Chapter 8 - Enemy.

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The enemy isn't as far away as you think. Simply take a blink, and in that millisecond; you'd realise that the enemy is hidden in that brief moment of darkness. Now the real question remains:

Who is the enemy?


"Hey, Kamsi! Kamsi!" I knew that voice. And no, it wasn't Kambili's. It was Angel's. And that was why I pretended to act like I hadn't heard her when she called.

"Kamsi!" I quickened my steps, hoping to lose her in a few minutes. Still, the girl carried on with chasing after me, and yelling my name.

"Kamsi!" I still ignored her.

"Kamsi!" More ignorance, and more approaching footsteps. I chose to break into a run instead.

"Kamsiyochukwu!" Seriously?! That did it. I soon came to a halt, and with a very exasperated sigh, I turned to look at her.

I watched as a smile drew across her face, and a certain eagerness settled in her eyes, as she began to race towards me. However, I didn't flinch. I didn't even want to seem opprobrious or anything—at that time—and that was why I simply waited for her to get a little closer. But if I was being honest, I was starting to get pissed  by this girl. What was her deal, anyway? Why was she always on my case? We weren't even friends.

"Hey." She smiled, as though we were the bestest of friends on the planet. "Haven't seen you in a while." She continued, and I shrugged in response.

Here's the thing: in school, everyone feared me, and they all hated me. No one, besides Kambili and Tyrone, could be seen talking to me. In fact, I snubbed nearly half the population of those who'd tried in the past. And here was this girl, trying to contradict that. I figured I'd have to put things straight with her. She needed to know that we were not friends, and could never be.

Sure, at the beginning, I sort of found her bearable. But not anymore. I knew there were a lot of people that were out to get me, and silently watching from the shadows; just so they could see my downfall. And for all I knew, Angel could have been one of those people. And besides, I already had way too many trust issues. Something about her goody-two-shoes behaviour, didn't sit right with me. There was something off about it, and I could feel it.

"What do you want, Angel?" My expression was stoic, and I could tell she knew I didn't want to keep this conversation, rolling. Nonetheless, she tried her best to act like she didn't notice my indifferent stance.

"Gee, something crawled up your arse and died?" She eyed me over, gripping onto the straps of her blue backpack, which was strapped to her shoulders. "What's up with you?" She quickly added.

"If you have nothing important to say, then I guess I shouldn't be wasting my time here." I said, nailing the icy stance that I wanted to.

From the looks of it, she froze. In fact, she stared at me—whilst tilting her head to the side—as though she were trying to see into my head, just by staring into my eyes. "Did I do something wrong? Why're you so cold towards me all of a sudden?" She asked, with a hint of innocent, exuding that one, particular question.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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