Chapter III

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***Credit for the characters and history go to the ever-talented George RR Martin and alright JK Rowling. -VT***

Harry blinked against the light and slowly came into the land of consciousness. He sat up and looked around the room, noting the different features that began to appear out of the shadows. Directly ahead of him was a door, made of dark ebony wood. A door was stationed on either side of the room. Two glass doors covered over by black curtains with silver filigree were on either side of the large bed he was lying in.

He got up and headed to the door on his right, trying to look for a bathroom. When he opened the door, he noticed it was a walk-in closet. It was designed like the bedroom, except for all of the shelves, hanging racks, and benches. On the largest bench were his clothes folded up. He decided he would change later after he had a chance to speak to Walburga more. He left and headed to the other door, and was both relieved and shocked when he noticed it was a large bathroom.

Black marble formed the floor and countertops of the bathroom. A grey stone made up the sink, in-floor bath, and shower stole. All the metal workings, including the toilet, were made of burning god metal. The walls were a smoky green and silver pattern. Two other doors were inside, one leading to a closet with towels, shampoos, body washes, and all other care products. The other led to another room that he would look at after he took care of business.

When he finished washing his hands, he looked up and noticed the pyjamas he was wearing. They were a dark grey, with a silver badge outline. The badge itself had a gold P and black B intertwined. They were silk, acromantula silk, and felt like smooth oil on his skin. He didn't even notice until he had used the restroom that he was wearing something. Finally, he walked into the other room, finding a sitting room with three other doors, one on each wall.

The one to his right led to the bedroom, which he thought was handy. The one on his left led to the hall on the top floor of the house. The very last door led to a private dining room. A small, two-person table sat in the middle, every wall filled with beautiful china. All except the wall opposite the door, which was all glass. A pop sounded in the room, indicating Kreacher had just arrived with a tray of brunch.

Kreacher sat the tray on the table, "Good Morning Master. Kreacher has prepared a brunch for Master. Brunch has french toast, scrambled eggs, some beef seared in garlic and butter, as well as tea. Master must also take potions after eating. A drop of blood in each will do." With that, Kreacher left leaving behind Harry's brunch and five potions. Harry sat down eyeing the potions warily, as the last time few times he used blood harmed him in some way. But Harry was certain Kreacher wouldn't harm him, and couldn't for that matter, seeing as Harry was his Master. So he pricked his finger and let a drop fall into each potion.

Harry then began to eat, wondering how his meeting with Walburga will go. He was curious as to what she could tell him about his Family Heritage, both of his Heritages. As he finished, he heard a clock chime, which upon inspection showed it was one in the afternoon. He noticed that the potions had changed colour. Where before they were a pastel, they were deep and vibrant. Each one was labelled: a yellow souvenir, a black choix, a green vrai soi, a pink l'amour vrai, and finally a blue liberte. Harry took all of them, and began to feel immediately lighter. He got up to leave and get changed, only to hear Walburga yell, "Harry? Can you come into your office please?"

He walked down the hall short ways and saw two doors. The left had a small tiara above the Black family crest, a Raven on a skull. The right-hand door was the same, except it had a crown and two animals; a raven and a deer. I walked in to find a decent size study. Every wall was covered with bookshelves, and done in deep black wood. The carpet was a beautiful green, with twists of silver and gold. What could be seen of the walls showed a multi-grey wallpaper. On the right side was a liquor cabinet, with a bottle of firewhiskey and two glasses already out and ready to use. On the left was a fireplace with two high, wingback chairs made of black leather with gold buttons. Above the fireplace was another portrait, with Walburga waiting inside.

Harry bowed slightly, "You wished to speak to me Lady Walburga?" She smiled, "None of the lady nonsense, Harry. Call ma Aunt Stasia." A quirk of his lips showed that she knew she was making a pun with her middle name. Harry chuckled, walking over to the desk in front of him. Like the dining room, the whole wall was windows, except it led to a private balcony that showed a much larger back garden than what the rest of the townhouses had. There was even a pool in the backyard. The desk was made of dark wood, with gold filigree in it. Another leather wingback chair sat behind the desk. What caught his attention however was the mound of paperwork on the desk.

Walburga spoke, "This is all of your estates' information. It just so happens that the Black Family Account Manager was made the Potter Family Account Manager a week ago." Harry looked up, "I assume such a thing never occurs or occurs super rarely. So, I must ask, what caused the last Account Manager to be stripped of his position?" Walburga smiled at harry's clear knowledge of Goblin hierarchy. An Account Manager is the Goblin equivalent to a Lord. Aside from the King, they have no one else who is above them. So to be stripped of such a title was a great dishonour in the Goblin Nation. Walburga then looked a bit pissed, "He was assisting someone with stealing from the Potter Family Vaults. That someone was a certain meddling ex-headmaster."

Harry was taken by a short rush of anger, before the last thing she said caught his attention. He looked at her confused, "What do you mean by ex-headmaster?" Walburga gave him a look, "Have you not read the Daily Prophet?" Harry gave a sour expression, "Why would I read the very paper that called for my execution for being Dark-Lord-in-Training?" Walburga blinked then seemed to understand, "Well, apparently Minerva was furious with Dumbledore and had him removed as soon as the Ward Stone Collapsed-" Harry shot up, "Why did the Ward Stone Collapse?" A chuckle came from the portrait, and a man who looked like a slightly older version of Sirius stepped in, "Pardon my intrusion, Lady Walburga. But I simply have to see his face during this." Walburga sighed, "When you apparated out of Hogwarts, you caused such a magical backlash that the Ward Stone overloaded. I don't think it was your natural magic, But more or less you calling on latent magics and Family Magic to get you out of there. When you apparated, I felt the Family Magic dim significantly. No, don't look alarmed, it is nearly replenished. It was just exhausted from your withdrawal."

Harry sat back down and decided it would be best to go over all his finances. There were three files; one for each family, and a third that held what was emancipation papers. He knew there was a lot of work ahead, but this was his legacy. He would have to know all of it if he ever wanted to know about his Family's history. So he opened the Black Family File and began with a brief overview. He really wished he had focused a bit more when 'Mione explained what the different financial terms were.

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