9 | Going Back in Time (Part 1)

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~ 7 years ago ~

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~ 7 years ago ~

"Can you believe this is our last week of elementary school?" Josh came up from behind me in the hallway, patting my shoulder

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"Can you believe this is our last week of elementary school?" Josh came up from behind me in the hallway, patting my shoulder. "Just think, in a little over two months, we'll finally be in middle school."

"Whoa, slow down, let's enjoy summer break first," I laughed as Josh silently cheered. We were on our way to lunch, first going by Violet and Jules's homeroom so the four of us could walk together. Violet had been saying for a few months now that Josh and Jules liked each other, but I didn't think that was true. We all knew each other our entire lives, there was no way any of us thought of the other as more than friends. Although Violet and I have been getting a suspicious amount of knowing comments and looks lately.

"Okay, I have to admit, I am excited about summer break," Josh added. "It's almost time for our annual Waldaerwood volleyball tournament." That was always the highlight of the summer. We didn't live too far from Malibu Beach so we'd go as often as we could during the summer. Michael, James, and Jada were only seven, but they managed to get into the game somehow. Shawn was only two, Mark was born a month ago, Eric was three, and Lillian turned one last week, so Josh and Jules's siblings were too young to participate. But Michael and James were eagerly training them so they could play as soon as possible.

"Hey, is Brody coming to play volleyball? I heard Mom talking about it with Aunt Marissa."

I shrugged. Josh knew as much as I did. Our families have known Brody's family since kindergarten, but we had never invited them to any big Waldaerwood family activities like our Waldaerwood beach days. All of us considered them sacred, meant only for those part of the family. But maybe since we've known Brody for so long our parents were thinking about it. "I mean, I haven't heard Dad and Mom talking about it or Uncle Derrick and Aunt Melissa, but we can ask them after school."

"Sounds good," Josh nodded. We continued walking to Violet and Jules's class as the bell rang, signaling that the lunch period started. "Oh, hey, do you want to make my new Star Wars Lego set after dinner?"

"Wait, you got it? I definitely want to make it. I've been asking Dad for that set all year!"

Josh laughed, remembering all the days I spent complaining to him that Dad and Mom said no to me getting the new set because I had "enough to last me a lifetime."

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