Chapter VI

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Waves washed up on the shore of the dark tower, bathing it in a frozen blanket. A storm brood overhead, flashing with a resounding bang, showing the anger held for those who resided here. Every last bit of free space in the air was filled with a cloaked shadow, casting its misery upon the occupants of the prison. It was within the highest of these cells that Albus Dumbledore resided.

He hadn't even been here for a day and was already suffering from the madness. He never understood where things went wrong, how things could go wrong. He had been patient, waiting for Harry to be born. He knew that he was Lord of Winter, having tested the blood of Lily Evans himself. He needed the two to destroy each other, to ensure that the common people could gain magic. Not once realising why magic was selective, or why she held her gift from others.

He had everything planned out from the beginning, originally believing he and Gellert were the Lords of the Long Night. However, upon being blessed by the Lord of Light, he found he was wrong in his convictions. He got rid of Gellert, believing he had put a stop to the Great War. Then, Tom Riddle came along with his Knights of Walpurgis and began to make a change. Changes that belonged to the Dark.

Dumbledore could not have that, so he devised a plan to end Riddle. He had known of the accidental death caused by Riddle in his Fifth Year. Tom merely wished to allow one of the Protectors of Hogwarts to be free, doing its duties. Sadly, the snake was not prepared for what happened when someone else was in the room.

Then there was the incident of Morfin Gaunt killing the Riddles. Dumbledore believed it was Tom wholeheartedly, but was surprised to find out that Tom was at the ministry the entire day. Not even a single spell on his wand since the end of the school year. Dumbledore didn't know what to do, but then an idea came. A conversation had between Riddle and Slughorn.

Riddle had come across Secrets of the Darkest Arts and found a passage about Horcruxes. He had then debated with his head of House, Horace Slughorn, on why someone would do such a despicable act. Tom suggested getting rid of the book, so no one would come across it and plan to use it for themselves. Dumbledore knew Tom would never create Horcruxes willingly, as while he held no qualms with torture, he was adamant about not killing people.

So he drugged Tom at a Ministry Gala, causing Tom to become a monster. The monster that Dumbledore needed to keep his powers. A few years later, Tom returned with five Horcruxes, and insane. Dumbledore was ready to begin, and so played the game of chess. He waited till Harry was born, so he may make him a target.

Getting the child to be a target was a bit trickier than originally thought. However, with a simple Imperious and grand choice in location, a prophecy was in place, ready to get rid of Harry once and for all, along with Tom. Soul Bonded could only Kill each other if they have absolute hate for the other. However, unbeknownst to Dumbledore, they both must be aware of each other being Soul Bonded.

So when the killing curse had backfired, Dumbledore was perplexed and outraged. He decided to use this to his advantage, placing Harry away with Abusive muggles to ensure he was malleable. And Harry was, fitting the mould perfectly like a good little soldier, until his second year.

Toms first Horcrux had somehow reached Harry, and in doing so relieved Harry of many of his compulsions. Harry was far more clever, more cunning, and much more independent. He knew that Harry had discovered the Soul Mate bond, and would do anything to ensure that his soulmate was restored. Before he could even get the Diary to destroy it, Harry had sent it away with Hedwig, his instructions being that he only finds out where it is hidden when Harry is once again free.

So, Dumbledore obliviated him and remade all of the compulsions and spells. He created a fake Horcrux to ensure that Harry was not aware of his previous enthrallment. He would have to find a way to get the Diary back another time. Dumbledore never did, despite bypassing it multiple times.

And then, there was Sirius Black. The Godfather Bond had snapped back into place instantly and drew the two together. When the mutt died, he thought it would keep Harry on his side. If only he had ke[t his mouth shut. Harry was feeling angered by the situation and blew through all of the binds and compulsions on him.

And so, here we are, in the present with a broken and bitter man. Dumbledore knew he would not survive this. Nothing he did or could do would get him out of it. He had purposefully caused abuse of a Wizard, a crime that was punished with either life in Azkaban or a Dementors Kiss. Knowing of the boys status, Dumbledore would receive the Kiss.

He had no backup plans, not expecting to fall like this. He expected to have all the power, to legalize his youngest... son. Dumble gave a bitter laugh, realizing what he could do now. It had been years since he had seen either of his bastard children. His oldest was the most powerful of the two, possessing natural abilities that many would crave over. However, he took his duties too seriously and was much more like Gellert than himself.

His youngest, however, was practically a duplicate Dumbledore. He was also obedient to no other extent. If anyone would carry on his world, it would be Arias Bagshot. How Albus regretted getting drunk that night. He never wanted to be anywhere near that hag, let alone sleep with her. However, now he saw a true reason for that mishap. He would send a letter out tomorrow to him, informing him to visit. Unfortunately, Arias had been executed for treason, leaving behind something much worse.

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