Chapter 5: The Return, Sailor Scouts vs. Venom

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Spider-Man and Venom both looked at the five teenage girls looking angrily at them.
"Turning into a hideous creature to hurt innocent lives is unacceptable!" said the female in the middle of the group.
"Even in a nice, peaceful town!" said one of them.
"Who the hell are you?!" Venom hissed.
"Protected by Mercury, the planet of water, I am Sailor Mercury, Guardian of Wisdom!" said the blue female.
"Protected by Jupiter, the planet of thunder, I am Sailor Jupiter, Guardian of Protection!" said the green female.
"Protected by Mars, the planet of fire, I am Sailor Mars, Guardian of War!" said the red female.
"Protected by Venus, the planet of beauty, I am Sailor Venus, Guardian of love!" said the orange female.
"And I am the leader of the Sailor Guardians, the pretty guardian who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon!" said the one in the center. "And now; in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"
"Did they seriously just strike poses awkwardly?" Spider-Man thought.
"Go away! I have a spider to squash!" Venom said with his long tongue coming out of his wide mouth.
"Sorry, Venom." Spider-Man said gripping Venom's arm. "But I would rather die from Doctor Octopus." he said, as he kicked venom with both of his legs. Venom flew across the room and crashed into an electronics store! Spider-Man then looked at the guardians. "Stay back, cheerleaders!" he said.
"Cheerleaders?!" yelled Sailor Mars. "We're the Sailor Guardians, dimwit."
"Whatever, just...Uh-oh!" Spider-Man said as he did a backflip, dodging a giant flat screen T.V that was thrown at him. When he struck the landing, the guardians were amazed at how he dodged that T.V without even looking. "Wow, Venom." Spider-Man said, looking at Venom. "You must really hate AT&T."
"Wow. He's even more dreamer, then I thought." Sailor Venus said softly. Then, Sailor Mars hit her head.
"Do you really think now is the time for that?!" Sailor Mars growled.
"Sorry." Sailor Venus said, with her voice cracking.
"Come on Scouts, let's get him!" Sailor Moon said as her and the Sailor Guardians ran to Spider Man and Venom.
"I think Mars cracked my skull." Sailor Venus said rubbing her head.
Venom ran to Spider-Man and jumped up to punch him, but Spider-Man dodged the attack and he hit the ground. Spider-Man then uppercutted him and kicked his stomach. Venom roared and webbed Spider-Man's chest. He then yanked the web and Spider-Man flew straight to him. When he got close, Venom punched Spider-Man in the face, and he crashed into a pillar with the map on the wall.
" everything!" Spider-Man said, trying to get up; but his leg was caught on the pillar he crashed into. "Oh, come on!" he said trying to get his leg out. Just then, he saw Venom right in front of him. "Oh, crap." he said.
"End of the line, Spider-Doof!" Venom said, clenching his fists and raising it in the air.
"Crecent Slender Beam!" shouted Sailor Venus. Her beam struck Venom and he crashed into a toy store. Venom got up and rubbed his head and saw the Sailor Guardians standing in front of the rubble Spider-Man's stuck in.
"Stay down, oil slick!" Sailor Jupiter said.
"Oil slick? Man, they have better insults that I do!" Spider-Man thought.
"You girls, stay out of this!" Venom roared.
"No, can do. Get him, girls." Sailor Moon ordered the scouts. The scouts charged at Venom, while Sailor Moon went to Spider-Man. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked him.
"Yeah, I think." Spider-Man answered, trying to get the pillar off him. "Uh...a... little help?"
"Sure." Sailor Moon said, as she grabbed the bottom of the pillar and tried to lift it up. While she tried to lift it up, Spider-Man kept struggling to get his leg out.
"I don't know why, but for some reason; she kinda looks familiar." Spider-Man thought.
Meanwhile, the Sailor Guardians charged at Venom.
"Sailor Mars! See if your evil spirit banish will affect him!" Sailor Jupiter shouted.
