Chapter 9: Responsibility, Spider-Man's Origin Pt.2

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Peter was shocked in fear. "How did he know? Is he some kind of mind reader." he said in his head. " did you know?"
"I saw your reflection on one of your Aunt's special plates." Uncle Ben said. "And I know you saw the fighting grand prize on the newspaper."
Peter sighed. "Uncle Ben...I... I'm sorry I lied to you and May I just wanna...."
"Help?" Uncle Ben said finishing his sentence.
"Uh...yeah." Peter said surprised.
Uncle Ben chuckled and patted Peter on the shoulder. "There's something different about you boy!" Uncle Ben said. "Did something happen yesterday?"
"Um...You could say that." Peter said, rubbing his head. "When I got back from the field trip, I... I felt some power inside me!" he said rubbing his hand where the spider bit him.
"That's good to hear." Uncle Ben said. "Because with great power, comes great responsibility!"
"I'll keep that in mind." Peter said.
"Now go get em!" said Uncle Ben. Peter nodded and exited the car.
Inside the stadium, a bunch of wrestlers were injured, bruised up, and missing some teeth. One more guy tried to run up to the other wrestler and tried to punch him, but the other wrestler punched him in the face and he was knocked out instantly!
"And that's another win for, Randy Savage!" the referee said.
(Note: I also don't know if the wrestler Spider-Man fought in the first movie had the same name in the comics, so I just choose the one from the first movie! Sorry!)
"YEAH!" Randy Savage yelled and yanked the microphone from the referee's hand. "Does anyone else want to challenge me, or did the last of the guys ran away because they were scared?"
"Nah, they left because you were playing unfair!" a voice said entering the ring! It was Peter wearing the suit he had in his backpack. He was wearing a red hoodie with a spider on the middle, he was wearing red tennis shoes, and he had a red mask with white eyes that kinda look like swimming goggles.
(Again. Like the Homemade suit from Spider-Man: Homecoming)
"And who might you be, little girl?" asked Savage.
"Really?" Peter asked. "Do I look like a girl to you?"
"You will be when I make you run away scared!" said Savage.
"I don't think so, Flash Gordon!" Peter mocked him. Savage charged at him and got ready to punch him, but Peter dodged the punch and quickly evaded behind him. "Nice punch, but I think you missed!" he said.
"So, stand still!" yelled Savage. As he tried to kick him.
"Wait!" the Peter said.
"WHAT!?" Savage yelled standing still.
"There's something on your face!" said Peter pointing at Savage's face!
"What?" said Savage with a confused face!
"Don't worry, I'll get it!" said Peter as he punched Savage really hard on his face! Savage got up and rubbed his nose. But when he looked at his hand, it was covered in blood.
"Oops! It was just a mole." Peter laughed.
"I'm gonna rip your head off and use it as a bowling ball!" Savage said wiping off the rest of the blood from his nose.
"Hey, it's not my fault you fell for something so stupid!" said Peter.
Savage yelled and charged at Peter, but he flipped and kicked Savage right in his stomach. He fell to the ground and Peter got on top of him. "Who...the...hell...are...YOU!?" yelled Savage.
"Call me, SPIDER-MAN!" Peter answered and he punched Savage knocking him out. The crowd cheered and the referee announced Peter the winner!
After the match, Peter went to go get his cash money, but all he got was $500. "Seriously?" Peter asked the man.
"Seriously." the man said.
"The paper said that the prize was, $1,000!" yelled Peter.
"Yeah, well a lot of things on the paper is always not true!" the man said.
"Come on, I need that money!" Peter begged.
"Listen kid!" the man shouted. "Either you take what you have and leave, or I'll have security come get you out!" Peter stormed off and the man laughed looking at the rest of the money! "Works every time!" he said. But then, he heard a gun clicked.
"Put the money in the bag!"
"What a rip off!" Peter said to himself and looked at the $500 dollars. "Well, on the bright side, this is a good start!"
