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y'all are dumb bitches

[lixie has renamed the chat from 'y'all are dumb bitches' to 'where is jeongin'. click to learn more.]

where is jeongin

lixie: where is he. i know one of you fuckers have him.

jinnie: well minho hyung and i are at the studio rn to film something for the channel


hoie: nah that's next week for wow

lixie: oh

binnie: did you guys like the final version of it? if not i think i could do some last minute tune ups

channie: we're in my studio so just let us know

hoie: we'll let you know when we can get together and talk about it so don't worry now

channie: also why are you asking us where innie is shouldn't you know? you were the one who took him to the amusement park.

lixie: i left to go get him his churros because he wanted them but he needed to go to the restroom. by the time i got back, i couldn't find him anywhere and ive looked around the park and also called and texted him but i got nothing

lixie: so i assumed that one of you guys saw him here and he tagged along or something because we all know he forgets easily so he probably just forgot that he came with me

minnie: well jisung and i just got here so we could try to help

hoie: did you get the people who work there to announce it?

lixie: yeah. i got nothing

jinnie: hold on

jinnie: someone check his snapchat location

sungie: why don't you do it?

jinnie: i don't have snapchat genius

sungie: oh right

channie: it says he's moving to the outskirts of town?

channie: oh shit we have a problem

channie: it stopped for like two minutes and then his location disappeared.

minnie: but he never turns his location off...?

lixie: guys i don't think he willingly left

binnie: are you suggesting that he was taken involuntarily?

lixie: yeah

hoie: but who would take him? chan hyung any idea?

channie: it could just be a general kidnapping?

sungie: i don't think it is though. if it's a normal kidnapping then chances are that they probably have taken people before so they would know to turn off his phone immediately. since they didn't do that until now it's probably someone who hasn't done this before

hoie: oh damn when did you get braincells

sungie: i didn't spend all those hours binge watching crime shows instead of going on dates with you for no reason

minnie: hey do you guys remember his family?

channie: of course. those fuckers were absolutely despicable

channie: what type of family would throw their own son out of the house?

minnie: exactly

minnie: anyways, do you remember how he had a brother? and his brother was the definition of an obedient son so when their parents would go on the drunk rages he would follow what they told him to do and would hurt innie so let's say his parents got extremely wasted again and said something...

minnie: do you see where i'm going with this

jinnie: you're suggesting that he took him because his parents said so?

hoie: it actually makes sense though

lixie: guys we have another problem

lixie: there's a bunch of buff men in black waiting at all of the exits of the park

jinnie: MIB

jinnie: sorry continue

minnie: anyways— lix sung and i are trying to leave but there is no way we can without running into them

jinnie: could you try to leave from a more discreet exit?

sungie: we're going to the haunted house rn to see if we can sneak out

channie: ok. i took a screenshot before his location disappeared lemme send it

channie: [insert screenshot]

binnie: hyung and i are on our way to the location do we need to pick up anyone?

hoie: can you pick up me and hyunjin? we came on the bus

channie: yea

lixie: there's an exit behind the haunted house so if we run fast enough and hide well i think we can make it to my car

lixie: we asked the employee and explained what was going on and he let us

sungie: thank you mr johnny sir how could we ever repair you

jinnie: it's repay you dumb bitch

sungie: that's what i said

jinnie: not true

sungie: oh oops autocorrect

sungie: i wasn't really looking while typing

minnie: ok let's meet at the 7/11 near the location

binnie: ok see you there

channie: even if a single hair on my baby's head is touched by those fuckers i will get blood on my hands tonight, mark my words.


oooh what's gonna happen o.O

can y'all leave a guess?

also i miss jinnie so here's this pic that makes me cry every day (no joke)

also i miss jinnie so here's this pic that makes me cry every day (no joke)

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