Chapter XII

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That same morning, the British Ministry of Magicks found itself in a bit of whirlwind. Several dozen people were posted in the Atrium, protesting and calling for the fudge to step down. Several Aurors tried to get them to calm down, but couldn't seem to distract them enough. That was until the International Floo Grate roared to life.

Now, it wasn't uncommon for there to be International Travel. However, this was unannounced, making it technically illegal for both national and international laws. As the flames calmed, five figures walked out and marched forward. Four appeared to be guards of some sort for the front figure. The guards all wore black robes, that buttoned in a military-style down the right side. Gold outline shown on sleeves and edges, and a pyramid containing a stone and wand could be seen on their sleeves. Their faces were blacked out by their hoods, making the Peacekeepers appearance more menacing.

Their leader was dressed a bit differently. For starters he did not have his hood up, allowing everyone to see his face. It was slightly aged, and had a head of platinum blonde hair, more so than the Malfoys. His eyes were a deep ocean blue, that twinkled in a very familiar way. His uniform consisted of black clothing and robes, except his held more ornate detail in gold and silver. In addition, had another cloak hanging off his left side. His right was completely free, showcasing a blade of some sort strapped to his belt. Medals decorated his breast, and a single Amulet fell from his neck, signifying his rank in International Society.

As they neared the crowd, it parted to allow the group through. Energy could be felt pouring off of the head wizard, who many now recognized as the High Archivist. In the entirety of the ~400 million people wizarding population, there are approximately 30 Thousand Seers. Five Thousand of which fall under the category of having The Sight. It is a form of divination that allows one to see present events along with the prophecies. Together, they form a group known as The Archivists. Their leader, the High Archivist, posses the Sight in its truest form and only needs to glance into your eyes to know your past, present, and most likely future. It is this sight that makes controlling his magic difficult, thus the reason for such tight security.

The group reached the elevators and headed up to level three, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. They left the elevator and all work in the department halted as this group neared the office door to the Head, Amelia Bones. The leading wizard knocked on the door and was beckoned inside as soon as the door opened, Bones looked up and gasped. She stood up to full attention, "Lord Grindelwald! It is an honour to be in your presence. May I ask what brings you here today?"

Eldren Aurelius Grindelwald, Lord of the Noble and Ancient House of Grindelwald and Prince of the Grindelwald Region of Germany, Order of Merlin: First Class, and head of the Peacekeepers Alliance.

Eldren gave a small smile, "Madam Bones. It truly is lofely to see you again. Howefer, zis is unfortunately nicht a social fisit. I kome here mitt efidence to add to ze kase against mein fazzer, Albus too-many-names Dumbledore." His accent was only slight present yet still there, being spoken in a deep rich tone, showcasing how much time he spoke both German and English. Madam Bones nodded and beckoned him in. As soon as he was inside, the door closed and a series of wards flared to life.

Eldren sat down and accepted the cup of tea from Madam Bones. It has been years since he had seen her, and she still had that same determination that drew him in when they were both younger. He decided not to linger on the past and get to the present, "As you know, mein fazzer has tried to kontrol ze life uff ein Lort Potter-Black. Howefer, it appears to go much deeper zan zat. He used his ein letter deal nicht to ask fur legal aid, but to ask fur help finischingkt vhat he perceifed as ze greater good. He sent it to mein younger brozzer, vho vould haf helped Albus vizzout qfestion. Howefer, he died some time ago, executed fur treason. He left behind a daughter, vho iss... nicht all zere. Sche kould nicht komprehend vhat ze letter vas sayingkt. Howefer, upon r-r-readingkt it, it became klear zat Albus vas efen vorse zan I zought." Eldren handed the letter over to Amelia-

Dear Arias,

I am not certain if you have heard the news, but I have been imprisoned. The chances of me leaving here alive are none. SO I ask that you come to speak to me.

I have spent a long time making plans to ensure the Long Night does not arrive. I had poisoned Tom Riddle, or as he now goes by Voldemort, so he would be a monster. I had created a false prophecy so that Harry Potter would be targeted. I need you to kill them both. I will explain more when you are here.



Amelia was stunned silent as she reread the letter. She scanned for authenticity and found that it was a match to Dumbledore's magical signature. She couldn't believe just what the man had done. He admitted within the letter to being the cause for a dark lord. He admitted to setting the potters up for slaughter.

Eldren waited patiently for a few minutes as Amelia processed what she was saying. He knew it would be difficult, hell, he had loathed the man and still found it difficult to believe. But this was important, as it would ensure that Dumbledore did not get away with anything.

He decided to help her, "Lia, I know zis iss a lot to take in. But zis iss your khance to ensure chustice prefails. So many zingkts haf occurred zat schouldn't haf. I know uff vhat zis Long Night iss, undt vhile it vould kause trouble fur ze vhole vorld, it iss necessary fur ze surfifal uff Magick herself. Zis letter allows you to force Feritaserum undt ask any qfestion about any time in his life. Zis letter negates all Schtatutes zat vould haf protected him. You kan bringkt him to chustice once undt fur all."

Amelia gained a righteous look in her eye as she understood what she could do with this. SHe could ensure the safety of Wizenkin and all magicals with this letter. SHe nodded, "Very well. Thank you for bringing this to me. I hope that you will be around more often now." Eldren smiled at the hidden meaning, "Uff kourse Lia. Meet me tomorrow at Fertic Alley around noon. Ve kan discuss more ofer some lunch." Amelia smiled, "See you then, Ren." Eldren stood up, bowed and left the room.

Amelia smiled fondly, remembering their brief relationship when she was in Hogwarts. While most assume she was the sister to Edgar Bones, as he always called her sis, she was actually his aunt. She was a year behind Tom Riddle. She had met Eldren right out of Hogwarts, and they had dated for a few months. Until his father, Gellert, was arrested. Eldren broke off their relationship to help her. If she was dating the son of the Dark Lord, she wouldn't even be considered for being an Auror. SO he left with tears down his eyes, as they both took up their duties.

She was glad that he felt the same about her even now. While they could not have children, she knows that Eldren would still consider being with her, as he had that long ago. She shook her head and immediately took the letter to Fudge, so they could get the trial-ready for August.


Dear Readers,

This is a bit of the Dumbledore plotline being shown. It also introduces the potential for a powerful Luna. I hope you enjoy it.



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