Chapter 3: The Hunt for the Mysterious Creature

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Usagi and her friends made it to Rei's temple and Mamoru showed up as well.
"Hey, guys." Mamoru said.
"Hi, Mamoru." said Makoto.
"You're right on time!" said Minako.
"Hey, Usako. Good job on that test." Mamoru said. "Ami told me everything."
"Oh...uh...thanks." Usagi said, blushing.
"Hey, you guys!" yelled a woman from the temple. It was Rei.
"Rei!" Minako said. "We've got a problem."
"Did Usagi do something stupid again?" Rei asked.
"Shut up, Rei! This is serious!" said Usagi with a serious, yet angry look and creeped the heck out of Rei.
"Woah! Usagi, calm down; I was just joking!" Rei said.
"Do you really think it's the time for joking? We've got a situation!" Usagi said, getting too close to Rei.
"Wow! She's really starting to sound like me when I was bossing her around!" Rei said in her head.
"Um...What kind of situation?" asked Rei.
"We'll explain it all when Ami gets here." said Usagi.
"She just texted me, she just parked her car and she's walking here right now." replied Makoto.
"OK, everyone. Let's meet up at Rei's temple until Ami arrives." said Usagi, heading to toward to the temple.
The group looked at Usagi heading up to the temple with their faces in shock.
"Uhhh...can someone tell me what's going on?" Rei asked.
"Remember when Usagi said about that, new leaf she's been bragging about this month?" Makoto said.
"She was serious?" Rei asked. "I thought she was joking!"
"I HEARD THAT!" Usagi yelled.
"Yikes!" Minako said.
"Let's not keep her waiting." Mamoru said, heading up the stairs.
"Is it weird to everyone that Usagi is kind of acting like me?" asked Rei.
"A little." Artemis replied.
"Totally." said Minako.
"Who knows?" Artemis said. "Maybe you'll act like Usagi."
Rei grew in anger, and punched Artemis right in the head.
"Shut it, pussycat!" Rei yelled.
"OW!" Artemis cried.
Well, the guardians have their hands full right now, so let's see how Peter (AKA, Spider-Man) is holding up.
Peter was packing his things to Tokyo which he's getting ready to go tomorrow.
"I'm telling you; Aunt May, I'll be fine." Peter said, talking to his aunt on his phone.
"No one won't hurt you in Tokyo?" Aunt May asked, talking to Peter on his phone.
"I'm pretty sure those new superheroes in Tokyo won't hurt me." Peter replied, talking to Aunt May on his phone.
"Instead of Peter Parker getting them an interview, Spider-Man needs to the job 1st." Peter said in his head.
"Huh? Oh, sorry Aunt May. I wasn't paying attention." said Peter.
"Yes, I'll call you when I get there." Peter continued.
Just then, there was a knock on his door.
"I gotta go Aunt May, someone is at the door." said Peter.
"I love you, too." Peter said, as he hung up the phone and answered the door.
Peter opened the door, and his girlfriend Mary Jane Watson was there.
"MJ? What are you doing here?" Peter asked.
"Coming to see you, tiger!" said MJ. She then looked at his suitcase and opened it up. She saw some clothes, his toothbrush, and his Spider-Man suit.
"Hey! I thought you were going to see me, not my suitcase!" Peter said, grabbing her shoulders.
"You're leaving?" MJ said, with a worried look.
"It's only for a few days" Peter said.
"Where are you going?" MJ asked.
"I'm going to Tokyo!" Peter replied. "JJ said that there's a group of superhero girls who fight a bunch of monsters there, so he thought I'd go check it out and hopefully get an interview with them."
"That's strange." said MJ.
"Heh. You tell me." Peter said, closing his suitcase.
"Well, please be careful out there." MJ said.
"You know I will." Peter said, as the 2 of them kissed.
"Well, I better leave you to your packing." said MJ.
"I'll text you later." Peter said, as he went out the door.
MJ exited Peter's apartment and Peter looked in at his Spider-Man suit.
"I just hope that this will turn out OK." Peter said in his head.
Well, now that Peter is ready for Tokyo, Let's go there and see how the Sailor Guardians are doing!
"Thanks for coming, everyone" said Usagi. "Rei, Mamoru, and Ami; you three weren't here when we saw this, but a man was attacked by a creature!"
"What kind of creature?" Ami asked.
"We're not sure, but he had weird white shaped eyes, sharp teeth, a long tongue, and his skin is made up of some weird black goo." Makoto replied.
"You saw it?!" asked Rei.
"No. The man described it to the medics" Minako said. "He was really freaking out."
"What could cause a man to have black goo as a power?" Mamoru asked.
"Maybe he's made out of tar or something." Luna said.
"Maybe." Ami said.
"We've got to find him, before he hurts anyone else!" Usagi said.
"It's going to be hard though." Makoto said.
"Why is that?" asked Rei.
"Because the thief said he was human!" Minako answered.
"I doubt a human can do that!" Rei said.
"Unless, if one of our old enemies is back!" Ami said.
"I don't think so, Ami." Artemis said.
"Either way, we have to find him." Mamoru said.
"But how?" asked Makoto.
"By splitting up." Usagi said. "We'll each be in teams."
"Sounds like a plan." Minako said.
"Great." Usagi said. "Now here's what I need everybody to do, Minako and Makoto will check every street and alleyway they go and make sure they spot anything suspicious."
"Roger that!" Makoto said.
"You can count on us!" said Minako.
"Ami, you're the only one in the group with wheels, you and Rei will check the busy streets in Tokyo." Usagi said.
"Right." Ami said.
"Sure thing." Rei said.
"Luna and Artemis, you two will be in plain sight and try to find him. Once you do, go to the nearest Guardian as fast as you can!" said Usagi.
"Of course." Luna said.
"Piece of cake!" Artemis said.
"And Mamoru, you're with me. We're going to check my neighborhood." Usagi said.
"Good idea." Mamoru said.
"Alright, we each contact each other until we find this creature. Got it?" Usagi asked her scouts.
"Yes!" They all said.
"Good! Now, let's go!" said Usagi.
Everyone has split up and went to the locations they were assigned to.
"I'm so proud of her" Luna said, looking back at her.
"You sure are, Luna." said Artemis. "I'm sure she'll make a fine queen."
"I hope so." Luna said.

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