This will explain everything

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As I was pulling into the driveway of the house, I quickly parked the car and thought for a moment. I needed to find a way to prove to Ariana that the girl was in fact my brothers girlfriend

Sitting in the car and thinking for a minute, I decided to call my mom to see if she had any ideas. I let the phone ring for a few seconds before she picked up

"Y/n! How are you?" She asked

"I'm good, mom. How are you guys?" I asked

"We're good, your brother and Carmen are taking a nap" she explained

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked

"Is everything alright?" She asked

"Yea, it's just.." I didn't wanna tell her how jealous Ariana can be

"Are you sick? Is Ariana sick?" She asked

"No, we're both healthy, but this does relate to Ariana" I said

"Did you two break up?" She asked

"No" I said

"Well, spit it out" she urged me

"We had an argument" I admitted

"What did you do?" My mom started ask me

"What? I- nothing" I said

The line went quiet

"At least I don't think I did" I said

"Tell me what's going on" she said

"We had an argument because some paparazzi pictures of Logan, Carmen, and I were posted" I said

"Okay? I don't see the problem?" She said confused

"She thought Carmen was my secret girlfriend" I said

"Why would she think that?" My mom asked

"Because I didn't tell her where I was all day and I wanted to surprise her with Logan because she's been wanting to meet him" I explained

"Did you tell her that she was your brother girlfriend?" My mom asked

"Of course I did, but she didn't believe me because I didn't tell her that Logan was back yet, I didn't even know he was back until he called me last minute" I said

"So she's jealous?" My mom asked

"Yup" I said popping the p

"Well, how about you introduce Ariana to Logan and Carmen to reassure her" she suggested

"That's what I was planning on doing but-" my mom cut me off

"Your dad and I can host dinner" my mom suggested

"Oh no you don't have to do all that" I said

"We want to, it's no worries" my mom said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Of course, it'll be fun!" My mom cheered

"Okay, if you don't mind-" I started

"I don't" she said

"Okay, thank you mom" I said

"You're very welcome. What day works best?" She asked

"Any day but tonight" I said

"Is tomorrow okay?" She asked

"Tomorrow is perfect" I replied

"Okay, I have to go plan what I'm going to cook" she said

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