<Josey's POV>

As we sat in English listening to Mr Johnsons's stories, which are definitely not related to Romeo and Juliet, I was thinking about my best friends at camp. You see, I'm not just a normal high school student. In my 17 years of life, I have been through much more than any soldier should in a full lifetime. I still get flashbacks to Tartarus and the Bronze jar. Nope. Not thinking about that right now. Don't want a panic attack right now. It takes a lot to get me grounded after a flashback, nightmare or panic attack. Nico is one of the only people who can do it straight away, as we went through it all together.  Another person is my boyfriend ;). However, I  was brought back to the present by Brian calling my name.

"Di Angelo!"

"Earth to Josey!"

Slightly confused, I muttered, "Hmm... yes?"

"I've been trying to get your attention for ages! Anyway, what do you think about going to the mall after school with us, to go to Hot Topic and a book store for you and Amari? We could also get food or something. My cousin said we could catch a ride with her on her way. Me, Lee, Ami, and Izzy are going, but we want you to come as well. What do you say?" Brian asked.

Umm... I could probably go with them, but I would have to be home early to pack for camp this weekend. Our annual meet with the seven and others was this Friday evening to Sunday evening. You see, I don't live at camp all year round, I live in a small apartment with Nico and Will that's financed by the Gods. Since we all go to school in the same area, we stay in a shared apartment owned by the camp throughout most of the year.

"Yeah sure, I need to check with my Dad, but it should be alright," I said. "I'll ask him now."

While Mr Johnson was talking about Zodiac signs and whatnot with the rest of the class, I discreetly pulled out my monster-proof phone, courtesy of the Hephaestus and Vulcan Kids, to ask my 'Dad' if I could go.  My 'Dad' in question, is actually Nico. I just tell them I have a parent to put up the facade of being 'normal', whatever that is. I mean I do have a Dad and a Mum, but Mamma is dead obviously, and I don't live in the underworld with Hades, so it would be weird to ask him to go to the mall. So I texted Nico under the cover of 'Dad'. I just hope they don't see the screen.

The Better Twin:

Hey Neeks, I am gonna go with my school friends to the mall after school.

Real Best Twin:

Okay Jose, do you have your weapons with you?

The Better Twin:

Yeah, I've got my Daggers and Slingshot.

(the bullets never run out for her slingshot)

Real Best Twin:

Good, keep them on you all the time and stay alert, other than that, stay safe and have fun :)

The Better Twin:

Yeah, yeah, I'll stay safe. See you later! <3

I put away my phone before I could get caught and just hoped that none of my friends saw my messages, cause they don't know about Neeks. All they know is that I go to a camp for ADHD and Dyslexia kids, all summer, they are also used to me going MIA for weeks at a time over the summer and turning up late to things, but they just see that as a 'quirk' of mine.

"Yeah 'Dad', says that I can go with you guys."

"Great!" Lee whisper shouted

"Shut up Lee." Brian grumbled, you see they 'hate' each other but are friends even if they don't want to admit it, Brian is a literal sweetheart and so is Lee really. Once you get past all the, scary-ness. Anyone else might mistake this for them having crushes on each other, but Lee is Omni and in a relationship with a person called Eli and I believe that Brian is Pan with a crush on someone else.

Josey Di Angelo (A Nico Di Angelo Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant