Bonus Story!

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(This is supposed to take place like, way before the last chapter. This is just a super short chap that explains a bit more about how Tsukki feels about Mariko, since y'all only see her POV and how she thinks she loves Kei way more than he loves her (which is actually very, very wrong) anyways, yeah! This is his thinking process before they even started dating. Pls enjoy)

Tsukishima Kei


I never liked my last name. I guess I don't hate it, per se, but I never favored it either.

I just don't really understand why I have to bear the name of a man who's not in my life.

I never met my father. My brother was previously a chronic liar. The only good 'Tsukishima' I know is my mother.

So yeah. I never favored the name.

The only time it was exceptional was when Yamaguchi formed a small nickname out of it, and began calling me that in elementary school.

Tsukki wasn't bad. But it's not like I favored that either.

I thought I'd go through my entire life like this, not liking my name. And the worse part of it all was that I'd eventually have to give it to some poor girl and make her wear the name on her driver's license, paychecks, bank account, marriage certificate...

I once thought about taking my future wife's last name instead.

Yeah. That sounded good.


I didn't think that one girl could make me love the sound of my last name. The way every syllable rolled off her lips in an excited manner as she turned around to greet me every morning, followed by her wrapping her arms around my torso.

The first time she called my name was in the Karasuno gym.

"Whoa! You're super tall, are you sure you're a first year and not a transfer student?" She had asked, her eyes trailing up and down my body in awe.

"That's Tsukishima Kei." Daichi laughs, walking up to the small group that previously consisted of just Yamaguchi and I.

"So he really is a first year!" She laughs, turning back to me. "Nice to meet you, Tsukishima-Kun!"

It was like the world stopped, as cliche as it sounds.

I almost felt like I didn't hear it right. That can't possibly be my name, melting like butter on the tip of her tongue...

Oh, but it was. And it was the sweetest thing I've ever heard when she said it. Having other people call me by my name sort of irked me then.

How dare they speak that word when she does it best?

I was a dead man as soon as she said my name, and I'll stand by that for the rest of my life.

Now, I don't really mind it.

Actually, it's become my favorite thing to hear. I love it. Waking up everyday, meeting her in that same spot to walk her to class...I look forward to it.

And as I slowly fell in love, I found peace.


(Ending the story with the same first words she spoke to him?? 😮‍💨

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