"As much as I'm loving this debate, Cristina you literally have surgery in 20 minutes." Meredith interrupted.

"I do. I'll see you suckers later." She walked away. "Cardio is hardcore!" She called over her shoulder.

"That was intense. I've never had to prove that ice hockey is hardcore before."

"That's a word for her," his girlfriend laughed. The sparkle that was brought to her eyes was almost immediately distinguished when she looked over his shoulder. Derek followed her gaze and found an average sized guy with brown hair and beard, he looked kind of European, but Derek couldn't be sure, coming towards them. "I am so sorry," Meredith groaned. Derek looked at her quizzically as she went to stand in front of him, still next to the nurses' desk.

"Hello Dr Grey," the man spoke, "I brought you a cup of coffee," he placed the cup on the desk.

"Thank you, Dr DeLuca, but I already have one."

"Well, I for one know that being a surgeon means that you won't turn away another cup," he smiled.

"Fine," Mer sighed.

"So, I was wondering, Mer," he saw her cringe, "If you wanted to go out with me tonight?"

Derek tensed behind her, moving a hand onto the desk, almost trying to protect her.

"As I've told you before DeLuca, I have a boyfriend. Who is currently standing directly behind me."

Derek smiled tightly at this other man and moved his hand to Meredith's waist. DeLuca turned his attention to the other man who he had completely dismissed earlier, focusing only on Dr Grey. He looked up and his jaw dropped. "You, you're dating Derek Shepherd?!"

"I am," she grinned, leaning back into his chest. "But DeLuca, it shouldn't make a difference, I'm still taken."

He cleared his throat, "Right, I'm sorry for wasting your time Dr Grey," and he walked away quickly. Meredith sighed again, "I'm sorry you had to see that. He just keeps asking and he doesn't get it. Maybe now he'll stop."

"You could've told me," he said gently.

"Oh yeah and what would you have done? Go and tell him to stop? You don't even know who he is."

"Well okay, but, I don't know, you don't have to do it by yourself."

"Thank you," she smiled softly at him. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I know I haven't known you long, I've known you for... what? Two months? And a half?"

"Yeah, about that."

"But you are amazing." She hugged him tightly.

He squeezed her back, "So are you."

He pulled back slightly, "Can I ask you something?"


He looked straight into her eyes, "Do you hate it when I call you Mer? Cause you cringed when that guy said it earlier."

"No, I love it when you call me Mer. It sounds so right coming from you. He does it and it sounds forced and awkward. It's always easy and natural with you."

"Oh, good," he grinned, "Well then Mer, will you do me the honour of going out tomorrow night?"

"Why Derek, of course. I would love to," she giggled.

"Good. Now I've got to take Aiden to this fair, so I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, I should get back home around six."

They said goodbye and Derek walked back down the halls towards the exit. He reached the OBGYN floor and spotted Nancy coming out of a patient room.

In my bonesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat