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Her appearance justifies her name. Her long hair secured in a bun appear like honey wires. Her kohl studded eyes are worth dying for. She doesn't need any weapons or artillery to kill me. All she needs is a wink of her eye, a smile, or a gesture from her graceful fingers, and my life would end then and there.

Even in her work uniform, she looks better dressed than half of the royal princesses and sensual models. Her petite skirt and yellow shirt don't do justice to her alluring figure but I am sure they haven't look so sexy on anyone else.

As I had concluded yesterday, she truly is a perfect blend of sensuality and innocence. The thought of exploring her sensuality and tearing apart her innocence intrigues me as my lips spread in a sinister grin. My amusement unnerves her as she stretches the ends of her skirt to cover her exposed knees.

Adjusting her clothes, she studies me from bottom to top. Her scrutiny ends when her wide brown eyes meet my calculated gaze. Her fascination for my masculine body becomes evident on her face. She steals glances to let her eyes roam around the various parts of my body.

With slow steps, to increase her anticipation, I move towards her and her aunt. I am sure she is thinking of me as an old family acquaintance. My appearance never fails to impress and mislead. People often mistake my immaculate wardrobe to be that of a businessman. And I like their misinterpretations. It keeps the surprise element alive, and that's what I always want. Surprise helps me catch my prey off-guard, but I wouldn't say that Bella is like others. In a sense, she isn't wrong to look at me as a rich brat. I am a brat and business is because of which I am standing in front of her.

I play a game with everyone I meet. I deceive them with my semblance, only to strike at the right moment. Bella is no exception to my tricks. She is same as the others. Foolish. But she is also utterly naïve. I don't need to talk to her to know it, it's written on her face.

The rest of my associates know that maintaining a safe distance from me is best but this woman is dissimilar. She hasn't uttered a word to me but I already want her . I am close to her, but only superficially, for now. I wanted to rectify the superficial part. Soon, I will be close to her in the desirable manner. Then, I will introduce the devil in me to the doll she is.

I smile wider at the thought of the pleasures I would derive from her.

When I entered the kitchen of the Beaumont household, the conversation between Bella and her aunt had come to a halt. No one speaks, and I enjoy silence. But more than that, I am enjoying the nervousness bubbling in Bella. 

For some reason, she appears unsure of the entire situation. Sweat breaks on her forehead and her hands are trembling. She doesn't look at me suspiciously, but she isn't friendly either. She doesn't smile or back down. Her face remains blank, and I don't rush to decipher her thoughts. After all, we'll have all the time in the world!

"Bella, he is..." Dismissing an eternity of silence, Roseline intervenes to introduce me but I cut her off.

"Mrs. Beaumont, I would like to take the pleasure of introducing myself." I divert my attention to the queen in the room. "I am Orlando Marino. Nice to meet you, lady." I hold out my hand. I want to touch her. I want to kiss her knuckles. Hell, I want to kiss her full lips, hankering to taste the sweetness she stores in them. I want to feel her lean body melt under my touch.

She doesn't reply to my words or my gesture and continues to observe me with a guarded expression on her face. Earlier, she had been intrigued by me, but now she is regarding me as an intruder. I am a trespasser without a doubt, until I turn things the way I want.

Witnessing Bella's rudeness, her aunt pinches her arm. She flinches at the sensation and subsequently replies in her melodious voice, ignoring my poor hand purposely. Her voice isn't a sweet whisper. Her tone is firm and defending.

"I am Bella Escoffier. I don't think we know each other. I wasn't expecting you!" She exclaims, with her head held high.

"Ms. Bella, I think we have some matters to discuss. But before that, I will request you to kindly grant me your company in the living room of YOUR house." I retort with a smirk. I don't afford her a chance to reply. I turn around and walk inside, aware that she'll follow my footsteps. She has no choice. She will never have a choice.

Poor, poor girl!

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