Chapter I

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It was around ten in the evening when Draco arrived home with an Auror. The Aurors had arrived at 4:30 that morning because the Ward Stone had collapsed. Dumbledore was then arrested and marched out of the school. The rumour was that Dumbledore had angered McGonagall to the point she got rid of him. Draco wasn't for sure what was true or not, but it was for certain that McGonagall was furious.

They had barely walked into the foyer of Malfoy Manor before the Auror began shaking. Draco turned to him, shocked by what he saw. The Aurors skin was boiling and slowly melting away, revealing Barty Crouch jr. He had once again infiltrated the Ministry via polyjuice. He stood up and gave a manic grin, "It feels so much better to be back in my skin." Draco just shrugged, not sure exactly how that would feel.

Barty patted his back, "Now, let's get to the Dark Lord. He will need to hear and see what I've seen." Together, they walked to the Great Hall, where the Dark Lord held his Death Eater Meetings. They had just stepped into the hall leading there when a yell of 'CRUCIO!' could be heard, and Barty hissed, grabbing his forearm. Barty looked up, curious as to who could have pissed off the Dark Lord. They both stepped into the hall... and understood in an instant what was wrong.

Bellatrix Lestrange was on the floor, convulsing and screaming for mercy. Stood above her was the Dark Lord. He stood at 6'11", broad-shouldered and muscled like Adonis. He had deep, wine red eyes and pitch-black curly hair that hung just past the top of his shoulders. Here and there was a slight shade of grey in his hair, adding to his appeal. His sharp jawline was drawn taut in anger. He flicked his wrist, releasing Bellatrix from the curse, and sat back down on his throne.

Barty stepped forward and bowed, before standing with the rest of the Inner Circle. Draco walked forward and stood next to his father, who had a slight smirk. Voldemort finally spoke, "I have warned you before, Lestrange, that I do not have such feelings for you. Should your flirting continue, you will be removed from my service. Is that understood?" Bellatrix looked horrified, her master had called her by her last name, a dishonour amongst the Death Eaters. She slowly got up, bowed, and said "Yes, My Lord."

Voldemort nodded, then looked over to his left, "Barty, Draco. How nice of you to finally join us. I am however intrigued as to why you are home early?" Draco stepped forward, bowed, "My Lord, the reason for my early return was due to the Ward Stone at Hogwarts collapsing." All the Death Eaters gasped, such a thing has never happened before. What many don't realize is that Hogwarts was hit by a muggle bomb during WWII, but the wards deflected it. The Ministry had been hit once and blew a hole in the roof of the Atrium. How could such strong shields collapse? And what or who caused it?

Voldemort was astonished by this information. He had tried to bypass the wards before and never succeeded. Someone must have called on such a magical strength that they ripped the wards apart. A throat clearing had him looking at Barty. He waved his hand, and Barty began, "My Lord, I believe I have some information you would like to hear and see." The Dark Lord nodded, "What news about these problems at Hogwarts?"

Barty stood taller, "Apparently, Bumblebutt was informing a young Mr Potter about the prophecy. He had been the witness when it was given and thus knew it. Why he never told the boy before I have no clue. It was after telling the prophecy that he made a comment that caused Potter to snap. Dumbledore was the reason his Godfather was a criminal, why Potter couldn't live with him. Dumbledore had forced Harry to live with abusive muggles so he would be malleable and submissive. Potter was so enraged he destroyed everything in that office. Even the Sword of Gryffindor has a crack in the metal. He then proceeded to apparate out of the school and did so successfully. However, in the process, he caused the Ward Stone to collapse. Once the dust settled enough, Minerva then bound Dumbledore, stripped him of his connection to Hogwarts, and had him sent away. She is now the Headmistress, and has chosen Severus to be her deputy, which is why he is not with us tonight."

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