Not every Villain is a literal Villain

Start bij het begin

Come to think of it... What is the kid doing here?

Doesn't he have school?

He is wearing a school uniform...

Is that blood on his uniform?

He looked like he would be the same age as Shoto.

I don't care.

I don't even know that kid!

Once I saw that my flames were hurting him, I immediately let them go and focused back on the sludge villain. I was paid to get him out of the prison the heroes put him in. Never did I ask a single question on to why I did the job. I did it to survive! I needed the money after all since my trash of a father cut all relation ship to me.

What I couldn't tolerate was the villain trying to kill the kid. Something in the kids eyes has caught my interested. Besides that it was wrong to kill a kid this young. He couldn't do anything about the fucked up society. He also looked like he was treated very badly. Perhaps he was like me.

It might have been the look in his eyes or that he was remembering me about my own brother, but all of the sudden I had the urge to protect him.

The moment I saw that the boy was about to black out, I used my flames against the sludge villain. I was paid to get him out of the prison and I was paid half beforehand and the other half later. Even if I backed up from the deal, I would still have half the amount I was supposed to get which could get me through weeks.

Me: You really want to mess with me? NOW LET HIM GO?!

My flames were dangerously hot and close to the villain. He was made out of sludge and the moment they touched him, the villain screamed in pain and a thick black smoke was made.

Sludge: You can't kill me!

Me: I can and I will!

Sludge: But what about the deal?

Me: It's over the moment you decided to kill that kid!

Sludge: Wait, wait, please, here take him!

He immediately threw up the boy and he looked so pale.

Is he even alive?

Was I to late?

Not wanting to let anyone hear about my decisions of saving that kid, or rumors spreading about me breaking a contract for a kid, I use my flames to burn the sludge to death. He deserved it anyways. He had killed 333 kids and women the last year only. For some reason he never attacked a grown up man.

After I send my flames after him, I went to the kid and checked him up and looked for his pulse. It took me a while but he had one. It was very faint but it was there. The only problem was that he stopped breathing. Not wasting any minute, I tried my best to get him back to breathing.

Me: Come on kid!

After 30 seconds of performing CPR, he began coughing up some of the sludge he must have breathed in.

Me: Thank god.... I though you were a goner.

The moment he looked into my eyes, I saw how mesmerizing his emerald eyes are but that was not the point. I could tell that he has injured and lived through a lot.

What happened to you?

Why are your eyes so dull?

Kid: Thank you *cough*

He looks very weak and worn out.

I can't leave him here...

Me: Dabi.

Kid: I am Izuku.

I helped the kid up but I could tell that he was barely conscious. He was not steady on his feet at all and he looked tired.

Me: Do you have a place to be?

Kid: Not until 3 or 4...

This never was a good reply and so I decided to take him with me back to my hideout.

Me: Come with me, kid.

Kid: Thank you for saving me Dabi but it's fine!

Me: Kid, you are injured and I am not gonna let you walk like this after I just saved your damn ass!

Kid: .... okay....

Me: What's your quirk kid?

I had a feeling that he had a villainous quirk or something that his parents didn't like at all but his respond shocked me completely. I never anticipated to hear something like that.

Kid: I am quirkless....

Me: Oh.

Kid: Do you still want me to follow you?

Me: I told you to follow me earlier so why shouldn't I want you to follow me now?

Kid: Don't you regret saving me? I mean I am quirkless, useless, just a waste of space and an abomination of nature.

Me: Who told you that?

Kid: Nearly everyone.

Me: Well they are wrong. All I see in front of me is a fighter and a pure soul!

Kid: Thank you, you know you are not a villain. No matter what the society tells you that you are or what your father tells you.

Me: What?

Kid: You are Touya Todoroki right?

Me: How did you-

Kid: Know? Your blue flames gave you away and I am a huge fan of quirks. I know every heroes quirk and as such I know about you and your training with that burning trashcan.

Me: You know what.. I like you Izuku.

Once we arrived at the abandoned building I was hiding, I immediately began treating his wound and we talk about my father and my sibling for a while. All this time, he let me speak and only listened. After our talk I felt so relived. He not only was willing enough to listen to me but also give his opinion about things when I was asking him to do so. He gave me courage and he told me that it was not my fault. For the first time in my life, I was sure I had an angel send from heaven in front of me and I would do everything for him to survive. In the small time we were together he felt more like a brother to me than a stranger. 

World Domination at its finest!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu