6 | Think of Literally Anything Else

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"So, I told her that idea was ridiculous," Aubrey started as we entered the cafeteria and joined the lunch line

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"So, I told her that idea was ridiculous," Aubrey started as we entered the cafeteria and joined the lunch line. "I mean, we'd all probably pull a muscle if..." Aubrey's voice faded into the background. I could see Jada with Whitney in the lunch line, their heads close together as if they were talking about something private. I thought back with a sad smile to when we were like that. Interacting with Jada in class and by the lockers had thrown me for a loop. At least she actually talked to me this time.

"Michael? Hello, Michael?" Aubrey pulled me out of my thoughts. "Were you even listening to me?" Aubrey set her tray down. I didn't even realize that we had sat down at our table. I felt bad that especially recently, I had been regarding Aubrey as a second thought. But, I hadn't even been completely all in when we first started dating, so nothing had changed, however horrible I felt by thinking that.

"Sorry, Aubrey, I just got lost in thought," I tried to get Jada out of my mind but to no avail. The anger that she spat her words out in and the hurt look in her eyes, when she was thinking of what happened, wouldn't leave me alone. The guilt I felt with Aubrey and Jada was just the cherry on top. "So, you were saying that you told Sara...?"

"Oh right. So, as I was saying, I told her the plan was ridiculous, and that for the competition, we should..." Aubrey went on about a story from her dance team. They had a competition this weekend, so we didn't plan on doing anything for our six-month anniversary, except for maybe lunch or something when she got back. Some of Aubrey's other friends joined us, so I drifted into the background of the conversation, thankfully. I finally had an opportunity for a few minutes to gather my thoughts.

I missed hanging out with Jada, more than I cared to admit. I was the one who completely messed up, so I only had myself to blame. I should've just told her. I kept something that big from my best friend so I wouldn't lose her as a friend, and for what? I lost her completely anyway.

We became best friends before we could talk. Jada was always the first person I thought of when I had any kind of news to talk about. She still was, even though we didn't talk anymore. It seemed like Jada wanted to forget I existed since she hadn't talked to me since May. I didn't want to forget her, though. In all of my favorite memories, Jada was right there creating them with me.

I had an endless list of them. Six years ago in San Jose on our annual trip to see Grandma Judy, eight years ago when we were having a water balloon fight in the backyard, climbing on Jake and Violet's sacred tree, the list went on. Jada was my best friend, and there would never be anyone who could ever fill that role.

"Michael? Hello?" Aubrey once again pulled me out of my thoughts. "Did you not hear the bell? Lunch is over."

"Oh, sorry," I pushed away any thought of Jada from my mind and stood up, grabbing my tray. "Just got lost in thought again, I guess." Aubrey seemed to accept that answer and turned away to throw out her trash and started walking to the door with her friends. I got up soon after, catching Jada's eye as I passed her and Whitney. She looked away, turning back to Whitney as they continued talking.

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