Though I suppose with such a small town, crime isn't really an issue.

Thirty minutes later, I walked through my front door utterly exhausted from today. I sneak upstairs so my mother and brother don't hear me. As soon as I see my bed, I crash on it. I move my head towards the side and see that my window was open wide.

Oh fuck, why is my window open?

With a new found courage, I slowly get up from the bed and tip toe over to the window. I look around but see no one anywhere but it is dark out and there's a forest around me, so I could definitely be wrong. I pull myself up and go out onto the ledge and lay down. Thoughts of today rake through my head as I question what the fuck happened.

Werewolves. They are real. What else could be real? Could all those fairy tales I grew up with also be real. Are vampires or fae real? I had so many questions and no answers. I need time to figure what the fuck is going on with this town. I look up at the sky and it starts to calm me down as stars glitter in the night sky.

Sky....., ugh why do I feel bad? She's the one that lied to me. And she's a were-were-werewolf.

I can't help but miss her. I feel the strange-ish pull towards her and something in the back of my head is telling me it shouldn't matter what she is.

I sigh sitting up off the ledge and climbing back into my bedroom. Now I knew that were-wolves were real, I was definitely locking my window every night.

Oh god, there was a big black wolf that I saw on Monday. It was smaller than Sky, it could not have been her. That means I could have been killed by one. And oh god! There was that wolf attack in the woods. Oh my god!! They are killers and they are gonna kill me now that I know. Oh no! I have to tell Sky that I promise I won't tell a soul! Oh my god!

I couldn't help but stay up for longer tonight, completely scared that while I sleep, one of them will come into my room and kill me. I grabbed my blanket and my knife that I use in my running pants and leaned against my headboard. There was no way I was not going down without a fight.

Good thing it's Saturday tomorrow and I do not have to go to school. Hopefully I can act sick for a few days next week because I can not face Sky. And I can't tell my brother or my mother. Oh no!! What if Mika is a wolf!! Or knows about Sky! Jay could be in danger but I can't tell him about what I saw at the party.

Wait what happened to Mika and Jay at the party?

I immediately shoot up from my bed and scramble down the attic stairs towards Jay's room. I hear nothing coming from his room even knocking a few times. I open the door slightly and peek my head in. His room is dark (and of course messy) and his bed is empty.

I rush back up the stairs and grab my phone and hit the phone call for Jay.

"Hey Jay, It's me. Ummm, where are you?," I ask shakily, my whole body fidgeting.

"Hey, I left the party early, I am sorry. After you and Sky went up the stairs to do god knows what (insert eye roll). I went to go get food with Mika at a dinner near Wolf Howl. I just finished paying the bill. Are you alright? Why are you calling? You never call," he asks concerningly. 

"I just I...I don't feel well and I really miss you, and I was just wondering if you could come home quickly please. It's late," I reply.

"Alright, alright, I will be home in less than 20, okay?,"he asks.

"Ok, bye. I love you Jay," I reply, still fidgeting.

"Hey, I love you too. Not that I mind the sisterly love, but we usually ain't that. I don't know what happened to my real sister, but I'll see her in a few. Bye," I hear the call end.

I lay down on the bed feeling a little bit better. Although he is with Mika. I hope he is safe. I lay down on my bed looking at my ceiling trying so hard to get out the image of Sky as a wolf from my brain. Her black tall wolf in the room with strength and authority. I could feel tears drop down on my cheeks. I felt so stupid for being lied too and for being played with.

Does she even like me?

That thought made my tears fall even faster. Even though I had only met Sky and Mika and Blake on Monday, I couldn't help but feel the instant connections to them and this place. After leaving my old life behind, I had very little hope that stuff would turn out good this year.

The downstairs door opens and shuts and I run down the stairs.

"Hey Al-," I hear Jay say as I tackle him.

"Woah, hey, what's wrong?," he asks.

"Nothing. I just missed you," I half lied. I did miss him.

"Can we have some sibling bonding and watch a movie like the olden time?," I ask.

"Sure, I guess. Wow what has gotten into you? Haha, you go to my room and pick a movie and sit on my bed. I'll go and grab some popcorn," he says as he gets up and heads to the kitchen.

I walked back up the stairs and entered his room which still was messy but decided on a new part of his bed. I grabbed his computer from the edge of his bed and looked for a movie for us.

"Ugh, not Kung Fu Panda. God, you are so lucky I am in a nice mood," Jay says as he enters the room.

"What, I need some laughter," I say as I take a huge chunk of popcorn.

"You know, Al, you can tell me anything. You know that right? We may not get along all the time, but I am your brother. Your twin even," he says as he looks straight at me with worry and concern.

"I know. I am fine. I was just feeling a little depressed after the party. Maybe too much weed and alcohol," I laugh off.

I press play on the movie and we sit in silence watching the movie. I lean my head and shoulders on his and my eyes start feeling a little droopy. After all, it's past midnight. Throughout the movie, I fall asleep at some point and a little later, I am shaken awake by Jay.

"Hey, I might love you, but get off my bed and go towards yours," he says as he pushes me off his bed. I grumble and stumble across his room and the hallway towards the attic. As soon as I get in contact with the foot of my bed, I jump in, take off my jeans and top, grab some blankets, and fall into a deep slumber. 

The Alpha And Her Human Mate (Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now