Chapter XV

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Fifteen minutes earlier...

Neville walked nervously up the driveway, not looking at anything but his feet and those of his grandmother, Lady-Dowager Augusta Beatrice Longbottom nee Rosier. He was terrified of what she would do here at the Burrow. She did not take too kindly to hearing that he had run off to the Ministry and fought Death Eaters. Especially when one of them was Bellatrix Lestrange, the same lady who had tortured his parents into insanity. She didn't speak for a few days after that, but today she said we were heading to the Burrow.

They reached the door and Augusta knocked briskly three times. Neville nervously wrung his hands together, truly dreading the conversation to come. The door opened and revealed, "Malfoy?!" Neville gasped out in surprise. He didn't know why Malfoy was here of all people, especially since the Weasleys and Malfoys have a blood feud. Before Malfoy could answer, a pair of twin voices said, "Draco, Darling. Don't block the doorway." Draco flushed a deep crimson and quickly flew inside somewhere away from the grinning devils.

They looked back at the door, stood up straighter, and said, "Dowager Longbottom-" "Welcome to-" "the Burrow!" Augusta bowed before stepping into the Burrow, looking over what had become of the Most Ancient House of Weasley. Since the Malfoy-Weasley Blood Feud had started, the Malfoys became richer and the Weasleys became poorer. However, despite it all, the Weasley Family had maintained their cheery and heartwarming demeanour. The atmosphere of the burrow was warm, inviting, and felt like home. Molly came out of the Kitchen, both covered in flour from baking.

Molly stepped forward and bowed, "Dowager and Heir Longbottom. Welcome to the Burrow." Augusta looked at her, judging her with hard eyes, "I wish to thank you." Neville startled at hearing his grandmother say that, wondering what she was thankful for. Molly, however, already knew, "It is not me you need to thank, but Lord Potter-Black." Augusta stilled, "Lord? Of two Houses? What is his full title?" Cissa smirked, "Lord Harrison James Orion Potter-Black: Lord of the Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Potter and Black; Orders of Merlin: First Class II; and soon to be Chief Warlock of the British Wizengamot."

The Longbottoms eyes widened and their mouths hung open, completely shocked. Harry Potter wasn't even 16 yet and he was already powerful and respected in the Wizarding World. And, to have two Orders of Merlin: First Class is an achievement of itself. Neville shook himself out of it and said, "Where even is Harry? He disappeared after Dumbledore spoke to him." Everyone looked at each other as if they were debating on whether to tell them or not about Harry. Augusta was weary, "What has happened to Lord Potter-Black?"

Hermione was the one to answer, "He is... betrothed to his Soul Bonded." Augusta was a bit confused by why such a thing would be guarded. Soul Bonds were rare and cherished in the wizarding world. The only other person she knows that holds a soul bond is... Augusta gasped, "His bonded is Tom?!?!" Neville looked at her, "Who's Tom?" Augusta was shocked into silence, now realizing the implications of such revelation. It never dawned on her that the prophecy would be fake because of his Soul Bond. This would change the fate of the entire war.

She looked at Molly, "How did he take being his Soul Bonded?" Molly actually looked relieved, "He took it very well. Apparently, he was already aware, but someone obliviated his memories." Augusta and Neville both gained a dangerous look in their eye, but seemed surprised when Draco said, "They're upstairs if you want to talk to them." Augusta nodded and headed up the stairs, before Molly yelled, "Second-floor door on the left."

They eventually stopped at said door and were about to enter when they heard groaning and moaning. Neville's faced turned beet red while Augusta had an incredulous look on her face. She flew the door op and yelled, "HARRISON JAMES AND THOMAS MARVOLO!!!! WHAT IN THE NAME FO MERLIN DO YOU TWO THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!?!!" The two broke apart with a bit and stared back in slight fright, red from both exhaust and embarrassment. Until Tom registered who exactly had said that. He then proceeded to laugh his ass off.

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