"Ok." Sailor Mars said, as she grabbed a piece of paper and began to chant. "Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen! Begone, evil spirit!" she shouted as she threw the paper at Venom. The paper stick on Venom's chest and didn't do anything. Venom looked at it and looked at the guardians with an angry look.
"It...didn't work?" Sailor Jupiter said in fear.
"Why did you tell me to use it?" Sailor Mars shouted.
"I...I thought he was an evil spirit or something." Sailor Jupiter said as she rubbed her head in humiliation. The guardians groaned and looked down at the ground. Venom took the paper off his chest and threw it on the ground.
"My turn!" he said. He then shot a web at Sailor Mars and pulled towards him!
"SAILOR MARS!" all the guardians shouted.
Venom then threw Sailor Mars and shot another web at her making her stick to the wall.
"Mars! Are you OK?" Sailor Mercury asked.
"I...can'!" Sailor Mars struggling to get out.
"Hold on! We'll get you out!" Sailor Venus said. "Mercury, give us cover!"
"On it!" Sailor Mercury said. "Mercury Aqua Mist!" A giant mist cloud and fog covered the room and Venom lost sight of the guardians.
He then looked all around and couldn't see anything. He stood very quietly looking around, not moving a single inch. Just then, he heard a gentle step coming from his left. He quickly webbed the ground and heard a gasp. Half of the mist cleared up and he saw Sailor Mercury's foot stuck in his web. "Nice try, blueberry!" he said.
"My foot! What is this stuff?" Sailor Mercury said, trying to get her foot unstuck.
"You need to work on your stealth!" Venom said, slowly walking towards her. Sailor Mercury began to panic and kept struggling to get her foot free. Venom stopped in front of Mercury and slowly opened his mouth. Mercury screamed in fear.
"GET AWAY FROM HER!" shouted Sailor Jupiter, running towards behind Venom getting ready to punch him, but Venom countered her attack. He grabbed Sailor Jupiter's arm and threw her to the side of the room. When she landed on the ground, Venom webbed up her whole body. "No, I'm stuck too!" she said struggling to get up.
"All of you girls are fools!" said Venom.
"Venus Love Me Chain!" Sailor Venus shouted as her chain flew to Venom, but he caught it! All the guardians gasped. "I don't believe it! He caught the Venus chain!" Sailor Venus said. Venom pulled the chain and Sailor Venus flew straight towards him. Venom grabbed Sailor Venus' throat and the guardians gasped. Venom brought Sailor Venus to his face. "!" she said choking a bit.
"Eyes...Lungs...Pancreas...So many snacks, so little time!" Venom said, as he licked Sailor Venus' face.
"Ew! That's so gross!" Sailor Venus said, with her eyes closed and her whole face turned away from Venom. Venom turned her head towards him.
"You're a brave one, little girl; but not brave enough!" Venom said.
"W...who are you?!" Sailor Venus stuttered.
Just then, half of Eddie's face appeared on the left side. "We...are Venom!" he said as the symbiote made Venom's face. The guardians gasped at what they saw.
"He really is human!" Sailor Mars said, surprisingly.
Venom opened his mouth and was about to bite Sailor Venus' face, but Spider-Man kicked him at the last second. Venom crashed into the wall and his body slid to the hall on the other side of the mall.
"Sorry Venom, no outside food in stores!" Spider-Man joked. Sailor Moon ran behind him and helped Sailor Venus to her feet.
"Sailor Venus, are you OK?" Sailor Moon asked.
"Yeah, I think so!" Sailor Venus answered.
"Pucca! Go, help your friends." Spider-Man said to Sailor Moon. "I'll take care of this."
"Ok, got it!" Sailor Moon said, as she ran to Sailor Mercury. "Hold still." she said as she grabbed onto her tiara. "Moon Tiara Action!" she said as she threw the Moon Tiara at the web that trapped her foot.
"Thanks, Sailor Moon." Sailor Mercury said.
"Don't move, Mars!" said Sailor Venus.
"I CAN'T move at all, genius!" Sailor Mars grounded, rolling her eyes.
