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to say that jeongin was freaked out would be an understatement. he was in his little space earlier but suddenly he came out of it, and was also quite close to peeing his pants which were his favorite pair given to him by his boyfriend.

he was squished in between two people next to him in the narrow backseat of the vehicle that they were traveling in. his eyes and mouth were covered by two pieces of black cloth and his hands were tied along with his legs so that he could barely move.

for the first part of the time in the van he had tried to desperately move around and screamed, trying to find a way to run away. it quickly turned out to be a stupid thing to do and his little bit of common sense left in his fear-wrecked brain told him to stop and not waste his energy. that and he nearly lost his voice from all the screaming which definitely would not be helpful later if he needs to yell for help.

he stayed silent until the van came to a rough stop.

"get him out," said a muffled voice.

jeongin's left arm was harshly grabbed and he was pulled out. he felt his phone in his inner coat pocket start to slowly fall out from all of the manhandling and he willed it to stay in place.

but of course, nothing was destined to go his way and it fell out as he took four steps forward on the gravelly ground.

"oh? what's this," said the masked male who was sitting in the passenger seat. "a phone? did you really think that someone would care enough about you to track your location or some shit?."

trying his very best to not let that comment get to him, jeongin stood there as his phone was tossed into the air once and fell onto the ground, the screen cracking immediately when it came in contact with gravel. the man also made sure to stomp on it a few times for good measure and make sure that it was broken. he then flicked a finger signaling the men on either sides of jeongin to lead him into the small house they were in front of.

the boy was once again harshly dragged inside. he was led down a flight of stairs and pushed onto a bed in a bright room. the ropes that bound his wrists were untied and he heard a voice say, "you can take off your blindfold and your gag."

so he did and immediately regretted it when the brightness of the all white room hit his eyes. "ah shit—"

"i don't remember you being able to curse back then princess. but then again, i guess you changed."

the words came from someone who just entered the room. he had used the nickname that chan called him and that triggered jeongin even more.

"who even are you? how do you know me and why did you kidnap me?"

"take a guess."

moving a step closer to jeongin, he brushed his bangs away from his eyes, the rest of his face still covered with a black mask. at that point, all that was visible was his hair, forehead, and eyes but as everyone knows by now, jeongin has terrible memory. so even though those eyes seemed extremely familiar, he couldn't pinpoint exactly who's they were and how he knew them.

"i don't..."

chuckling, the man simply said one word to the other men in the room, "out." obeying immediately, they left the room and the two were left all alone.

"now, try again. do you really not remember me?"

"no, of course i don't."

sighing, he squatted down and placed his chin in his perched hand. "summer of 2014? the same amusement park you were at today? eating churrros and riding the ferris wheel together? does any of that ring a bell?"

jeongin scrunched his face up, trying his best to remember. and suddenly it struck him.

"absolutely not— you're not jung youngmin, are you? there's no way that you're him..."

smirking, the man finally removed his mask, revealing a face that used to be extremely familiar to the boy but was now so extremely scarred that he couldn't see any resemblance besides the eyes.

"bingo. now, how does it feel to be back where you belong, traitor?"


i swear, this book was just supposed to be all fluff and just skz being idiots but uh here we are. ig i really just went with the flow damn

HAPPY 30 CHAPTERS TO THIS BOOK WOOHOO!! i started it in 2019 but i took such a long break from it that i basically started on it in late 2020 lmao. thanks y'all for supporting it so much! i can't believe it's also almost to 10k reads like wow 😳

(also, if you have any predictions of what's gonna happen next, please comment it! i love reading your guys' comments a lot. they really do make my day and they motivate me too.)

anygays stream god's ddu du ddu du mwah thanks bye ✨💕

#𝗠𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗛; 𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗬 𝗞𝗜𝗗𝗦 𝗢𝗧𝟴Where stories live. Discover now