighed and looking down on the ground.
"Don't worry, Usako." Mamoru said, grabbing her shoulder. "We'll find him."
"I hope so." Usagi said. Then, her phone rang. She grabbed it and answered. "Hello?"
"Hey, Usagi?" Makoto said. "Everyone is starting to get tired. We should all head home, and search in the morning."
"Makoto, we can't!" Usagi said. "We need to keep searching. He might strike tonight!"
"I know; but we'll be drowsy if we face him." Makoto said, yawning.
"Makoto, I..." Mamoru then wrapped his arms around Usagi and whispered to her ear.
"Usako, you and the girls rest. I'll find him." he said.
"Are you sure?" asked Usagi.
"You can count on me!" Mamoru said.
Usagi sighed and went back to Makoto. "OK, fine. Mamoru will cover for us but tell the rest to meet up at the mall in the morning!"
"Right, good night Usagi." Makoto said.
"Good night." Usagi said back, as she hanged up and then turned to Mamoru. "Are you sure you can do this alone?"
"You can trust me, Usako. I'll call you when I find something." Mamoru said.
"OK, be careful." Usagi said, kissing his cheek.
"I will." Mamoru said as he ran down the street.
"I don't want to lose you again." Usagi said in her head.
After Midnight (In Tokyo)
Note: Tokyo and New York have different days and times. They can be confusing, so just go with it.
Peter got off his plane and looked at the Tokyo airport. It was nighttime in Tokyo, but it was daytime when he got on.
"Alright, Peter." he said in his head. "Let's go over the steps again. Step 1, Rent a hotel room. Step 2, Unpack your stuff when you get in your room. Step 3, Get some sleep. Step 4, Wake up and find a restaurant that can get me some breakfast. Step 5, Find the superheroes as Peter Parker and ask them for a picture and information. Yeah, I think I got this. Oh, and the bonus step is to become Spider-Man if anything weird happens."
Peter grabbed his suitcase and exited the airport. He took a taxi and rode all the way to Tokyo. The cab stopped at a hotel and Peter paid his driver and went inside.
"Uh...excuse me? Do you speak English?" he asked the man in the lobby.
"Yes, I do. How may I help you?" the man asked.
"I would like one room, please." said Peter.
"OK. Just sign these papers and I'll give you your key." said the man as he gave Peter some papers.
Peter signed the papers and gives them to the man. He gave Peter his room key and he went to his room. When Peter entered his room, he was amazed on how great and classy it was. The wallpaper had paintings of dragons and armies fighting, the beds had golden colored sheets. And the bathroom had different kinds of shampoo that Peter never saw before, not even in New York.
"Heh, this place is great. Makes me want to stay in Tokyo." Peter thought.
He unpacked his stuff, took a quick shower, and laid in his bed going to sleep.
"Get some shut-eye Peter, tomorrow is a big day!" Peter thought.
The next morning, Usagi and her friends were walking to the mall talking about their plan to find the creature.
"Did Mamoru find anything last night?" Ami asked Usagi.
"No, he gave up when it was midnight" Usagi said.
"Well, what do we do now?" asked Minako.
"We have to keep searching! He could be anywhere!" said Usagi.
"He's probably out of Tokyo by now." said Rei.
"But still, we need to search no matter what." said Usagi.
Even though everyone agreed with Rei, the girls were amazed by Usagi's leadership. They continued to the mall and stopped on a crosswalk. But on the other side, Peter was heading to the mall as well.
"Where could they be?" Peter said in his head. "They have to be around here somewhe..."
"Hey! Watch it, pencil neck!" someone yelled to another guy.
The guy then turned around and grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him to the wall.
"You wanna say something else rude to my face?" the man asked.
"I...I...I'm sorry man. I just had a rough day!" the other man said in fear.
The other guy tried to answer, but he was too scared.
"IS IT?!" the other guy yelled.
"NO! IT'S NOT!" the guy shacked in fear.
"Uh-oh! Looks like the search will have to wait!" Peter thought, then he took a closer look at the guy threatening the man. "Wait, is that...?"
"Now, which part of your body should I break first? Arms, legs, or should I give you a concussion?" the guy asked.
"Listen, man. You don't need to do anything for me. I can give you anything! A drink, my car, or maybe something to eat?" the other guy said.
Just then, black liquid was forming on the man. Yep, it's Venom.
"Usagi, look!" Ami shouted pointing at the guy who is being threatened by Venom.
"That's gotta be him!" said Usagi.
"He...looks kinda scary!" shivered Minako.
"Quick, let's find cover and transform!" Usagi said to her friends.