"HEY! SOMEONE STOP HIM!" said a voice behind him. A thief was running from the guy who ripped him off. Peter got out of there way and the thief ran past him! The guy stopped to catch his breath and looked and saw that the thief was gone! "What the hell is wrong with you?!" the man yelled at Peter.
"Wasn't my problem!" Peter shrugged. "And also, that was karma right there!" Peter walked out and went upstairs.
"Screw you!" the man said as he walked back to his office.
Peter was about to head out, until he saw some red flashing lights outside. Everyone quickly headed outside as soon as they saw it. "Hey! What's going on?" Peter asked stopping a guy from heading outside.
"Someone shot an old man and took his car!" the man answered.
"An old man?" Peter said to himself, then realized something! "Oh No!" Peter quickly ran outside and saw a crowd of people gathering around in a circle. He began to panic when he got to the circle. He pushed a lot of people in the way and saw someone lying on the floor with his chest bleeding. But he knew who that man was. Uncle Ben. "Oh my God! UNCLE BEN!" Peter shouted. He ran to his Uncle Ben and went to him. But he was already dead. "WHERE'S THE FLIPPIN DOCTORS!" Peter sobbed.
"They're here, but I doubt they'll do anything now!" someone said.
Peter's head went down to the ground and cried. He then he felt range inside of him. His blood began to boil. He ran out of the crowd pushing them out of the way and pull out his phone. "Thank goodness me and Uncle Ben made a tracker and put it on his car." He said as he found the tracker at an old warehouse. "Found you!" he said and ran to an alleyway and looked at his custom.
The thief was wearing a mask and had a brown khaki jacket and had blue jeans and red tennis shoes. He looked at the money and laughed. "Hahahaha. With this money, I could buy me a mansion." He spoke.
"That's what you think!" a voice said. The thief quickly jumped when he heard the voice.
"WHO'S THERE?!" he shouted.
"BOO!" the guy said, as he webbed the gun from his hand and broke it in half.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" he said, about to punch him. The man dodged the attack and grabbed his arm and twisted it. The thief screamed in pain and the man grabbed his throat. That man was Peter. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" he asked in fear.
"Are you really asking me that?!" asked Peter, in rage. "YOU TOOK THE LIFE OF AN ELDERLY MAN!" Peter pushed him to a window, and he was dangling outside the building He then grabbed the mask and began to pull it off of him. "AND YOU ARE GONNA..." Peter's eyes were at shock! He couldn't believe it! It was the same thief that robbed the money from the wrestling match. " can't be..." Peter sputtered. "IT CAN'T BE YOU!"
"It's the same guy that robbed the match! He killed my Uncle! No... that.... that can't be true!" Peter said in his head.
"Please. I'm sorry. Just don't hurt me!" The thief begged.
"Hurt you? HURT YOU!" Peter yelled with tears coming out of his eyes. I WANNA KILL YOU! BY DROPPING YOU OFF THIS LEDGE AND LETTING YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS FOR SOMEONE TO LOSE A LIFE!" Peter letting him go.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" The thief screamed, and he closed his eyes and covered his face. When he opened his eyes, his face was nearly on the ground he looked up and saw him dangling on a web.
"But I won't!" Peter said coming down. "I'd rather let you suffer like I did." Peter walked away and more tears came out of his eyes. "I'm.... sorry...Uncle Ben."
*Back in the Present*
"After that, I went home, and I bet Aunt May had just heard the news. She ran to me crying." Peter said rubbing his head. "I told her that this was all my fault, but she said that it was never my fault, even if you dragged Ben into this."
Everyone was in shock. They couldn't believe what Peter said. They all felt bad. "Peter...I... I'm so sorry that happened to you." said Usagi, touching his shoulder.
"Thanks." Peter said.
"Hows your Aunt now?" asked Michiru.
"Fine. She works at a homeless shelter at New York called, F.E.A.S.T." Peter answered.
"Good to hear." said Mamoru.
"Ok. So, what about the Symbiote?" asked Haruka. "You said if you tell us your story you can tell us about it!"
"Yeah. But I think we might need to tell your other scouts about it as well." Peter said, putting his mask on.
"You mean the other four that tried to kill you." asked Setsuna.
