Chapter Eleven: Hear Me

Começar do início

"Know him? Do I ever. That boy is so sweet. I've never seen you before. I thought I knew all of his friends. I am his Aunt after all." If Drexler's jaw could touch the floor it would have. He almost was at a loss for words.

"Seems he's always making new friends. Recently though he's been bringing some interesting fellows around."

"Anywho, if you're one of Kevin's friends then you can call me Aunt Paige." She smiled sweetly.

"Uh, Thank you." Drexler says. Astounded by his good fortune.

"He's over at one of his new renovations." She ponders for a moment. "Hang on. Let me check. I forget where he is most times. Always wandering around from here to there. So many projects that I'm afraid he'll run himself ragged. You young kids always work, work, work. Even his girlfriend Mia. All she does is work which is why she's never been by in years. Poor girl. Poor the generation of the youth. Just remember what's important. Health, happiness and family. Keep those three close to heart and you'll do just fine. Now off you go." She slips him a piece of paper with an address scribbled on it.

"Tell Kevin that he needs to stop by. I'm making his favorite, strawberry shortcake this weekend. It's not good to avoid his Aunt like this.Oh, and remind him to bring that new girlfriend of his. I'd love to see her again."

Drexler nodded graciously and left the hotel. His blood was boiling at the idea of Kevin and Mia dating. Kevin's hands all over her, holding her, kissing her. Making love to his woman, the woman of his dreams. Kevin is a better choice than Drexler, he argued. Kevin can provide Mia with everything Drexler could not. Children, a steady home, income, a life. He could provide her with a life meant for a queen such as her.

No matter how much he tried to rationalise his wayward thoughts, he simply could not. He couldn't agree no matter what evidence he brings up. It's like his soul, on some spiritual level knows that he couldn't have anyone else be with Mia. Be in Mia's life. To love and cherish her.

Drexler knew that nobody can love her like he can. Growling in frustration of his disconnected thoughts, his entire being was at war with itself. Standing under the awning of the hotel entrance, he stood taking in the parking lot. What was he looking for?

"Good morning, Sir. How may I help you?" The same youth from before hopped over from his podium. Flashing his same bright smile.

"You can't. Sorry." He turned his back on the boy. He has an address, now he just needs to get there.

A car pulled up under the awning in front of Drexler. A beautiful woman jumps from her car, her sun kissed hair bounced on her shoulders in fluffy waves. Her breasts were bunched up entirely way too much, her breasts looked ready to flee for their lives. Her dress blew in the gentle breeze, her heels clicking against the black top as she rounded the hood of her small beamer. She smacks the keys dead center in Drexler's chest. The woman's eyes roam over Drexler in disgust.

"Gross. Isn't there any consideration to the dress code here! Honestly, management will hear about this! Ugh, disgusting, don't even come near be. Just park my car. Don't you dare touch anything with your grimy hands you filth. She snaps at Drexler. Her hips swaying as she disappears into the lobby.

"Gross, I'll need a deep cleaning now..."The woman faded through the double doors.

Drexler looked at the valet by the podium. He was buried in his podium doing something. He must have not witnessed the altercation. A bulb sparked to life. Twirling the keys in his hand he rounded the beamer and jumped into the small car. He instantly regretted it. His shoulders were bunched as he struggled to fit into the vehicle. His long legs had to bend unnaturally, even with the car seat pushed back.

Suddenly A MonsterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora