"It's all done Alpha and King" Athena says with a cheeky smile "all borders are reinforced, nothing is coming in or out without your permission."

I lean into Harry as they all converse around me, I take a moment to look at my family. Realizing that this is everything I have ever wanted and now I have it. I have their love, their support, their care and security. I realise just how close I came to losing this, to losing more of those I loved that night. The night I nearly lost my beloved, the same night my uncle died at the hand of his own blade. The night Athena died trying to revive Saffi. It was a night of loss but then a night of miracles. As I share eye contact with Jasper I see his mind has wondered to the same night... the night that changed everything and all of us.


(Athena's POV)

I gasp as I realise I am back in that clearing, surrounded by familiar trees and in front of a familiar looking house. I startle looking around everywhere for Saffi, I need to save her. How did I get here?

I hear a sound behind me causing me to quickly gasp and turn. Aphrodite  stands in the same beautiful dress she had earlier. Her face turns to a frown as she looks upon me.

"You knew that you could not save Saffi, even with that crystal, but yet you still tried?" her voice is full of wander

"I had to... I couldn't let her die.."

"But now you are... that crystal sapped all of your life force when you tried to bring Saffi back. And now you are here and you cannot heal Harry... soon he to will die."

"no... no you cant let him die. Louis has lost too much already. Please do not make him suffer this as well."

I watch as she ponders for a while before beckoning me closer to her. She stands beside the pond and waves her hands. A distorted image of Louis holding Harry's wolf head in his lap, tears rushing down his face as he screams my name. I feel my heart breaking knowing I cannot come to him, that there is nothing I can do. He keeps pulling at the fur trying to wake Harry but also stop the bleeding. I feel tears come to my eyes as I realise the pain Louis will have to endure now, that I have failed him.

"please.... please don't let him hurt... not like this." tears roll down my face before I can stop them, I watch as Aphrodite's  gaze softens at my tears, reaching up to wipe them away before changing the image.

When I look back down its now Jasper holding on tightly to Saffi's body, crying and rocking in despair while  Lumi holds onto mine, cradling me trying to shake me awake with no success. I have never seen her look so distraught and heartbroken before.

"Why are you showing me this? Are you trying to hurt me?" I ask silently crying

"Of course not child... but you needed to see this to be able to make a decision. It will not be easy my child.... for you to return to your wonderful mate... you can only choose one. If you choose to bring Saffi back... Harry will die. If you choose to return for Harry you can heal him but Saffi will remain dead. The choice is yours?"

I stand looking at her in complete shock. How could I possibly make this decision? As I look back down I see the the two images playing side by side. I don't know how I could ever return knowing I will be causing someone I love pain, hurt and misery. I look to Aphrodite to see her watching me with concern and worry. I shake my head I will not make this choice.

"You say I can only choose to save one of them and myself?"

"Yes my child."

I nod solemnly, taking one last look at my beautiful mate holding onto my body, a sad smile reaches my face as tears fall freely.

"Then save them both."

"I can't-"

"you can.... you save them both and leave me here" her eyes widen with shock

"what of your mate?"

I smile sadly a few more tears falling from my eyes "She is strong... stronger than I have ever seen. She will hurt but she will remain strong for those around her."

"This is your final choice Athena?" Her voice stern

"Yes" its only a whisper that leaves my lips.

"Very well child..." she draws me in kissing my forward "You and your family - she looks down to the images of my family-  you are all my greatest creations"

I stand shocked looking at her "wait.. your- your not just a witch are you?"

She chuckles "no my dear I'm not... let Louis know his father is at peace with his beloved... look after yourself Athena. I'll be watching."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter... this is officially the end! Bye lovelies

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