"Crescent Super Beam!" Sailor Venus shouted as she shot one of the web strings holding Sailor Mars. She broke free and wiped off some of the web off here costume.
"Thanks." said Sailor Mars.
"Sailor Venus! Are you alright?" Sailor Jupiter asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" Sailor Venus replied.
"Come on! We need to catch up to that, 'Venom' person." Sailor Mars said. The guardians nodded and ran into the other side of the hole in the wall.
They all saw Spider-Man and Venom battle through the hallway. Everything around them is demolished, broken, and shattered.
"OK, so we found the big black creature, but what about the red and blue guy?" asked Sailor Jupiter looking at Spider-Man.
"Yeah, who is he and where did he come from?" Sailor Mercury asked.
"Spider-Man!" said Sailor Moon. Everyone looked at Sailor Moon looking at Spider-Man and Venom's battle.
"Huh?" Sailor Mars asked.
"His's Spider-Man!" Sailor Moon said again telling her team. "He told me when he saved my life earlier!"
"Spider-Man?" Sailor Mercury said. "Who is..." Suddenly, a loud bang interrupted her sentence. They saw Venom grabbing Spider-Man by his throat.
"This ends, NOW!" Venom said, taking out his claws from his fingers.
"Sailor Jupiter, attack him!" Sailor Moon ordered.
"OK!" shouted Sailor Jupiter. "Supreme Thunder!" A bolt of lightning struck Venom, and he roared really load and the symbiote was waving around on his back.
"Woah what is that stuff?" Sailor Venus asked.
"Don't know, but I don't think it liked that!" Sailor Mercury said.
Venom threw Spider-Man at the Sailor Guardians.
"INCOMING!" yelled Sailor Mars. Sailor Mercury and Venus caught Spider-Man.
"We got you!" Sailor Mercury said.
"Thanks, Ramona." Spider-Man said to her, then focused back to Venom; but he wasn't there. "What the...where did he go?" he asked looking all over the mall. He then looked at a broken window and peeked his head out and look around, but still no sign of him. "Dammit! He got away!" he said, smacking the wall.
"OK, what was that? And who are you?!" Sailor Mars asked him, angrily.
"Sorry, red lady; but I don't have time to answer questions." said Spider-Man. "I need to find Venom, before he hurts anyone else!" Spider-Man shot a web at a building and looked back at the guardians. "But, we'll see each other again." he said. Venus turned red. He pulled the web and flew high up.
Sailor Mars ran to him. "Hang on, I'm not done talking to..." but before she could go to the hole, a big web blocked it. "Seriously?!" she yelled.
"What do we do now?" asked Sailor Jupiter. "We lost the creature, and someone we don't know is after him!"
"Well, that creature seems to know him." Sailor Mercury pointed out. "Maybe they're from somewhere else."
"If that's true, then we better info about this, Spider-Man person." said Sailor Mars. "Let's get out of here and head to my temple, before the cops see us!" They all ran to a different exit, but Sailor Venus kept staring at the web.
"I hope we do meet again, Spider-Man." Sailor Venus said, blushingly.
"GET OVER HERE, JULIET!" yelled Sailor Mars as she pulled Sailor Venus' arm.
Spider-Man web swinged around Tokyo and kept looking around for Venom, but the was no sign of him.
"Great, this is just like New York." he said sticking to a wall. "This city is big, and Venom could be anywhere by now!" Spider-Man climbed up the building and sat on the edge, looking at the view of the city "Speaking of him being anywhere, how did he escape from the Raft?" Spider-Man thought for a moment and looked behind him and saw a billboard of Sailor Moon saying, "Sailor Moon will punish any evil she sees." Spider-Man walked to it and remembered the job J. Jonah Jameson hired him to do.
"Find these super teens and get me some photos!"
Spider-Man sighed and looked back at the view of the city. "Sorry, manager nutcase; the pictures of the girls will have to wait." he said as he started to web swing. "Right now, I have to find your ex-photographer!"

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