Chapter X

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Molly Regina Weasley nee Prewett was a very respectable woman. Her sense of care and motherhood outshined many mothers who came from old pureblood lines. Despite being envied, that same respect came to her being able to raise seven children. So it was fair to say that she was able to prepare for someone who was emotionally stunted.
She stood in front of the floo with her whole family, waiting in such a poise manor as she was raised in her youth. The floo flared, and Severus stepped out of the grate. He was quickly followed by Lady Malfoy, who curtsied and stepped to the side. The final figure was a bit surprising to her. A tall, strong man stepped out, dressed in a casual yet elegant way. His facial expression and body language gave off a sense of nonchalant as if walking into your enemies home was normal. But Molly knew different.
One of the closest guarded secrets of the Prewett line was that they were empaths to the extreme. It's how she knew a person's intentions, as well as if they were lying. With seven children, such an ability was a blessing. And in this very situation, it was a blessing once more. The Dark Lord was nervous beyond reason and had a layer of fear underneath it. He was scared that he would not be deemed worthy to court his Soul Mate.
Molly couldn't take this feeling anymore. Before anyone could say anything she walked forward and pulled the Dark Lord into a hug. Gasps rang around the room as Tom stiffened from the embrace. Molly began whispering, "You have nothing to worry about. Harry is very forgiving, especially when you are truly sorry." A pang of guilt ran through Tom and Molly chose to continue, "It is alright to feel guilty, to feel emotions and express them. When one suppresses them, they corrode you and turn you cold and bitter. So for Harry's sake, show your true self."
Tom choked and pulled Molly into a fierce embrace. He never felt safe showing his emotions before, seeing them as a means to take advantage of someone. But being held by Molly, he feels safe, secure, and cared for. He sniffed and could feel a tear fall down his cheek, before he husked out, "Thank you, Mrs Weasley." Molly smiled, "Please, call me Molly." He nodded and wiped away his tears before looking at everyone else, who had turned away to their conversations.
There was one who had heard their small conversation, Remus Lupin. With his lycanthropy, he had enhanced hearing capabilities, along with other things. He was glad to hear, see, and smell the Dark Lord's guilt. Not out of petty smugness or repulsive satisfaction, but in that the Dark Lord would truly be able to care for Harry. He hated what he had done previously, and was looking for a change. A change that would be possible thanks to Harry.
Remus coughed, gathering everyone's attention. He stepped forward with his hand out, "Remus John Lupin, Harry's Godfather." Tom smiled a bit, and shook his hand, "Thomas Marvolo Riddle, Harry's Soul Bonded." The atmosphere immediately lifted, allowing everyone to breathe steadily. Molly piped in, "Let's all head to the kitchen for some lunch." Everyone followed and were impressed to find an array of food already set out. There was a beef roast, mashed potatoes, some fried vegetables, and iced lemonade.
Everyone sat down and began piling their plates, ready to taste the savoury food. Tom for his part was extremely impressed. The food at Malfoy Manor was delicious, but the best was when Narcissa decided to bake something. But this lunch showed just how much a difference true care and hard work could make in a dish. He no understood why many of the muggle-raised wizenkin talked about missing their mothers' cooking.
As the meal progressed, small conversations began to pop up. The most prominent being between Molly and Narcissa. They chatted about different recipes, Molly shared some for larger gatherings while Narcissa told her some of the more intimate meals she prepared for her and her husband, stating that she will need them in three years. That, of course, led to them embarrassing their children, even Draco despite him not being there.
As the meal finished, the tension began to build once again. Instead of fear, it was the anticipation of what was to come. But before anyone could say anything, the floo flared to life and out came Minerva cursing up a storm in her thick accent, "That glaikit bas! ah swear if ah see him again, ah will pumpin' murdurr him wi' mah bare hauns!-" Her ranting was cut short upon seeing a bemused looking Tom Riddle sitting at the Weasley table. The next second a wand was in between two crossed, blood-red eyes as Minerva hissed out, "Ye! ye overgrown pile o' horse jobby! ye spend years trying tae murdurr a bawherr laddie 'n' then hae th' pumpin' nerve tae be a smug bas 'n' sit wi' his pumpin' fowk! ah ought tae blaw yer bastardized heid richt aff yer pumpin' shoulders!"
Tom smelt the telltale sign of scotch on her breath and knew she was drunk. So he carefully crossed his arms behind his back and signed, 'sobering spell'. Snape understood and shot the spell in a blink of an eye at Minerva. She reeled back, holding her head as a headache formed. She looked up, "Whit th' hell's bells wis that fur Severus?!" Tom tried, he did try to hold in his laughter, but he couldn't anymore. He held on to the table as he laughed at the fact that 'Model Minnie' lost her temper enough to let her accent through.
Everyone stared as Tom collapsed to one knee and began wheezing as he struggled to breathe. Fred started at this, went over, and beat on his back with his fist. It helped Tom regain his breath, and he slowly stood. He husked out, "Thank You", before staring back at a shocked Minerva with a humorous glint in his eyes. He smiled broadly, "It's good to see that the Lioness is still there Minnie." Minerva stared for a while before stating, "Molly, Arthur? whit th' bloody blazing hell is gaun oan 'ere? how come is tam 'ere 'n' nae getting hexed tae pumpin' oblivion?"
Remus was the one to respond, "He is here to ask for Harry's hand in marriage." Minerva stared at him for a second before a look of understanding was shown in her eyes. She closed them, took several deep breathes, and then said, "I apologize for my outrageous behaviour. Dumbledore had just caused so many problems that I was a bit stressed." Tom actually gave a slight pout and said, "Ahh, Mad Minnie is gone." Everyone laughed at that, which caused him to smile.
Finally, they settled back at the table, and Remus produced a blank piece of contract parchment. The parchment would be signed in blood, binding the two by magic to uphold their ends of the bargain. It was on this that the betrothal contract would be signed. With betrothal contracts, the one seeking the hand would be allowed to court and marry if accepted. All it did was give magical consent to such an act, whereas a Marriage Contract gave little to no room for rejection.
Remus was the first to speak, "I give consent for Harry's hand in marriage, as long as two things are followed. One, Harry accepts this bond-" Tom cut him off, "He does. He sent me a reply to the letter I sent him, both written on Verita-Parchment." Remus blinked a few times, shook his head, and said, "Very well. The second is that any and all Death Eater activities, unless strictly political, are to stop."
Tom nodded his head, "I can consent to that, with one exception. The Death Eaters have the right to defend themselves should a rogue group choose to attack them." Remus understood where Tom was going. It wasn't long after the Headmasters plans were released, and many were displeased. But a few were completely against it, believing it was a bunch of lies by the Ministry. They would cause problems for the Dark Faction. He sighed, "Very well, but Harry must approve of such action." Tom smiled blindingly, "Agreed."
Moody, being a cautious yet active Ministry worker, chose to write out the contract. This would ensure that any and all loopholes were covered, and neither side could exploit the other. He finished nearly thirty minutes later-

