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Over the next few days, Alina's schedule was jam-packed with meetings and visits. She was hardly getting time to sleep and had to stay in the office for long hours almost every day. Her house was completely a mess as she wasn't spending much time there.

It was another crazy afternoon when she received a text,

'Is it possible to accommodate a 1-hour late-night snack in your calendar?'

She smiled while replying,

'I would be late, might not be able to reach before 10.'

There was an instant reply from Rob as if he was waiting with his phone in hand.


She kept her phone aside and continued her work. She never liked working weekends, so this time also, she was cross-checking everything to ensure that there was nothing left for the weekend. She gathered her belongings and left for home a little early than she had anticipated. She was startled to see Rob in her study area, reading something, which appeared like some sort of manuscript. He was too busy to notice her.

'Hey, I didn't expect to see you here.'

'Why? This place is better than my reading room, I like it here.'

Alina smiled.

'You said you would be late, were you trying to avoid me? Hmm?' Rob asked playfully.

'Mm-hmm, you got it right,' she replied jovially.

'Now freshen up quickly, Jeanne has prepared dinner.'

'Sure thing, sir!'

She returned after some time in her cute and comfortable bunny t-shirt and night shorts.

'It has been ages since we talked, you know, you are such a busy person.'

'It's nice to hear words of compliments from the super busy one of the most influential men in the world.'

It was crazy, she now was so comfortable with a guy she thought she is never going to meet. Sometimes, everything appeared too good to be true but she always avoided going this lane.

'What were you reading?'

'Oh, a new project. You remember we were talking about the kind of role you liked and you were pitching it to me?'

During one of their earlier discussions, Alina had shared that she always liked movies depicting some past events that the masses should know about. There have been many events in the history of every country where some unsung heroes held their responsibility and faced the situation bravely. She was coming from the school of thought that movies have a very wide reach, and if a plot is chosen which talks about some of these incidents, like on the lines of Dunkirk and Chernobyl, it might instigate thought process of some people and they would want to know more about it. This way, a message would be sent to the people and the cast's reputation would act as a catalyst to draw people to theatres.

She always had this thought because she experienced this herself, she found herself reading multiple articles and books about topics and felt a little more educated afterward. 

'Movies should be thought-provoking and if you are a part of such a project, you will do your own research to get into the character, imagine the impact it can have on you. And knowing you can have a similar impact on your fans, isn't it an accomplishment on its own?'

'Sweetie, you have already sold me this idea. I discussed ut with my agents and looks like, we might have something.'

'That's great, and this spaghetti is real good.'

'Now , if you want, you can go through those sheets. Would love to hear your opinion.'

'Hmm, will think about it,' she giggled.

They continued talking in her room where later they fell asleep.

Next morning, Rob woke up with the sunlight entering the room, realizing that he had fallen asleep on Alina's bed last night, but she was not around. He went out and saw her, completely absorbed in reading the project they had discussed, with her reading glasses and work face on.

'Like what you are reading?'

'Will see about that. I will get you some breakfast.'

She went to kitchen to cook breakfast and right when Rob returned and sat , she served him scrambled eggs with cherry tomatoes, mushroom and toast.

'We have an elaborate breakfast this morning.'

But Alina was already headed towards her study.

'You are not eating?'

'I had coffee, now I went through a few sheets but I have some queries, care to clarify?' her tone was dead serious.


'First of all, how did you get to know about this one? Did you use your connections or...?'

'I shared the idea with one of my agents.' Rob interrupted.

'And seems I was just in time, he had something I would find interesting and passed it on to me. It's in very initial stage at the moment.'

'So this is a basic raw version, right?'

'Yeah, I mean...'

Their discussion was suddenly interrupted with a bang on the main door of the guest room and a lady, who looked like a model, straight out f a fashion magazine, cover entered the hallway. 

'Rob, what are you doing here? And whom are you talking to?' her voice was demanding.

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