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ɦเɠɦ รcɦσσℓ รωεεƭɦεαɾƭร


"Come back here Yoongi!" Jin cried. He ran after Yoongi as tears filled his eyes. Yoongi ran through the playground while trying to get away from Jin. Jin tried to keep up, but was bumped into by RM and pushed onto the ground. RM let out a laugh while blowing his bubbles.

Jin sat on the ground, covered in dirt. He pouted his lips as his eyes began to well up. He then let out a loud cry, catching everyone's attention.

"Who made Jin cry!?" Jimin exclaimed.

"Quick! We gotta close his mouth before PD nim is going to cut our play time!" Hoseok exclaimed while running to Jin. Jimin followed behind him. They jumped on top of Jin quickly

They all tried to shut Jin's mouth physically, but Jin still tried to cry even though their hands were over his mouth. Hoseok head locked Jin as Jimin covered his mouth.

"Guys! Help! Or else we're going to get in trouble!" Jimin cried.

RM and Yoongi both looked at both of them with blank eyes. They hid inside the playground since they already saw PD nim approaching with Taehyung and Jungkook. Jungkook was shorter than Taehyung and was still learning how to walk, he held Taehyung's hand though which helped him a little.

PD nim hovered over Hoseok, Jimin, and Jin who were all holding one another. Jin's eyes were swollen and filled with tears as he sniffled and whimpered under Jimin's hands.

"What is going on here?" PD nim asked with comcern.

Jimin and Hoseok immediately released Jin who fell to the ground. The both of them pointed at the park where Yoongi and RM hid at.

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