The second arravial - 4

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"Do not fear the unknown, dare to be adventurous in life. "
- Lailah Gifty Akita

- Alice P.O.V -

I wake up in mid air, no serious I'm falling from the sky. "OH SHIIITT!!" I scream as loud as I can when I finally understand that I'm literally falling from the sky. As if I was skydiving but without the parachute. I almost faint when I try to see how on Earth I will survive this. Lucky me, I think to myself as I'm about end up in a ocean.

I can feel the water agains my skin. I try to swim back up to the surface to get some well needed air, but I'm paralyzed. How the hell did I end up in the sky?!?! The last thing I remember was that I jumped after Jacob and that thing.

I see the last air bubbles leaving my moth. How peacefully and beautifully they rise up back up to the surface. I can feel the water filling my inside, almost as if it's biting my lungs. The deep ocean take over me... Is this the end..? I think I can see the light now, bye cruel world.

Then something grabs on to me and my body is drawn up and up out of the deep blue. I can feel a shifting of gravity when my body once again are above ground. Someone's arm is holding me and soon I can feel something hard agains my back.

I cough up the last bit of water out of my lungs and gasp for air. "It's... a girl.." someone says, "It hasn't been a new one in forever" another voice says.

I blink multiple times before my eyesight becomes clear again. I look around me and meet a very odd sight. Before me is a hand full of Pirates?!? The other one scarier and filled with more scars then the first. "I must be dreaming", I wished in shock to myself as I rub my eyes in disbelief. "I can sadly inform you that your not", a new voice says behind me.

I turn around and meet a pirate filled with pride like no other. This must be their captain, I think to myself when I see the other ones backs up a bit. It's not his eyeliner or his smirk that gets my attention, it's his right hand. His hand had been replaced with a silver hook which perfectly contrasts his black outfit.

"Close your mouth love, you're not a goldfish" he says to me. I didn't even realize that I had been that shocked. "Where...? Who..? Ehh??" Is the only thing I can get out of my mouth. I point at everything and everyone. "Your in Neverland, love" the pirate says back, "And I'm James Hook, captain of these ones and my only love Jolly Roger" he points at what I'm sitting on.

I don't know why but I starts to laugh historically. "You think my name is funny?" The pirate asks me threatening while he bends down to my level and stare at me. My laugh die out as quickly as it started. I shake my head in hopes of waking up as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry..." he says unsure and helps me up "What's your name?". "Alice" I answer back to the pirate. "Okay Alice, do you want to get inside and worm up a bit?" He asks me, I look at him unsure what to say but my shaking body and dripping clothes speaks for me.

We walk upwards on the wooden staircase and I stay at the top for a while to inspect the area. I am on a big wooden ship, probably made out of oak, with 7 canons on deck. I try to look over the railings to see if there's anymore but can't see a thing. But one thing I can clearly see is a small rowboat on the end of the ship. Good to know..

I count to 7 men on deck, although the closed doors on both ends tells me that there is more to this ship then what you can see with your eyes. Therefore it's probably a dozen more of them. On the port side the deep blue ocean looks like it never ends and on the starboard I can see a tropical island stand proudly.

"Why are we so far away from the island?" I ask the one handed pirate. "Oh, you don't want to be there, at least if you don't wish to die" he answers back as he look intensely on the island. "If you hate this place so much why don't you leave?", "We can't, love, we have tried for centuries". "Can't this ship sail?", "Oh you bet she can, like no other" the pirate answer as he caresses the railing of the ship.

"But why..?" I begin but stops when the pirate take out a sword and trows it with all his force. The sword stops in mid air and bounces back in full speed to the deck again. "It's a magical barrier, you can't get trough without his permission" Hook says and points at the island with his sword. "How is this man?" I ask him concerned. "He is no man, nor a boy.. he's a bloody demon" Hook says through clenched teeth. "What's his name?" I ask unsure not knowing if I want to hear the answer. "Peter Pan" the pirate spits out.

- Jacobs P.O.V -

I wake up and the first thing I notice is that my head!hurts like hell. I look up to see where I am, there is no familiar sounds nor smells. I'm in a forest? I try to stand up and avoid the impossible thing of once again see my breakfast. I brush off the dirt off my clothes and look around.

"Where the hell am I?" I ask myself without expecting an answer. "You're in Neverland" a voice I think I have heard somewhere before says to me. I turn around to the place where the voice came from and see a boy around my age leaning agains a tree.

He's sharpening a dagger and don't seem to care about me "Welcome, Jacob" . The boy pauses as he inspect the weapon in his hand. "I've been waiting for you for a very long time, and finally you are here" he says pointing the sharp thing at me. "Who are you and how do you know my name?!" I ask startled.

The boy chucks and says intimately "I'm Peter Pan, but it's Pan for you boy". I can feel the panic racing inside me, Jacob breath, breath, breath... It's back to middle school all over again. I look around, but this time there is no Nate who can help me. "Looking for someone?" The boy says as he walks closer to me. He's little bit taller then me which doesn't help me gain any confidence.

"Wake up, wake up" I try to tell my body but nothing happens. I shouldn't have read that stupid book, look what happened. "This isn't a dream, boy" the one how is supposed to be Peter Pan says back to me. "Let's play a little, shall we?" The boy says and trows me the dagger he just sharpened. My shaky hand tries to catch it but with no luck. The dagger tear up a bit of my hand and land on the ground. I look at my new wound which leek a red substance.

"You are a hopeless guy" Pan says to me disappointed and then everything went black.

- Peter's P.O.V -

I look at the lifeless body I just used the black sleeping pounder on. "Common boys!" I shout and a hand full of teenagers jump out of the trees. "What do you want us to do?" my right hand asks me, "Do what we do to all the new ones" I answer and give the boy a look "Common Felix, you know that!".

"Alright boys let's take him to the cage" the blond one order the other ones. Felix and I look at each other and smirk, "Meet me back in camp, I have something left to do" and with that I teleport myself out of there in a split second.

I end up in skull rock. "Get out Mervin!" I order impatiently. The shadow fly out of its hiding place and hover above me. "What do you want me for master?" It whisper to me. "I could feel a another person crossing the barrier with you? Talk." I order the shadow "When I took the boy his friend tried to stop me and I couldn't get the other human off me until we where in Neverland".

"Where is this other person?" I ask him interested. "As I said, I can't get a human of me until I enter Neverland, so right inside the barrier". "You left him to drown?" I ask him surprised, "I assumed you only wanted Jacob..". "Well you should not assume such things, how do you know Jacob is the one and not the other person? If they where together you could have taken the wrong person!" I say to the shadow irritated.

"No, No I'm sure..", "Quite!", "But there is something you need to..", "I said quiet!" I look intensely at the shadow "You only speak when you are spoken to". I look at Marvin, "So tell me, where did you drop him?".

- Words from the author -
If someone reads this, hi! Hope you like it this far. I'm trying to wright as much as I can. And I think I will be able to write a lot this week (because I have a break from school). So stay tuned!

Be safe!

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