Chapter 41 : I'll be waiting for you- Part I

Start from the beginning

“So why did not you ever tell me, that Harris called you to ask if I was well or not.”

His face went pale and he turns his head to see Harris again. With one swift moment he punched Harris left jaw.

“Chris! What’re you doing?” I shouted to get him away from Harris, but he kept on holding him. He’s behaving like a giant. Is he blind that he can’t see what the truth is and is hitting an innocent man, who’s my best friend?

 And before he could lay another punch on it Harris forcefully removed his hands and pushed him that made Chris stumble three steps back.

“What the hell are you two doing” I yelled while clutching my cheeks and squeezing my eyes shut.

 Harris is never into fighting he’s a good guy but if someone messes with him, he mess harder. That I think is one of the traits of being a black belt in karate. But I know the presence of mind he’s always had and because of that he never does a useless fight.

“You know you don’t deserve a girl like her with such an attitude.” Harris growled as Chris clenched his fist and moved ahead.

I was about to stop him from starting a so not required fight when we all heard a series of sobbing.

During the entire five minutes we just forgot about the one person who sat there silently.


I move ahead and see she held her head in her hand and was sobbing. Confused I move my gaze from her to Chris who stood like a statue and daren’t move an inch as I glared him. I’m never going to forgive him for this, he hit Harris when he did nothing wrong. I never expected him to display such kind of a behavior. Harris who now had blood around his jaw kept on staring Jill with a deadpan face. This is the kind of face when Harris is just about to explode with anger.

I shake my head and rubbed Jill’s shoulder while mumbling soothing words.

“It’s okay Jill. They’re maniacs. Don’t worry I’ll make it all right.”

She sobbed again and Harris sat on his place and stroked Jill’s hair that made her look at him.

“Why are you crying? It wasn’t anything for you.” He mumbled in a low voice.

I smiled and thought of how good he is. He always helps everybody, in fact anybody. But right now, I could see a different expression. It wasn’t just concern. It was the pain that he tried to feel which Jill felt now.

“Don’t fight please.” Jill finally whispered as she wiped her tears.

“I won’t I promise. Don’t cry.” Harris mumbled once again and she nodded.

My heart filled with thousand of emotion and I thought to leave the two soon to be love birds alone and run far far way from the jerk who never thinks anything straight.

“I’ll see you guys later.” I blurted and did not wait for their replies and rushed towards the exit.


I was practically running outside and never stopped any time he called my name until he came in my front and made me stop moving.

“Where are you going?” he asked with a pained expression

“Go to hell and don’t dare to come near me” I said glaring him.

He moved ahead to encircle my waist but I dodged him by moving forth again.

“Baby please, please, listen to me. At least, just hear me out.” He pleaded once again and I stopped at the edge of the secluded lane which rarely had a scene of people. I turn around and my eyes were now filled with water.

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