Familiar faces - 13

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"Just because something is familiar, doesn't mean it's safe. And just because something feels safe, doesn't mean it's good for you."
- Brittany Burgunder

- Alice P.O.V -

As I turn around my face becomes shocked, motionless and very surprised. My glowing brown eyes meet three familiar figures, Rufio is one of them.

"Jacob!" Nate and Chloé says almost at the same time as they run up to him and hug his stiff body. He looks as shocked as I do, maybe a bit more. I try to open my mouth to say something, but all that gets out is an almost unnoticeable sound of a still astonished girl.

"Alice?" Chloé ask as they both now move on to hug me. "I didn't recognize you" Nate adds as he pull away from me. "Yeah girl, why you wearing a turtleneck? You hate does!" She says as she looks me up and down questioning.

The still frozen Jacob gives me a meaning look as Peter just chuckles loudly from behind. All my muscles become tense as I feel a fit upper body pressed against my back. Two arms makes their way around my neck dangling around it just like my new necklace.

"Should I tell them or do you want to?" Peter's voice whisper in my ear making my heart stop for a second. The now goosebumps all over my body is thankfully hidden for my staring friends thanks to my covering top.

"There's nothing to tell!" I say back a bit threatening as I push his arms off me and get away from his bewitching body. Even if I try to sound determined, my heated cheeks probably reveals my actual state.

"Oh really..?" Peter says to me with a daring grin. "But then I'll just show them!" His voice echoes between the threes as he takes off his shirt with a skilled motion. All my blood flows to my face as the kisses I gave his upper body last night form a perfect pattern of hickeys.

"What is that?!" Chloé's voice mumbles in the background of my blurry sight as I guess she's talking about the love bites on Peter's exposed body. "You made that Alice?!" She add as she walks up to me and shake my shoulders back and forth trying to get through me.

But all I can think of is how I'm gonna get revenge on Peter for not only dragging my friends into this, but also for showing them.. that the first thing he does.

"Wait, who is he? And where are we?" Nate says switching focus. Making Chloé almost forget what she just saw.

"Well I'm Peter Pan, and welcome to Neverland!" He says smirking at the confused newcomers, whereupon they starts laughing. "You think my name is funny?" He says threatening to the two new people as he takes a step forward.

I put my hand on Peter's stomach with the intention to stop him, but his exposed and firm abdominal muscles my hand touches just makes me pull back my hand and crease it nervously. Well I did indeed switch the teenagers attention because now his smirking face and forest green eyes glows with a heated satisfaction as he stares down at my rosy cheeks.

"How did you get here?" Jacob's voice suddenly draws me back to reality, or to Neverland to be more precise.

"Well we started looking for you guys all over the place, lucky for us Chloé here remembered the security cameras and found something suspicious on the one outside your window, so we got to your room and found a book..." Nate begin to explain but stops as he scratches his dark hair a little confused.

"So I picked it up and read the open page, and then suddenly we woke up here!" Chloé cuts in but still looks a bit thoughtful as if their memories are blurry.

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