Welcome to the team

Start from the beginning

She watched his brow furrow with what she guessed was confusion as he scanned over her, pausing at her small nose piercing, dyed hair and outfit quickly before meeting her eyes again, clear judgement on his face of her that he attempted to hide as not to be rude.

"I'm sorry I didn't know there was a dress code. M-my old unit and team didn't really do that" she lied awkwardly, swallowing the sicky feeling she always got from lying.

The truth was, Cameron Johnson didn't have an 'old unit' or a team.

In fact, Cameron Johnson wasn't an agent at all. 

She had no idea what the BAU was, no idea what being an agent was, no idea of any of this- 'Cameron Johnson' wasn't even her real name.

Her real name was Cameron Sokolov. She was just given this identity, this job after being sent into witness protection, being sent away from her country to start a new life. She had imagined it to be more like being sent to the suburbs of a simple suburbs of America after her training of her new life and hiding out in a quiet town, she had most certainly not imagined she would be sent to be on the FBI's behavioural analyse unit as a 'simple quiet place to hide.'

Adapting into a whole other life was hard enough without having to do it as an agent of which she had no idea what that really meant. 

She had to cut and dye her hair from its long dark brown curls to a collarbone voluminous length pink dye that had grown out and had around two inches of brown growth at the top of her head.

Changing her hair a lot from the moment she fled seemed to be one of the many requirements that she didn't quite understand but every so often when she would receive an anonymous text telling her to do so. Various colours, various haircuts and styles, everything to make her look as much 'not like her' as possible. 

On top of the physical changes, she had to go through dialect training- learning an entire new language for 10 hours a day, 72 days in a row until her Russian accent and language was a mere memory behind her new forced American one. She herself could still hear her accent in her mind, it would occasionally slip out and she would kick herself for it but she had become good at masking it. 

She still didn't quite understand the American humour or casual conversation and took most things too literally from her Russian upbringing but she attempted to hid it well- learning to plaster fake laughs when needed after someone made a sarcastic joke she didn't quite understand on the subway.

Cameron had changed everything about herself, been pushed about to learn things she would never imagine even existed in the world outside of her simple Russian town, and now was being put on an FBI team of profilers, a job role she didn't know was even a thing- not to mention she was being expected to be able to trick them all into thinking she was one of them so that she could escape and be safe in her 'new life.'

It wasn't exactly the new easy breezy safe life she had in mind- but surely it couldn't be that hard to trick an entire unit of profilers and their country into thinking you're one of them when you barely know what a cellphone is- right?

Even the unreasonably tall, muscular, seemingly permanently stern faced man who had led her into his office and was sat in front of her didn't know who she really was even though he was the unit chief of the team she was joining- despite having  0 hours of academy training, no idea what a profiler was and had only recently learnt what the FBI was in the last 10 days.

She wasn't a profiler like him by any means, but she could immediately tell that he was cautious of her by his blunt and cold demeanour that contrasted her bubbly smile and awkward conversation- little did she know that was just his normal personality and permanent expression even on his best days.

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