Just do it

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I was woken up by my head pounding

"Ow" I whispered

I felt a light weight on my chest so I looked down to see Ariana's head there. Her eyes are closed and her breaths are even.

My head kept pounding but I don't want to move and risk waking Ariana so I just push through it

Within a matter of minutes she starts to stir awake

"Good morning" she whispers

"Good morning" I said

"Sorry, I didn't realize I fell asleep on you again" she said

"It's okay" I smiled

"My head is pounding" she said

"Mine too" I said

"I'll get the medicine, you get the water?" She asked

"Yea" I smiled waiting for her to get off of me

I watched as she walked up the stairs to her bedroom to get the medicine, I then went the kitchen to get two water bottles.

In a matter of minutes, Ariana came back down with the medicine

"Here you go" she said handing me two as she kept two for herself

"Thank you" I smiled plopping them I my mouth

My mind was racing. Of course I remember everything from last night, but does she?

I decide that i'm not gonna bring anything up until she does

"You okay over there?" Ariana asked taking a gulp of her water in order to swallow the pills

"Hm? Yea. Yea I'm fine" I said

"What's on your mind?" She asked

"Nothing" I said

"Okay?" She questioned

"Do you remember anything from last night, because I can't remember shit" she added

"I know we watched Harry Potter" I said a little disappointed

"That's all?" She asked

"I can't remember anything else" I said

"Y/n, I'm fucking with you. I remember we kissed" she started dying on laughter

"Wait, what!? We did?" I asked pretending I don't remember, trying to be the best actor I've ever seen

"Oh shit.. Yea... you don't remember?" She asked

"Nope" I said shaking my head

"Fuck" she said under her breath

"I'm just joking. I remember" I started laughing

"You asshole" she yelled charging at me

I started running around the kitchen and in the living room

"Got ya!" She shouted tackling me to the ground

"Okay, okay" I said trying to get up

"Not so fast" she said

"Do you actually remember or are you just telling me that so I don't feel bad?" she asked

"No, I remember" I said

"Well I-" she started but got cut off by her phone ringing

"One sec" she said

"Hello?" She answered, walking into the kitchen

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