Chapter XI

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It was the morning of the 23 of June 1996, and Molly was beginning to get worried. Two days ago, Tom Riddle had come to her home seeking permission to court Harry from Remus. He had been granted said permission, and was about to leave when Snape retrieved a hidden Diary. Upon touching said Diary, Tom had collapsed and passed out from the pain. Ever since, he has been whimpering and whining in pain, so much to the point that Molly broke.

She had just reached the counter in the kitchen when a sudden sob cut through her. Molly was a mother through and through and seeing a young man who was broken in so many ways to be in pain tore her apart. Her body continued to wrack with sobs when the floo flared. She heard Cissy say, "Good Mor-" before a quick few clicks could be heard, and Molly was wrapped up in Cissy's arms.

Narcissa didn't have to ask what was wrong, for it affected her too. She and Molly took turns checking up on and taking care of Tom. And it tore both of them up to the core, their magicks agitated. All witches and wizards have the same basic magical core, which can be used for any sort of magic. Then there are two other sources of Magick, the Family Magick and Parental Magick. For men, the Parental Magick will cause them to fight to the death should their Family need it. For mothers, it to care for all their children. But, occasionally, their magic will harmonize with another that isn't their child. In this case, Cissa's and Molly's have both harmonized with Tom and Harry.

To their Magick, Tom and Harry were their children, and it was going rampant not being able to help Tom in the way they needed. As his soul was repairing itself, his magick would dispel any and all foreign objects, even if it was helpful. That was one of the dangers to having more than one, especially unjustified and forced, Horcruxes. You were most vulnerable when healing. They stood there, sharing their mothers' pain when the floo flared again. They didn't look back, believing it was one of the men, when they heard a heartbreaking question, "Where's Tom?"

Cissy and Molly spun around and saw Harry standing there, white as a sheet, and teary-eyed. Molly rushed forward and locked Harry into a hug. She sobbed a bit before saying, "Harry dear, why are you here? I thought you locked yourself away?" Harry swallowed, "I did. I was scared and desperate. But for the past two days, all I could feel through our link was pain. It scared me, so I had Aunt Stas look for Tom, and she found out that he was here."

Cissy smiled a bit, seeing how the boy was worried for Tom. It was then that she noticed what he was wearing. Leather pants, boots, and a jacket along with a netted shirt; all of which were tight fitting. He also had on a lot of silver jewellery, including snake earrings. She gave a little smirk, "Do you have plans on seducing Tom when he wakes up?" Harry flushed a bit, while Molly looked between them. She then did a quick double-take at Harry and yelled, "HARRISON JAMES ORION POTTER-BLACK!!! WHAT IN MERLIN'S NAME ARE YOU WEARING?!?!"

All the Weasley children, plus Hermione and the Silver trio: Draco, Pansy, and Blaise, were all up in the Twins room when they heard Molly yell. Draco and Hermione were on their feet and out the door in an instant. Hermione just to see her friend again, while Draco was curious why Molly had yelled at Harry. The past two days had been a good way to settle differences, and from what he had heard, Harry was the 'Good Child' alongside Hermione. All the other children were behind them by the time they reached the living room and saw a tomato-red Harry getting a lecture on proper attire by Molly, and Cissa was behind her nodding along. Except she had her hand over her mouth trying not to laugh.

Before Molly could continue, Hermione pushed past her and crashed into Harry, causing him to fall backwards. Harry wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back, glad to be around family again. He got up and was bombarded by more hugs from the other Weasley children. They finally stop giving Harry a chance to breathe. Hermione then slapped him on the back of the head, "What the hell were you thinking?!?! We were worried sick for you, and you go off to who knows where?!"

Harry looked down, "I needed some time alone. It also gave me the chance to heal and think about who I could trust. After having so many personality-changing potions and getting drugged..." Harry snapped his head up at Ginerva and growled, "You sickening bi-" Narcissa stepped in front of him, "Harrison James, you will not finish that sentence! Ginerva was also drugged by Amortentia, but in a much larger dose than you." Harry reeled back and actually looked ashamed. Cissa sighed, "It was not her fault. I have a suspicion that Dumbledore was behind it as well. But, now is not the time to think on such things, especially with Tom upstairs."

It was then that he noticed the pain was gone but replaced with confusion and a bit of fear. He sat up quickly and said, "Tom's awake." Molly and Cissa immediately took off up the stairs, Harry right on their trail. When they entered Charlie's old room they found Tom holding his knees to his chest. Only, he didn't look as old as he did. He was younger, looking to be in his early twenties instead of early forties, and was much more defined in his muscles. They held more edges and were slightly bigger, showing that he was most likely in his prime at this point. He also was taller, standing what he had to guess would be 7'4", towering even more over Harry's diminutive stature of 5'7".

He looked up at them, relief showing before he locked eyes with Harry. Harry could feel their souls harmonizing slightly, and Tom gained a hurt look on his face. Harry smiled slightly, and walked forward, but was stopped by Molly, "Harry, the Horcrux." Harry chuckled, "It is contained within my Mother's Magick. It cannot merge with him till it is freed." Molly let his arm go and watched as Harry sat next to Tom.

Tom refused to look at him, fearing that despite Harry's letter, he may hold some disgust still. He was surprised however when he felt a hand pull his face and soft lips against his. It was quick and light, yet contained all the answers needed to send Tom's fears away. Harry spoke low, "I am not mad at you, mon cher." Tom's breath caught, knowing what Harry was implying, "How many?" Harry smiled, "I only have one left to remember, and it was of when I first met you, Tom."

Tom smiled, happy to see that Harry was separating him from Voldemort. He was not that insane monster anymore, and would gladly get rid of him completely. He leaned forward resting his head on Harry's shoulder, feeling extremely tired and ready to sleep for days. Harry chuckled and dragged Tom down with him. Molly and Narcissa both left the two alone, knowing this was a very intimate moment.

Tom, despite his size difference, curled up against Harry like a cat. He was feeling exhausted to a level he never knew before and wanted nothing more than to sleep. Harry was right along with him, having not slept since the echo began. He was worried for Tom and decided to see him so he could help. Harry sang a song he vaguely remembers from his youth, in hopes of easing Tom's pain(listen to the song at top):

Je t'aime, je t'aime toujours

I am forever yours

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams, mon cher

You're always in my prayers

Softly, sweetly

Wrapped up in heavens arms

Sailing, soaring

Over the moon

Gathering stardust

Be still, be safe, be sure

Je t'aime, je t'aime toujours

Wishing, praying

All of your dreams come true

Please remember

Where you are, my heart is with you

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams, mon cher

Always in my prayers

I am forever yours

Je t'aime, je t'aime toujours

As Harry sang, Tom fell asleep in a peace he hadn't known for years. Harry followed soon after, enjoying the comfort that holding Tom gave him. He hoped and prayed that this would never end. But like all things, peace never lasts.


Dear Readers,Here is Chapter XI. I hope you enjoy it, as it gives a bit more information and a bit of a backstory to Harry and Tom. The next one should be up sometime in the next two days. Ill also be graduating in 2 weeks, so I should be able to post more often. Keyword being should.Sincerely,EldrenSovrano

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