"it involves fire--"

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"Are you absolutely sure?" questioned Hermione as her, Ron, Harry and Nadia as they speedily made their way up the moving staircases.

"We saw it, Hermione." Nadia insisted. It had taken a while to convince Draco she was okay after her "vision" thing. He had suggested she go and take a nap in hopes of sleeping it off but instead she reassured him she was fine. That's when she made her way to find Harry and her friends because she knew that he would have seen it too.

"It's juts like Mr Weasley," Harry said.

"Sirius mentioned that Voldemort wanted something in the Department of Ministries." Nadia added as her and the others changed stairs.

Hermione was reluctant, "Nadia, Harry. Listen, please!" Nadia and Harry stopped in their tracks with a look of desperation on their faces. "What if Voldemort meant for you to see this?"

"What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to you?" Ron agreed with Hermione: for once.

Nadia's face scrunched up in disgust and awe, "So what if he is? You suggest we just let him die?"

"Hermione, he's some of the only family we've got!" Harry pleaded with wide eyes. His decision was unwavering and final.

Hermione and Ron sighed.

"What do we do?" Ron asked.

Nadia's face lit up, "I have a solution!"

The other's heads snapped, "Yes?" Hermione urged.

"It involves fire and—"
"Absolutely not!"

Harry exhaled and announced, "We'll use the Floo Network,"

They discussed their game plan as they descended through the corridors leaving the echo of their footsteps. They stood from the outside of Umbridge's office—it was perfect seeing all of the networks had been under surveillance. Except hers.


The door opened and the overly pink room burned Nadia's eyes once again. She tried to ignore the overwhelming amount of pink hues and the excessive cats meowing as she picked up the vase of Floo Powder.

"Alert the Order," Harry advised as he gave Nadia his hand for her to give him some powder. He stood in the fireplace ready to go but Ron objected quickly.

"No way! Are you mental? We're going with you!"

"It's too dangerous." Argued Harry firmly.

Nadia scoffed and replied with, "since when has that been a problem?"

"When are you going to get it inside your head?" Hermione exclaimed, "We're in this together!"

"That you are." The voice of the pink toad declared.

'Shit,' Nadia thought.


Umbridge sat Nadia in a chair with her wand poised towards her. The Inquisitorial Squad restrained Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Valerie and Luna. Draco then stormed in gripping Neville by his robe collar.

"Caught this one trying to help the Weaslette," Nadia's jaw dropped. How on earth was Draco still on the squad after her and him kissed in front of Umbridge. His face also dropped when he saw her sitting lonesome in the chair.

Umbridge signalled Draco to let Neville join the rest. Umbridge scowled and looked disdainfully at Nadia who was bound by a spell in the chair, unable to move nor escape.

"You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?"


"Liar!" Umbridge yelled, stomping her foot with fists clenched.

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