Betrothal Contract
Gaius: Thomas Marvolo Riddle, also known as the Dark Lord Voldemort, Lord of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Slytherin
Consent: None needed

Gaia: Harrison James Orion Potter-Black, Lord of the Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Potter and Black
Consent: Granted by Godfather- Remus John Lupin, Lord of the Most Noble House of Lupin

Harrison James Orion Potter-Black must accept the Soul Bond between him and Thomas Marvolo Riddle, also known as the Dark Lord Voldemort.
Thomas Marvolo Riddle, also known as the Dark Lord Voldemort, must stop any and all death Eater activity that isn't strictly political in nature.
Any and all consent to reactivate part or the whole of the Death Eaters must be given to Thomas Marvolo Riddle, also known as the Dark Lord Voldemort, by Harrison James Orion Potter-Black.

Written by: Alastar 'Mad-Eye' Moody, Lord of the Ancient House of Moody
Bound by: Thomas Marvolo Riddle, also known as the Dark Lord Voldemort, Lord of Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Slytherin; Remus John Lupin, Lord of the Most Noble House of Lupin
Witnessed by: Narcissa Elizabeth Malfoy nee Black, Lady of the Noble and Ancient House of Malfoy; Molly Regina Weasley nee Prewett, Dowager of Noble and Ancient House of Prewett, Lady of the Most Ancient House of Weasley

A flare of magic was felt right after Molly finished signing. The contract was set in stone, and there was nothing anyone could do unless one of the conditions was broken. Tom stood and shook Remus's hand, "Thank you again. You will not come to regret this decision." Remus nodded, "And neither will you." They were just about to leave when Severus said, "Wait!" He went over to one of the bookshelves and reached forward. His hand appeared to be pushed back before he was allowed to grab the black diary sitting there. Tom smiled, "Thank you, Severus, I forgot about that."
He grabbed the diary from Severus and then collapsed down to the ground crying out. A cloud of black smoke could be seen coming from the Diary before entering Tom, and when it stopped Tom passed out.
Charlie was the first to respond, "Luna was right." As Severus and Narcissa checked over Tom, Remus asked, "Right about what?" Charlie responded, "She said to sleep on the couch as the bed would be needed by the 'Lord of Night'. He can rest there until he awakens. In the meantime, you can tell us what happened." Severus nodded and stood up with the help of the Twin and Bill, carrying the magically charged man up to a room so he may rest.
Dear Readers,
Here is Chapter X, and there will be questions I'm sure. I also love the whole Scottish Minnie, and enjoyed translating. I hope you enjoy this.

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