Overall, practice had run by smoothly and when it came to an end, everyone was satisfied with the progress they made. Well, almost everyone. Atsumu wanted to stay longer to practice yet he'd gotten a message from his mother saying she wanted himself and his brother home afterwards. Normally she had no problem with them being out, so the two were a little off put by this.

"Why do ya think Ma wants us home?" Atsumu looked to his brother, the two were now on their way home and a little nervous.

"What makes ya think I'd know?" Osamu shrugged and Atsumu sighed, such a helpful answer from his brother.

The two kept it at that and let silence fall over for the rest of their walk home, which despite the nervousness was rather peaceful. The sun was out, leaving the day nice and warm, a small breeze balancing everything out, it really was perfect.

When the two got home, they walked through the front door and Atsumu called to their mother, telling her they were home. Excited, she quickly called both boys into the kitchen where she'd been just enjoying a tea.

"What's goin' on Ma, everythin' okay?" Atsumu asked as he walked into the kitchen, Osamu following close second yet instead of walking to their mother, he was headed for the snack cupboard.

"You got a letter." Arisu smiled softly as she slid a white envelope to Atsumu, causing Osamu to glance over for a moment.

"If he's the only one who got a letter, why do I gotta be in here?" Osamu asked, finally turning after grabbing some pudding to look at the two.

"Because I want you to be." Arisu gave Osamu a look, a mother's kind of look and he nodded.

"Got it," He looked from his mother to Atsumu. "Well, are ya gonna open it or what?"

"I will, I will." Atsumu waved his brother off and finally opened the letter, reading it aloud.

"Miya Atsumu, we're delighted to inform ya that ya have been invited to join the All-Japan Youth Intensive Trainin' Camp.." Atsumu's voice faltered, re-reading that again before smiling.

"Holy shit!" The dyed blonde smiled just about the brightest he ever had in his life and read on.

"Yer expected to be ready for camp by Monday May 17th. We can't wait to see you here." Atsumu put the letter down when he was done and the first thing he was met with was a hug from his mother.

"Congratulations sweetheart, I'm so proud of you." Arisu smiled and Atsumu hugged her in return, the bright smile he had never fading.

"Thanks Ma, really." He chuckled a little and his mother let him go, what surprised Atsumu was when his brother spoke.

"Congrats 'Tsumu, ya deserve this after all yer hard work." Osamu offered a small smile and a nod, which of course left Atsumu stunned.

"Aww, 'Samu! Are ya gettin' soft on me?" Atsumu put on joking puppy eyes and Osamu rolled his own, scoffing playfully.

"I have no clue what yer talkin' about, I said nothin'." Osamu shook his head and Atsumu groaned a little.

"Dammit, I shoulda recorded that!" The dyed blonde huffed in defeat, but no worry there as Arisu had his back.

"You didn't need to, I got it already." She smiled to herself with a sweet giggle and Osamu was the one groaning this time.

"Both of ya are teamin' up on me here, I take offence to that ya know." He let out a huff and Atsumu stick out his tongue.

"Too bad so sad 'Samu." Atsumu have a cocky smile and Osamu glared at him, ready to yell at his brother, only to be stopped by their mother.

"Ah, dont you two start with that, tonight's going to be a good night." Arisu smiled, both boys glared at each other before looking back to their mother.

"How about we go out for celebratory dinner, I think it sounds like a good idea. How about you two?"

Both Atsumu and Osamu agreed instantly. If there was one thing the twins could never turn down, it was a good meal.


Y'all please, I beg — wish me luck, I have my math exams Friday and my culminating on Thursday and I'm s c a r e d

On another note, I know the timeline for the training camp isn't proper but I didn't actually know what it was so I just went off random days, bear with me here ;-;

Also, we stan a supportive family, we don't know toxic households here 😤✋


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