"Oh Meredith," the brunette drew her into her arms.

Meredith quieted down after a few minutes and stood up, "Thanks again Lex, I'll keep you posted. I have the next two days off so I'm going to go and look after him."

"I'll see you later Mer," Lexie hugged her, and Meredith disappeared back into the room. Lexie left and a few minutes later, the nurse came out and asked her if Carolyn wanted to see him. She had held off as much as she could but now, she just had to see him, so she crossed the hallway and knocked on the door. Derek was sat up in bed with Aiden on his lap, Meredith's hand locked tightly in his.

"Ma?" He smiled.

"Derek, I was going to come yesterday but there were grandkids to look after," she laughed.

"Of course," Derek chuckled, "at least you didn't overreact this time."

"Derek Shepherd, I do not overreact," she said, knowing it was a lie.

"It doesn't matter," he laughed slightly, "I'm glad you came."

"So am I," she agreed lightly.

"And Ma, this is Meredith and Aiden," he introduced them.

"It's lovely to meet you both," she greeted.

"It's great to meet you too Mrs Shepherd, I've heard a lot about you," Meredith replied, still smiling as Derek's thumb rubbed soothing circles across her hand.

"I've heard a lot about you too dear."

"All good I hope," she giggled.

"Of course all good Mer, I wouldn't like to suffer the consequences if I said something bad," Derek grinned.

Meredith rolled her eyes but squeezed his hand.

"Hi," a little voice popped up. Carolyn turned her attention to the boy that had been waiting patiently to be introduced.

"And you must be Aiden," she smiled.

"Yeah, and you're a really good mom Mrs Shepherd cause Derek is awesome."

"Thanks bud," Derek laughed, Meredith along with him.

"Well I'm glad you recognise the time and effort spent while he was growing up," Carolyn laughed.

"How did you get to know Derek?"

She already knew the story from Derek, but she was keen to learn it from the boy's point of view.


Carolyn left awhile later and was halfway down the hall when a shout made her turn.

"Mrs Shepherd?" Meredith called.


"I just, I just wanted to, I don't know. Derek told me you know that we're dating."

"I do."

"And I just, I wanted to introduce myself as his girlfriend. Not the mom of a boy who values him as a friend. We haven't told Aiden yet; we want to wait until Derek moves here. So, I just wanted to say, I love him, I love him so much and he loves me, and he loves Aiden like his own son already. Aiden looks up to him, more than just a famous hockey player, but he's the perfect role model for him. And, I'm so grateful to have him in my life, I've never met anyone like him." She finished.

Carolyn was amazed, she admired the woman for wanting to prove how much she really loved her son. It was clearly important to her that Derek's family liked her. And from what Carolyn had seen, she couldn't imagine anyone else more perfect for her son, and that was exactly what she told the woman standing in front of her.

In my bonesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora