Take time

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Ariana's POV

"Let me try that again" I said

"No problem" Tommy said

He started to play positions again and I added some harmonies in

"That sounds really good" he said

I can see Victoria jamming out on the couch in the corner

I hummed in the background and I honestly took myself back

"I don't know what I just did, but let me double it" I said

Tommy nodded and played it back

I doubled exactly what I did

"Can you play it back real quick?" I asked

"Please" I added

Tommy nodded his head and played it back to me

I listened carefully to see if it sounds okay

"That sounds good as fuck" Victoria said

I sent a wink her way

"Okay, should I do a little 'yuh' or save it?" I asked

"Do it. Just go for it" Tommy said

I nodded and he started playing it again. I added the little yuh

"Okay let me hear it.. please" I said

Tommy nodded. I listened carefully once again

"Maybe blend it so it doesn't sound so over powering" I said

"Got you on that" he said

He blended it and then played in back to me

"Yea, I like that" I said

"That was perfect, Ari" Tommy said

"Dead ass" Victoria added

"Thank you" I giggled a little

"You can come out for now" Tommy said

I nodded my head and walked out the booth, I was adding background vocals on positions to make it less boring. As I walked out of the booth, I took a seat on the couch next to Vic

"So what's up?" She asked

"How's everything with Miss Knight?" Tommy asked

I instantly got a smile on my face

"I'm assuming good, since you got a geeky grin" Tommy said

Victoria nodded her head

"They're in the honeymoon phase" she butted in

I shrugged my shoulders, kind of agreeing with her, kind of not

"How is she handling you?" Tommy asked

I put my hand over my heart and scoffed in order to sound hurt

"What? I'm just saying, sometimes you can be needy" he shrugged

"It's true, Ari" Victoria agreed with him

"I think me and her are both needy. Like she craves attention when I'm not and I crave attention when she's not, see it's perfect" I said

Tommy and Victoria looked at each other

"What? Why are you making faces at each other?" I asked

"No reason.." Vic said

"when's the last time you've been at your house?" Tommy asked

"Uhh" I thought for a moment

I honestly couldn't remember

"I think not since we got back from our little trip" I said honestly

"You're kidding" Vic said

"Nope" I replied

"Damn, you might as well move in" Tommy said

"Believe me, I would if I could" I said

"And why can't you?" Victoria asked

"Too soon" I said plainly

"So you're telling me if she asked, you would say no?" Tommy asked

"I didn't say that" I said

"Then you would say yes?" Vic asked

"Duh" I replied

I thought for a moment

"I guess I'm waiting for her to ask because I don't just want to invite myself into her house, you know" I said

They both nodded their heads

"I'm sure she wants you to move just as much as you do" Vic said

"What makes you think that?" I asked

"I can just tell. You're always with each other. You're like joined at the hip" she replied

I nodded my head agreeing with a big smile on my face

"Do you think it's too soon?" Tommy asked

"If it is, I don't care. We only live once, right?" I said

"YOLO!!!" Victoria shouted

That caused all of us to burst into laughter

"But seriously, the best advice I can give is follow your heart. You love her, she loves you. Moving in will only bring you two closer" Tommy said

"Facts" Victoria said

I nodded my head and thought on that

"Maybe I'll talk to her about it" I said once I was done thinking

"You totally should" Vic said

"Yea" Tommy said

"It's all about time, take your time if you really need to" Victoria said

"Yea, I will... but if she asks me, I'm saying yes in a heartbeat" I laughed

Victoria and Tommy laughed along with me

"As you should" Victoria laughed

"Damn right" Tommy laughed

"There's also no rush" i said

"True" Victoria said

"Yea, like you've been dating a month?" Tommy asked

I nodded my head telling him yes

"See, so if she doesn't bring it up anytime soon, it's that that big of a deal.. you basically live there already so that won't change" he said

"Oh my god, I didn't even think of that" Vic said lightly slapping his arm

He nodded his head with a smirk

"Exactly" he said

"Very valid points are being made here, but again, I just feel like in the back of my mind I feel like I'm intruding" I said

Tommy looked at Vic

"What?" I asked

"Don't feel like that. She clearly loves having you around so there's no way you're intruding" Tommy said

"I would just feel better if I you know.. actually lived there. Plus all my dogs and piggy basically lives at her house as well and what if she secretly hates all the animals?" I asked

"If she hated them, why would she keep them in her house?" Tommy asked

I shrugged, not really having and answer

"Plus, I've seen the way she interacts with them, I can tell she actually likes them. Like the way she kisses Toulouse and Myron tells me she loves them" Victoria said

I smiled, thinking about when y/n kissed all the animals on their head before we left this morning

I nodded. They were right. I knew y/n accepted all the animals and loved them, just by the way she acts with them.

"You'll be fine" Tommy said

"Yes you will" Victoria added

I nodded

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