Chapter 2: Replaced

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Eryn POV

Wes and I walk in through the double doors, and take the elevator to the next floor. Wes had to go the next floor up to help with a computer problem. He told me the first editing job was on a thumbdrive on my desk.

I walk to my office, and see a not on my door.

Watch the video completely before editing it. Take your time with it and don't stress.
~ SG

I open my door, and I see my office exactly how I left it. I flip on the light switch, and I see everything covered in a layer of dust. I walk over to the window, and pull the blinds open. This releases a cloud of dust into my face and throws me into a coughing fit.

After I finish, I start up my computer and wipe the screen with my hand. Everything was all... dusty.

All if the sudden my door opens. No knock or anything.

A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes looks at me. "Hi. Can I help you?" She asks. I'm taken aback by that. "Um... I work here. This is my office," I tell her. She frowns. She backs up and looks at the door. She shakes her head. "I work here. I was sent here as a replacement for miss Alexsis Deen," she says.

My eyes widen at that. How did she get my name?! Why is she-

I clench my teeth. "What's your name?" I ask her. "Katie Clearwater," she says. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Who sent you here? How did you get that name?" I ask her. "Someone emailed me and asked me if I would replace Alexsis Deen in her job for editing. They said they were from this building. Um... they called from this number," Katie said, handing me a piece of paper. The number looked familiar.

"Thank you Katie. But there's been a mistake. My name is Eryn Ovenshire, or Alexsis Deen," my lips twist in disgust at the name. The name my traitorous parents gave me. "Oh... I'm so sorry miss Deen!" She says. I wince. "Please, call me Eryn. It's okay, there's been a mistake. I will be back in just a few minutes, okay?" I say. She nods.

I walk out of the room, shutting the door. Then I run to Ian and Anthony's office. They're leaving to go shoot at noon.

I knock on the door loudly. "Come in!" Anthony's voice says. Ian and Anthony look up at me. "Hey Eryn, what's up?" Ian asks.

I slam the paper down on the table. "If you wanted me gone so bad you could have just said something!" I snarled. They looked at the paper with the information on it.

Replacement for Alexsis Deen. Go to Smosh Games to start work. Project on desk. Be there at 7:45.

I stared at them. "Alexsis...?" Ian asks, confused. "My name! The once my parents gave me!" I yelled. "Why are you showing this to us?" Anthony asks. "A woman name Katie Clearwater is in my office telling me that she's my replacement. This is the information she got, and this is your number!" I snapped.

"I didn't call anyone!" Ian says. He looks at Anthony, who is staring at the paper. "Eryn..." He says. "What?" I growl. He looks up, his eyes surprised. "This isn't this office's number," he says. "Then who's is it?" I growl.

"It's Wes's."

My heart seems to snap in two. "What?" I say in a broken voice.

My sadness is changed to anger. I snatch the paper and storm off to his office.

"Eryn! It must just be a mistake! Eryn!" I heard them call.

I knocked on the door. "Come in!" Wes says.

The Eyes of a YouTuber (Smosh Games Fanfiction) (Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now