"Yep. Those ones." said Spider-Man.
"Then in that case, meet us at this location in the morning!" Usagi said, as she gave a piece of paper to Spider-Man with the address to Rei's temple.
"You got it!" Spider-Man said. He jumped off the building to the next one and headed to his hotel room.
"Are you sure about this Usagi?" asked Hotaru.
"Yes. Yes I am." Usagi said.
Eddie put half of the symbiote in a container and looked at it. "Perfect!" he said.
"Alright. It's ready!" a man said.
"Good." Eddie said. "In the morning, all of Tokyo will turn into a symbiote city. MY symbiote city!" he said turning into Venom.
"Yes. And soon, I will know who the Spider-Man is!" the man said laughing.
"Tell me, why do you hate Spider-Man?" asked Venom.
The man's body froze and and his grin turned into a frown. "He.... he failed to save my son!" he said. "He's dead because of Spider-Man! And before I kill him, I will see his real face and stab him where he stands."
"But instead, you ask for me." said Venom.
"Hey, that black tar of yours knows about him more than me!" the man said, as he got on his device and flew off. He went into an abandoned building and went into a cage that had a man in a cage.
"Is it time yet?" he asked.
"Not yet my friend. Not.... yet!" the man said, as he showed him a symbiote in a container. But this one was.... RED!
The next morning...
Ami, Makoto, Minako, and Rei were at Rei's temple waiting for Usagi and the others to come. They all stood there quite still thinking about the mistake they made last night.
"Guys?" Rei asked everyone anxiously. They all looked at her. "Are...are you guys mad at me?" she asked.
"Rei...of course not." Ami answered.
"Why would you think that?" Makoto asked.
"Because...I... I put you all into this!" said Rei. "You guys nearly lost your duties as Sailor Guardians because of me!"
"Rei, It's our fault too." Minako said. "We choose to go with you. We really should've listened to Usagi's orders."
"Minako is right!" Makoto said touching Rei's shoulder. "We all are to blame for this."
Rei rubbed off some tears from her eyes and smiled. "Thanks guys." she said.
"Hello, girls!" Usagi said opening the door with Mamoru, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and Hotaru.
" Usagi!" the girls said.
"Usagi, I..I'm so sorry about yesterday!" Rei said. "I was only trying to...."
"Protect me." Usagi said finishing her sentence. " Haruka told me everything!"
Rei looked at Haruka and smiled at her. "Thank you." she said.
"And besides, it wasn't you!" Michiru said to Rei.
"Wasn't me?" Rei asked.
"Yes. It wasn't you that was gonna kill Spider-Man." said Mamoru.
"What are you guys talking about?" Rei asked.
"You were being controlled!" Usagi said.
"By what?" Ami asked.
"By the symbiote!" said a voice outside of the room. Everyone looked out and saw Spider-Man standing outside.
"SPIDER-MAN?!" Makoto, Ami, Minako, and Rei shouted.
"What is he doing here?" Makoto asked.
"How did he find us?" Rei asked.
"I gave him your temple's address!" Usagi said.
"Of course, you did!" Rei said.
"It was for a good reason, Rei." Usagi said.
"What kind of reason?" asked Minako.
"Because I need your help, Sailor Scouts!" Spider-Man said, entering the room.
"He knows who we are!" Makoto said, surprisingly.
"I told him!" Usagi said.
"YOU WHAT!" Rei shouted.
"Woah; take it easy, Buttercup!" said Spider-Man. "She didn't tell me you guys were the four scouts!"
"She didn't?" Minako asked.
"Then, how did you know we were the scouts that had that 'incident' with you last night?" Ami asked.
"Well for starters, you girls had the exact same hair style from before!" Spider-Man said pointing at their hair. The girls looked up at their hair and were surprised at who right he was.
"Wow. Good point." Makoto said.
"How did our enemies from the past didn't figure that out before?" Minako asked.
"We'll talk about that later!" Spider-Man said. "But now, we're getting off task." Peter walked over to Rei. "Your Sailor.....Mars, right?" he asked her.
