Chapter II

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The air was crisp and cool on this early summer morning. The sky was still dark, the only light coming from the streetlamps outside of the park. No sound could be heard aside from the fountain and slight breeze going through the trees. Until a buzzing sound began, small sparks appearing before the fountain, and in a thunderous crack, a body was flung to the ground.

This person laid there, heaving on the sidewalk as they caught their breath. They felt dizzy, yet energetic. Never had they felt this much power. It was crackling around them wildly, dangerously. They knew they had to get it under control, so they continued their breathing exercises. As they calmed, so did the magic, and finally, they stood up, green eyes slightly dazed and lost.

Harry began walking through the courtyard, wanting to get inside as soon as possible, that way no one could track him. He exited the courtyard and stared at the row of identical, brown bricked townhouses in front of him. Grimmauld Place contained 23 houses, all identical. Except for the hidden Number 12, which began to glide out of 13, pushing 1-11 over. It was a pitch-black brick and had a sub-basement, a ground floor, and three additional floors. The basement contained the Kitchen, Potions Lab, Storage, and Kreacher's Closet. The Ground floor held the reception room, formal dining, sitting, and drawing-room. It also contained a sunroom with access to the back garden. The first floor held 6 guests bedrooms and 3 full baths. The second floor held two heir suites, the family dining, sitting, and music room. It was on this floor that the infamous Black Family library was held. The top floor held the Master Suite and two offices, one for the lord and consort.

As Harry walked across the street, he noted that the house seemed lighter, not as rundown or depressed. It was still in disrepair but did not give off a sense of abandonment. Someone or something had cleaned it in preparation for repairs. Harry decided that he would ask Kreacher about it later. Finally, he reached the front door and walked inside. The hall was long, with a now bright light shining down from three chandeliers. The walls were a light grey, with smoky black swirls upon the wallpaper. Here and there, a chip, pill, or crack could be seen. Harry stepped forward and froze when he heard, "How are you feeling, Lord Potter?"

Harry turned and stared at the portrait of the late Lady Walburga Anastasia Black. She looked like a female Sirius, except her hair was tied up in a neat bun, and had stripes of grey and dull silver. Harry paused, recalling how her voice sounded. It was filled with concern and motherly affection. He never expected to hear that from Lady Walburga, so he chose to focus on the other issue, "Why did you call me Lord Potter?"

Walburga gave him a look that clearly stated 'you're avoiding the situation, and we will be talking about it.' Walburga gave a slight sigh, "As you know, you are the last person with Potter Blood. The Potters have always produced one child and were the first of seven families to allow a female to be the Head of the Family. Since you first stepped foot into Gringotts, you have been Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter. Now, enough of this. You are avoiding the main reason you are here. How are feeling?"

Harry blinked, wondering how she knew of Sirius's death. He slid down against the wall, hugging his knees, and in a small voice, "How do you know about Sirius?" Walburga gave a small smile, "All portraits are connected to their Families Magic. This Magic tells us when someone is born or dies. It also tells us when someone is an Heir or Lord of the Family. I remember the day you were born. I was talking to your grandmother, Dorea, via her portrait. We were wondering about what you may look like when the Family Magic flashed. I saw you, a little mop of black hair and bright green eyes, inside a semicircle of stars. The Black Family Magic had recognised you as the Heir. Oh, the look on both Orion's and Charlus's face when they were told was priceless. And when your parents were told, Sirius fought tooth and nail, as well as your father, to keep you away from the Black Family. It was your mother that brought them to their senses. She was fascinated by all magical branches, and was more than prepared to teach you both Potter and Black Family Traditions."

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