Trapped In Admin

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The Gentelman wasn't able to open the door and gave up after a while he just went back to trying to swipe the card. The doors still didn't open after he swioed the card so he just sat there staring at the vent to make sure nobody entered the room. The Gentelman could hear distant footsteps and he ran to the door and banged on it and was yelling. It was Cherry "the Gentelman? Why are you in there?" she asked "the doors just close- just get me out!" he yelled. After a while Admin doors finally opend Cherry went in to do her Admin swipe  so the Gentelman stayed with her while she did her swipe to make sure nobody killed her. As soon as she completed her task the doors closed and they were both trapped! They started talking for a bit until Cherry brought up how mean Demi was to vote Mr Cheese out "we don't need Mr Cheese in order to survive" the Gentelman said. Cherry was furious with the Gentelman because she knew that if the Gentelman git ejected instead of Mr Cheese that Mr Cheese would cry "The Gentelman! I am shamed.. Mr Cheese would never say that about you so don't you ever say that about him".
Mr Cheese was now a ghost along with Jackson and Keira and Lime. "W-what?" Mr Cheese said as he was watching over the Gentleman "Mr Cheese! Don't think anything of it.. He wasn't a real freind" Lime said while putting his hand on Mr Cheese's shoulder. It just wasn't true freindship was it..? And at that Mr Cheese and Lime were now watching Gary.
Sorry this chapter is short next chapter i will make very long.

"Sus" (not Based On Among Us Logic Just Has Mr Cheese And The Gentelman) Where stories live. Discover now