"Uh...yeah?" Rei answered.
"Then, it was you that was being controlled by the symbiote!" said Spider-Man.
"Symbiote?! I heard you say that word last night!" Ami said.
Spider-Man paused for a minute. "You think....I...created...the symbiote?" he asked.
"Symbiote?" Sailor Mercury asked.
"Yeah. The Symbiote is dangerous." said Spider-Man. "It takes over any living thing's body and turns them into...Venom!"
"Of course!" said Ami. "It takes control of the body, making it unstable to control if they use it for too long!"
"Wow! Here's the next Nobel Prize Winner, ladies and gentlemen!" Spider-Man said to Ami.
"Hehe. Thanks!" Ami said blushing.
"Perfect, Two Amis!" Rei said.
"Hey! How do you know so much about the symbiote, Spider-Man?" Makoto asked.
Spider-Man froze and sighed. "Because...I was the first one to host it!" he answered, and he took off his mask! The girl's gasped as they saw his real face. "My name is Peter Parker! And I am Spider-Man!" he said.
"Peter Parker?" Rei asked.
"The one who takes all those photos?" Ami asked,
"How is that possible?" Makoto asked.
"I hope he was kidding about him having a girlfriend earlier!" Minako said in her head.
"I'll explain everything later. But know, I need to tell you about Venom!" Peter said.
Everyone gathered around and Peter cleared his throat.
"When I first got the symbiote, I felt stronger, faster, and smarter than my last suit! It was great! Until the symbiote changed me. It made me try to kill everyone I loved and cared about. It also made me wanna kill every criminal I stop."
"So that web really was controlling Rei!" Minako said.
"How do you know about it?" Rei asked.
"We...heard your talk with Haruka." Makoto said.
"Stalkers!" Rei said, crossing her arms.
"Uh..ahem?" Peter said getting their attention.
"Oh! Sorry for the interruption!" said Rei.
"But...Peter. Who was that Human in that...symbiote...we fought at the mall?" Minako asked.
"I was getting to that!" Peter said. "Venom's host now is called, Eddie Brock. He was an ex-photographer at the Daily Bugle. He got fired when he stole some of my photos that he said was his. After that, his life was down the drain. He lost his home, his money, and the one thing he's good at!"
"He must really despise you right before he became Venom!" Hotaru said.
"Yeah, he sure did." Peter said.
"Speaking of Venom, how did this, Eddie Brock became him?" Setsuna asked Peter.
"Well, when I was still in the suit, I realize now what it was doing to me!" Peter said. "When I first got it. I went to an old teacher of mine named Doctor Connors. He told me everything about it, but I didn't listen! I should've listened to him. I went to an old, abandoned Church in Harlem and tried to get it off! But it was no use! But when I ranged the bell. The symbiote began to scream and yell. It was starting to come off easily. I realized the symbiote was weakened by sound! When I got the suit off, Eddie was down on the bottom floor. He saw the whole thing. He knows who Spider-Man is and who he loves. And all of the symbiote that was on me, went to Eddie. Or should I say.... VENOM!"
"That...that's horrible!" Usagi said.
"Yeah, but at least we know how to stop him!" said Minako.
"True, but how will we find him?" asked Setsuna.
"I think we found the answer!" Luna said, as she turned up the radio.
"And in other news, a man that was covered in weird black ink was seen at the Tokyo Tower and seems to be going up it and had a strange device on the top..."
"Venom...he's probably gonna turn Tokyo in to a symbiote city!" Peter said.
"We won't let that happen!" Usagi said. "'s time!"
"Right!" everyone said.
"...MAKE UP!"
Everyone transformed into their Sailor Guardian form.
"I really wish I could do that with suit." Peter said.
"I knew you'd say that!" Tuxedo Mask said, appearing in the doorway.
"Show off." Peter said.
"Spider-Man! Will you help us defeat your enemy, so you can save our city?" Sailor Moon asked Peter.
"Usagi..." Peter said as he grabbed his mask and put it on. "...why did you even ask?"
"Ok, everyone. Let's stop Venom!" Sailor Moon rallied.

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