"Still not saying it back?" Ana asked.

"Just give me time," Emilyn said. "I'm new to this relationship thing." She huff. "Is relationship this hard?"

"No, you are using too much of this." She pointed to her head. "You should be using more of this." Then, Ana pointed at her heart. "If you follow it, it isn't that hard anymore."

Emilyn sigh. "Like it is that easy to listen to your heart." She mumbled.


Emilyn fidgets in her seat she couldn't sit still. She is excited because Christopher is arriving today; she kept checking her phone.

For the race, Christopher came in second; he's disappointed but was determined to win the next time. Jax told Emilyn that he's already preparing for the next race.

"Hey, Emilyn." Andrew sat on the edge of her table. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing much, just working on my assignment," Emilyn told him.

"You haven't told me about your trip to Italy."

"That's because you weren't in the office, these past few days," She said.

"Now, I'm here. Tell me all about it." He said.

"Well, I didn't get to explore much. Got to leave early because of a family emergency."

"Oh, but you have fun right?"

"definitely," Emilyn said with a smile.

"I heard Christopher is still there, not worried?" He asked

"Worried?" Emilyn knitted her eyebrows together. "Why should I?"

"Because of this." They turned around to the voice. "There's an article saying that they spot Christopher Evans and model Chloe Anderson together on the street of Italy." Savannah reads for her computer. "The picture doesn't look that nice at all."

Emilyn slides her chair to her desk to get a closer view. The picture is of Chloe and Christopher walking on the sidewalk with her hand wrap around his arms. "No, nothing is going on between them." Emilyn shakes her head. "They are just very good friends, that's all."

"You mean past lover turned into friends." Andrew raises an eyebrow. "There's no way is purely just friendship." He shakes his head.

"I trust Christopher, he told me nothing is going on with them," Emilyn said

"Keep your eyes open Emilyn and keep you man closer," Savannah said. "Who knows one day Chloe Anderson might turn your man against you. And the one getting hurt is you."

Emilyn slides back to her desk, and thoughts of the scenario keep running through her mind. She shakes it off, she trusts Christopher. If he said there's nothing, there is nothing.


After visiting the hospital, Emilyn got back home, checking her phone every minute but still nothing. She then decided to change into a comfortable outfit before sitting on the couch, watching some tv to pass the time.

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