"Right!" everyone said.
"You know what?" Venom asked. "I will take something to eat!"
"W...What do you want?" the guy asked shaken in fear.
"YOU!" Venom hissed, as he opened his mouth wide.
"NO, PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP!" the guy screamed in fear.
Venom was just about to eat the guy's face, but he heard someone whistle. He looked up and saw a person hanging from the lamppost. It was Spider-Man!
"Venom, we talked about this." he said. "People are for greeting, not eating!"
"SPIDER-MAN?!" Venom said as he released the guy, and he ran off screaming. Venom jumped to the lamppost Spider-Man was on and was about to punch him off, but Spider-Man quickly dodged it and jumped to the next lamppost.
"Why are you here?" Venom asked.
"Funny. I was gonna ask the same thing." said Spider-Man. "Oh, wait, let me guess. You wanna be in another prison? I don't blame ya. The meatloaf at the Raft are a little cold."
"Enough!" shouted Venom. He webbed Spider-Man's chest and pulled him right to his fist, but Spider-Man kick Venom in his face.
"Who's that?" Rei asked.
"I don't know, but he's dreamy!" Minako said with a soft voice.
"You read my mind!" Makoto also said with a soft voice.
Usagi, Rei, and Ami both looked at Makoto and Minako and sighed.
"What?" Makoto asked.
"You two can get his number later; but if you do like him, why don't you help him!" shouted Rei.
"Right!" said Minako.
They both found an alleyway that was clear and ran there to transform, but little did they know, Spider-Man was right above them. He was wall crawling on a building that the group was about to come across.
"Can't we just talk about this?" Spider-Man shouted to Venom. "There's a noodle joint not far from here!"
"When I'm done with you, I will use your intestines as noodles!" Venom yelled.
"That's disgusting!" said Spider-Man.
Venom roared and crabbed a car and threw it at Spider-Man.
"Oh, there goes someone's insurance!" Spider-Man said, as he dodged the car. A lot of glass shards flew everywhere, and the car was dangling on the building about to fall to the ground. Spider-Man looked down and saw Usagi and her group heading towards it. Then, the car tipped was about to fall. "Oh, great!" Spider-Man said, as he web swinged straight towards them.
"Come on! We're almost there!" said Makoto.
Usagi then tripped on a sidewalk edge and fell to the ground.
"Usagi!" the girls yelled.
"I'm OK." Usagi said.
"LOOK OUT!" Makoto yelled, pointing at the car that's falling towards her.
Usagi screamed as she saw the car. And right before it can crush her, Spider-Man swang in just int time.
"GOTCHA!" he said as he dropped Usagi on the other side of the street. "Are you OK?" he asked her.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Usagi replied.
"Good; and if you wanna stay fine, I suggest you get out of here!" Spider-Man said heading back to Venom.
"Wait!" Usagi stopped him. "Who are you?"
"I am your friendly neighborhood, Spider-Man!" Spider-Man answered and he web swinged to Venom."
"Usagi! Are you OK?" asked Ami.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" Usagi said. "He saved my life!"
"Lucky!" Minako said, crossing her arms.
"Let's just transform!" Rei said.
Back with Spider-Man...
"Give it up, Venom!" Spider-Man shouted.
"Not today, wall crawler!" Venom said, webbing Spider-Man and pulling him towards his arms and threw him into a window at the mall.
Spider-Man crashed into a clothing store and everyone was looking at him!
"I bet you all see this a lot in Tokyo!" Spider-Man joked, as he got up from the ground.
Venom then appeared at the crashed window he threw Spider-Man in and everyone left the store in a panic. Spider-Man ran to Venom getting ready to punch Venom, but Venom grabbed his throat at the last second. Then, Eddie's face began to show.
"Look at this face, Parker!" he said. "This is the face that's life was ruined by both you and Spider-Man."
"And the symbiote is making it worse!" Spider-Man replied.
"YOU PUT ME IN THIS SUIT!" Eddie shouted.
"Says the guy who followed me here!" said Spider-Man.
Eddie squeezed his throat tighter, and his face turned back to Venom. "You are not going to stop me this time, Parker." he said. "I'll rule this world, and you won't be there to stop me!"
"If you're going to scratch me, please do my back." Spider-Man said with a chuckle.
Venom was about to plunge his claws right to his chest, until...
"Hold it right there!" a female woman said.
Spider-Man and Venom looked at the direction where the voice was and they saw five females standing behind the crashed window.
"What the..." Venom said, with confusion.
"I think I finally found them!" Spider-Man said in his head.

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