
"I think it's this apartment building." I point to as I adjust my black leather jacket. 

It's 11am, Felix and Morgan came with me because who knows how long I'll be here and they are my best friends, they will be there for me and Jo. Even though me and Jo are "technically" on a break, I don't care, I'm here for her and she is my girlfriend and I love her, I don't care about no fucking break. 

"Hi yes, uh Josephine Langford." I say to receptionist as he asks whose room I need. I lean my arm on the desk unpatiently waiting in case my mother or someone i know just shows up. 

"211" he says. I thank him as the guys and I rush up onto her floor and I bust into her door and she's pacing around the room. "Hero!" she yells and I open my arms as she jumps onto me and wraps her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck and her face nuzzled in my neck. Shocked by her antics I hug her tight. She's wearing my black shirt, my plaid pajama pants and her hand in a side ponytail. I'm wearing a black leather jacket, black jeans, a black shirt and black shoes. Way for a color Hero. 

"I-I'm sorry.." she says as she pulls her head back and looks as she untangles her legs and stands down. Fuck! We are still considered on a "break" and she thinks it's weird to do that, are you fucking kidding me? Why are things so...different between us. 

She sits down on the edge of the hotel bed as Felix closes the door behind him, "Hi Jo." Morgan says. 

"Hi guys..thank you for coming." she smiles and plays with her fingers in her hands. 

"A-are you okay?" I bend down in front of her. 

"Y-yes...I'm okay..I just feel weird he's very close to here..to me." 

"Baby, he won't get anywhere near you. I promise." I place my hands on hers and she nods as I stand up and kiss her forehead. 

"I got me and the boys a hotel, we are gonna go over there okay? If you need anything or see him, call me." I say as we open the hotel door. 

"Thank you.." she quietly says as we walk out of the hotel. 


Hours pass, it's four pm and we are going out to eat at the same place again. I placed on a white dress, with a tie around the waist and a sort V so you can see a little bit of cleavage. I curled my hair and did light makeup before Dana picked me up with Josh, Mack and Marsha. 

"Hey you okay? Josh asks as I buckle my seatbelt. "Yeah..I'm okay." I smile. 

We all go back to the outside restaurant and sit down at a table, as lights are everywhere and it's warm outside, a band playing and it's crowded.

"It's so nice here!" Mack says as she opens her menu. "I know!" I smile.

We all order drinks, and our food is on it's way out until I hear someone behind me at the table, I slowly turn... to Tyler. 




"Dana..." I say and hide my thumb pointing behind me and she stands up and i stand up to walk away until a face comes to mine. 

"Where are you going?" Tyler smiles as he gets in my face. 

Josh runs up and gently pushes Tyler's shoulder back, "Woah dude, personal space." Josh says. 

"Aw, Josephine must like personal space. Would you like to have some dinner Josephine?" he asks. I shake my head and walk away and close my eyes tight as I walk face first into someone's chest,  the same scent I love. Hero. I open my eyes and he places his hands on my shoulders before I get pulled back by my wrist. "Why are you running away Josephine?" Tyler asks and I try pulling my hand out of his grip to walk away and he squeezes my wrist tighter, it hurts and I can't get loose of his grip. "Tyler! Please!" I yell before a Hero yells, "Get the fuck off her!" he yells as his fist makes it to Tyler's jaw and Tyler drops to the floor and Morgan and Felix pull me back to them as Josh, Dana, Mack and Marsha run over as Hero is punching Tyler on the ground. 

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